Retro Fire

The 2019 California wildfires caused less damage than the last two  devastating seasons | AccuWeather

The 2020 Mars Retrograde: Are we seeing a sparking in the physical world of these fiery forces burning in the West, that are now going inward..?

Well here we are friends, another mini apocalypse (Remember this word actually mean Revelation!) One of the most import transits of 2020 has begun. What will it bring us? What are the main characteristics of Mars retrograde in Aries ? Well, since the shadow period has started more than a month ago, I think we have begun to get a clue as to what to expect.

Mars Painting by Hans Thoma

When a planet is retrograde, its energies go against the regular flow of things. Usually the astral forces of nature streams from within towards the outside world. But when a planet is retrograde it goes the other way around: from outside toward the within.

mars rules ares - Psychics Blog

Ok so let’s build the picture: Mars in Aries is retrograde (double fire!) Can you sense this intense energy being directed from the external world towards you – causing mainly two things. First, we may feel consumed, enveloped in feelings of anger. Secondly, retrogrades are all about dealing with situations from the past that literally boomerang back.

Examples: A situation that we thought we had successfully overcome, nope, another layer often surfaces to question us again. People we have hurt might retaliate, or suddenly fight back. Or maybe we are struggling in a war of wills, & even though we were holding our ground in a strong position, things might suddenly turn against us & now we are in retreat. It’s a kind of backfire: what goes around comes around.

Pictures of Greek God Ares, the fierce God of War and Defence

On the positive side, Mars retrograde is certainly an opportunity for growth. It’s often good for the warriors to stop fighting each other & retreat to gain a more objective perspective. The truce allows us to rest & recover. And as we take care of our personal wounds, we can also think about what we’ve done, & process how we can bring harmony & healing. The bigger picture begins to take shape. And we may even realize that perhaps we had a bigger part in starting the fight, even if we didn’t mean to.

DArcevia Bruno | Mars, God of War (1989) | MutualArt
D.Arcevia Bruno

Mars retrograde asks us: How do we use our strength & energy? How is it received by others? Do we push it too much? Or are we inadvertently aggressive, too choleric? Mars retrograde can be the opportunity to become more aware of our relationship with fire energy.

Let’s take a look at the calendar to outline the key dates and degrees of Mars Retrograde 2020.

Sun 28-06-2020     Mars (29Pis59) --> Aries
Sun 28-06-2020     Mars ( 0Ari13) Sextuple [ 0Aqu13] Saturn
Tue  4-08-2020     Mars (19Ari44) Squ [19Cap44] Jupiter
Thu 13-08-2020     Mars (23Ari04) Squ [23Cap04] Pluto
Mon 24-08-2020     Mars (26Ari19) Squ [26Cap19] Saturn

Thu 10-09-2020     Mars <28Ari08> Station/Retrograde
Tue 29-09-2020     Mars [25Ari20] Squ (25Cap20) Saturn
Fri  9-10-2020     Mars [22Ari29] Squ (22Cap29) Pluto
Mon 19-10-2020     Mars [19Ari26] Squ (19Cap26) Jupiter
Sat 14-11-2020     Mars <15Ari14> Station/Direct

Wed 23-12-2020     Mars (23Ari55) Squ (23Cap55) Pluto
Thu  7-01-2021     Mars (29Ari59) --> Taurus
Staying Calm in Quicksand: Mars Retrograde and the Capricorn Full Moon –  Wolven

The most important Mars retrograde dates are going to be September 29th, October 9th & October 19th. On these dates Mars is going to make a square with Saturn, Pluto & Jupiter respectively, increasing the tension of the transit.

Usually Mars is retrograde for about 70 days. Specifically, Mars in Aries is going to be retrograde from September 10th 2020 at 28° Aries to November 14th 2020 at 15° Aries. These dates don’t take into account the shadow period which we are currently experiencing big time.

God Of War Paintings (Page #3 of 4) | Pixels
Burt Fellone

Mars was in the pre-shadow period from July 27th 2020 to September 10th 2020. And it is going to be in its post-shadow period from November 14th 2020 to January 3rd 2021.

So my friends, we will have a good amount of time to wrestle with these energies. I propose we work with the grace described by Rudolf Steiner in The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz, lecture VII. THE MISSION OF GAUTAMA BUDDHA ON MARS

Gods of Directions and Celestial Bodies at Wat Nong Wang - Tim's Thailand

A Conference of the greatest and most advanced Individualities was called together by Christian Rosenkreutz. His most intimate pupil and friend, the great teacher Buddha, participated in these counsels and in the decisions reached. At that spiritual Conference it was resolved that henceforward Buddha would dwell on Mars and there unfold his influence and activity. Buddha transferred his work to Mars in the year 1604. And on Mars he performed a deed similar to that performed by Christ on the Earth in the Mystery of Golgotha. Christian Rosenkreutz had known what the work of Buddha on Mars would signify for the whole Cosmos, what his teachings of Nirvana, of liberation from the Earth would signify on Mars. The teaching of Nirvana was unsuited to a form of culture directed primarily to practical life. Buddha’s pupil, Francis of Assisi, was an example of the fact that this teaching produces in its adepts complete remoteness from the world and its affairs. But the content of Buddhism which was not adapted to the practical life of man between birth and death was of high importance for the soul between death and a new birth. Christian Rosenkreutz realised that for a certain purification needed on Mars, the teachings of Buddha were pre-eminently suitable. The Christ Being, the Essence of Divine Love, had once come down to the Earth to a people in many respects alien, and in the seventeenth century, Buddha, the Prince of Peace, went to Mars — the planet of war and conflict — to execute his mission there. The souls on Mars were warlike, torn with strife. Thus Buddha performed a deed of sacrifice similar to the deed performed in the Mystery of Golgotha by the Bearer of the Essence of Divine Love. To dwell on Mars as Buddha was a deed of sacrifice offered to the Cosmos. He was as it were the lamb offered up in sacrifice on Mars and to accept this environment of strife was for him a kind of crucifixion. Buddha performed this deed on Mars in the service of Christian Rosenkreutz. Thus do the great Beings who guide the world work together, not only on the Earth but from one planet to another.

Since the Mystery of Mars was consummated by Gautama Buddha, human beings have been able to receive different forces from Mars during the corresponding period between death and a new birth. Not only does a man bring with him into a new birth quite different forces from Mars, but because of the influence exercised by the spiritual deed of Buddha, forces also stream from Mars into men who practice meditation as a means for reaching the spiritual world. When the modern pupil of Spiritual Science meditates in the sense indicated by Christian Rosenkreutz, forces sent to the Earth by Buddha as the Redeemer of Mars, stream to him.”

May we tap into, & increase the energies outpictured by the sacrifice of the Buddha, bringing his potent Peace to the god of war within us all. Let us use this time to focus our meditations on taming the fires of Mars, channeling them into a fiery enthusiasm for Truth, Purpose, & the Will for good.



Ceres Greetings Card by Wendy Andrew
Wendy Andrew

Here are the Soul Calendar verses for week 24 by Rudolf Steiner, Translated by Roy Sdler

In constant self-creation
the soul grows self-aware;
the spirit of the world moves on
in new self-knowledge re-enlivened,
creating from the darkness of the soul
the harvest of the sense of self
the will brings home.

Paintings – Mary Southard Art
Mary Southard

and its October mirror,
To have the inner fire
to kindle thinking’s radiance
and draw the meaning of experience
from worldwide spirit’s well of power
is now for me the summer’s heritage,
is autumn’s peace, and also winter’s hope.


On Sunday, September 20th, the day the foundation stone was laid into the first Goetheanum, we invite everyone back to share and offer a plenum. 

HOW WE WILL HARVEST: 12 pm pacific, 1pm mountain, 2pm central, 3pm eastern9pm Europe / Dornach

I have been asked to share a few Leading Thoughts around the Michaelmas Season

for Zoom details & Schedule contact


ECAS August News Flash - Interview: Forming a Comprehensive View on  Populism & What is Happening in Our Societies | #MyEUstory: Activism in  Democracy | ELIANT campaign for better child development |

ALIANT ALLIANCE MICHAELMAS MEET-UP: Tuesday, September 29th (for roughly 2.5 hours) @ 10am pacific, 11am mountain, 12pm central, 1pm eastern, 7pm Europe / Dornach

We will discuss organizing some of the ALIANT Next Steps

Review ELIANT’s Charter, Vision, and Mission Statement –

Take up a biweekly study of Rudolf Steiner’s Speaker’s Lectures for the Threefold Commonwealth from 1921, found in Communicating Anthroposophy(We place an order and coordinate shipping, if you are interested please message us, and if you would like support purchasing a book, let us know! ) –

Study our countries’ Constitution wherever we are living.

If you would like to engage our future steps with us, please email Dottie and Frank at


Umbra Perchiazzi

The Central Regional Council Invites ALL to our Michaelmas Festival: ‘Courage Born of Wisdom’ – Wednesday 23 September 2020 –On ZOOM – 7:15 pm CDT – 8:30 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

1st CRC performs a telling of a tale from ancient Chaldea where EA gives birth to Marduk, precursor to Michael.

Wisdom, Proverbs 9:1-6
Proverbs 24: 1-9

then “Wisdom Built herself a house*”…7 members of the various sections of the Anthroposophical Society will stand as Wisdom’s 7 Pillars to share how Courage was born from Wisdom leading to their work in the world.

Pedagogical Section –Michael Holdrege
Youth Section – Stephan Ambrose
Medical Section –Drs. Molly & Quentin McMullen
Eurythmy – Barbara Richardson
Social Science Section – Doug Wylie
BioDynamic Agriculture – Rand Carter
Three-Folding – Dorothy Hinkle-Uhlig

St. Michael Archangel | Archangel michael, Jesus christ images ...

with Original songs by Lucien Dante Lazar!

&  a closing about the connection between Michael, The Christ & Anthroposophia!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 7046 0900
One tap mobile
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+13126266799,,81116556762# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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Meeting ID: 820 7046 0900

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If you have questions, please contact Alberto Loya


Michaelmas 2020: Joan d’Arc – PURIFYING FIRE: The Power behind the Will –

Date: Saturday 26 Sept. 2020. Time: 2 pm – 5 pm CDT with a Potluck Community Meal to follow, please bring food & beverages to share! 

In-Person at: Elderberries Biodynamic Outpost & Cultural Hub in Chicago – The ‘Have Seeds House’ in Los Angeles  –  ‘The Arc‘ in Atlanta

& Online Meeting ID: 979 5592 0156

Schedule in process:

Lucien Dante Lazar– Ring the Iron Bell – Welcome – How does our Festival form a Being of Courage in this Now? (10 – 15 minutes?)

Group Singing: Michaelmas Time Song (5 Minutes)

Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc - Mark Twain | Feedbooks

Angela Foster – Leading Thoughts, & ‘Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc – Preface’ (20-30 minutes)

Delicious Reads: "Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc" {by Mark Twain}  Book Club Ideas

Mary Spalding – ‘Courage Dear Hearts’ Biography of Jeanne d’Arc (10 minutes)

Bending Birches: Eurythmy weekend

Copper Rod Eurythmy: (5-10 minutes)

Dottie Zold & Frank Agrama – A Michaelic Will:  Joan of Arc, Sophie Scholl, Saint Odilie and Jesus of Nazareth. (30 – 40 minutes) ‘We are dealing here with a superhuman entity, a being who lived in the spiritual world and heard humanity crying out in misery, calling out to the spiritual worlds for help. This being prepared to receive the Christ Being.’ ‘Humanity cried out in pain and torment, and its cries rose up to that spirit being, who responded by seeking permission from the Sun Spirit to become imbued with Christ.’ 

Frank Agrama and Dottie Zold, of Elderberries and Have Seeds community, will look at the biographies of these individuals who developed the quality and capacity to work out of ‘a culture of selflessness’ in their community, and the impact this had on the world as young people becoming.  We can understand these individuals’ path of sacrifice, as a reflection of the archetype of Jesus of Nazareth, during his growing and seeking years as spoken of in Rudolf Steiner’s Fifth Gospel.

Michael is a being of Strength, Courage and Will. He is Sun spirit. He wishes to be regarded.’ 

Group Singing: Firmly on the Earth I Stand Song? (5 minutes)

Quote/s of the Day – 30 May – The Memorial of St Joan of Arc (1412-1431) –  AnaStpaul

Biography Work in Break out Groups – Sharing a story of courage from our lives: Each person takes 3 minutes to tell their tale. (15 minutes)

Large Group Sharing (5-10 minutes)

‘The Passage’ by Lucian Dante Lazar (15 minutes)

Large Group Sharing (5-10 minutes) which can lead into or be part of:

Joan of Arc - Wikiquote

Angela Foster – Social Sculpture – Weaving the Chalice (20 minutes)

Mars and Saturn aspects in the Synastry Chart: How do you join instinctual  action and planning?

The Mars / Saturn Square (10 minutes)

Autumn | Wynstones Press | Poems, Songs & Stories | Waldorf Books – Bella  Luna Toys

Everyone takes a turn Ringing the IRON, verse, (5 minutes)

Chicago Event | Reverse Ritual

Hag – Last thoughts (5-10 minutes) – Goodbye – Thank you – Potluck

Saturday, 9/26 @2-5pm Meeting ID: 979 5592 0156


Tuesday, September 29 MICHAELMAS ‘Talisman for Courage’ Art Workshop with Victoria Martin 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

MICHAELMAS ‘Talisman for Courage’ Art Workshop at the Rudolf Steiner Chicago Branch 4249 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago 6:30-8:30 PM Facilitated by Victoria Martin

RSVP –  312-961-3380

6:30 (sunset) Doors open: orientation. Tea, nuts, and fruit are served

7 PM sharp Visual lecture and demonstration

7:15 PM –8:00 PM workshop  – Pastels on flat canvas good for 100+ years (archival materials)

8:00– 8:30 PM discussion – We will learn all about symbols of The Michaelmas: Wings, Iron Meteorites/Stars, Scales of Judgment, Sword of Justice, and the Serpent/Dragon. There will be a wide selection of easy to render visual images in any/all of these 5 categories at each workstation. We will use a black charcoal pencil and the colors red, gold, and turquoise archival pastels on raw canvas size 11” x 11” this Talisman will be suitable for mounting on stretchers or framing (no glass needed).

Limited to 10 participants $15 tuition + $5 materials = $20 or pay what you will. Observers and guests are welcome at no charge, but please bring tree nuts, greens, fruit, or other paleo snacks.

Everyone: wear something RED: Michael’s color!

One thought on “Retro Fire

  1. Dear Hazel,

    Steiner gave an important lecture here on how all of the planets work in positive ways for the good of building the Universal Human. As such, the three outer planets: Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, work on the upper Astral Body of Man, while Venus and Mercury work on the Etheric Body, and lower Astral organization, respectively. And, out of this working, the planets move in inner revolutions of their own making, which expresses this ever-present activity on behalf of humanity. Here is the synopsis:

    “Earthly man’s connection with the planetary forces. As late as the fourth post-Atlantean epoch, awareness of the ego development’s link with sun; necessity today to regain this insight. Polarity of sun and moon forces in structure of earthly man. Differentiation of forces as noted through the process of eating: effects of earthly forces, the circumference, moon, and sun forces. Further differentiation of planetary influences in astral body: besides the sun, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars are effective in “upper” man; in “lower” man, besides the moon, Mercury and Venus. Constellation and earthly birth.

    Therefore, do you really think that Mars in retrograde is a possible cause of the wildfires? As well, what would Gautama Buddha think of it?

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