Thought O Day (TOD)
My friends – We will soon be dealing with a challenge we have never faced before, or maybe we have (the great flood comes to mind) but not in this way. We are being asked: How do we synchronize two major archetypes – the Lover & the Warrior.
As always, it will be a daunting task, a trail of initiation, if you choose to accept it.
We are being asked to cultivate the tender, considerate, impulses of the inner Lover, while simultaneously feeding the fiery discipline of our Righteous Warrior-Self, as we approach what appears to be an abyss (or is it a portal – a Threshold into a new reality?)
So it’s extremely important that the Wisdom of the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ gets across. If we understand the necessity for this crucifixion, & understand that it is a preparation for a resurrection – an empowerment toward New Life, then we will be equipped to go through it, without too much fear, trusting in the logic of the Divine Transformation.
The power that is ‘doing this to us’ is coming towards us with both a quality of terrifying destruction & extreme grace. The destruction is, in fact, a form of that extreme grace – IF what we build out of it is moral. It is quite clear that humanity is now terminally ill, & can only be transfigured by a totally shocking revelation of our shadow side, which only appears to come from outside us. And this is what we’re living through, these shadow sides exploding in every direction because we have done nothing but betray the sacred in us.
Those who turn to Wisdom, illuminating the intellect with the new forces of the etheric heart that are striving to be born through the Anthroposophia within us; those who cultivate the Light of Michaelic thinking; those who realize the truth behind the illness, will be given extraordinary protection, strength, & revelation.
We will be empowered in the core of ourselves to become what we must now become–a spiritual revolutionary, devoting our entire life & all our spiritual resources to the preservation of the planet, for the highest good of all.
Finding the Divine Feminine, in whatever form you want to find her, realizing the great task that she’s here to assist us with, will calm & guide us, to forge forward in the work ahead.
Let us learn the secret language of light again. Also the letters of the dark. Re-member the flight patterns of birds, the syllables of wolf howl & bird song, the moving pantomime of branch & leaf, valleys & peaks of whale calls, the long sentences of ants moving in unison, the forming & re-forming of clouds, the codices of stars. Let us, reconstitute the world, sign by sign & melody by melody.
Let us sing the world back into the very Heart of the Holy Name of God.
6 April 2020 – “Speaking with the Stars”: a few hours before sunrise, look for Jupiter, Saturn, & Mars marching upward in the southeastern sky. These 3 Sacred outer world planets are gearing up for a major convocation as Pluto slowly approachs its aphelion, the farthest point in its orbit from the Sun.
Read an astounding Astrosophy report by Jonathan Hilton: The Corona World: Part I We Are In This Together! Earth, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter in 2020
“What is to be the starting force & impulse for events in social & ethical life must come out of the spiritual world.” ~Rudolf Steiner, New Spiritual Impulses in History” Dornach 16 December, 1917
Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day
582- Death & Feast Day of Eutychius of Constantinople, Toward the end of his life, Eutychius maintained an opinion that after the resurrection the body will be “more subtle than air” & no longer a tangible thing. This was considered heretical, because it was taken as a denial of the doctrine of physical, corporeal resurrection.
1520 – Deathday of Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, known as Raphael. He died on Good Friday. He was also born on Good Friday in 1483.
“It must seem strange that Raphael was the same person as a thorny character like John the Baptist. How could it happen that this thorny man, who had to pave the way for the Mystery of Golgotha in such a violent way, reappeared as the gentle, pliable, charming Raphael? But look at this. Raphael’s father, Giovanni Santi, died when Raphael was eleven. He was a painter. He was not a great painter so far as external achievements go, but he had great ideas in his head, although he could not put them on camas because he had no technical skill. He was also a poet. There was a great deal of fantasy in him, but the physical capacities simply were not there. He went early through the portal of death, and then his forces worked into his son. In Raphael’s hands and imagination worked all that his father could send into the physical world. One can say that the old Giovanni Santi was a painter without hands in the supersensible world, for in a wonderful karmic relationship he supplied, in combination with the Christ-filled individuality of the Baptist, what came to expression in Raphael. The supersensible world had to work with the physical world to achieve this result. It shows how the so-called dead are able to influence those who have been left behind…” ~ Rudolf Steiner, On the Relationship with the Dead, 23 April 1913
Raphael, as we know from was an Italian painter & architect of the High Renaissance. Raphael was enormously productive, running an unusually large workshop &, despite his death at 37, leaving a large body of work. Many of his works are found in the Vatican Palace. From 1517 until his death, Raphael lived in the Palazzo Caprini in the Borgo, in rather grand style in a palace designed by Bramante. He never married, & was thought to be bi-sexual. He is said to have had many affairs, but a permanent fixture in his life in Rome was “La Fornarina”, Margherita Luti, the daughter of a baker (fornaro) named Francesco Luti from Siena.
The story goes that Raphael’s premature death on Good Friday, which was also his 37th birthday, was caused by a night of excessive sex with Luti, after which he fell into a fever &, not telling his doctors that this was its cause, was given the wrong cure, which killed him. At his request, Raphael was buried in the Pantheon.
His funeral was extremely grand, attended by large crowds. The inscription in his marble sarcophagus, an elegiac distich written by Pietro Bembo, reads: “Ille hic est Raffael, timuit quo sospite vinci, rerum magna parens et moriente mori”, meaning: “Here lies that famous Raphael by whom Nature feared to be conquered while he lived, and when he was dying, feared herself to die.”
Rudolf Steiner speaks about him in his various incarnations, in ‘The Last Address’ – The Individuality of Elias, John, Raphael, Novalis. Dornach, Michaelmas Eve, 1924, GA 238
1472 –Birthday of Lucas Cranach the Elder, a German Renaissance painter & printmaker
1869 – Celluloid is patented
1896 – In Athens, the opening of the first modern Olympic Games is celebrated, 1,500 years after the original games are banned by Roman emperor Theodosius I
1930 – Gandhi raises a lump of mud and salt and declares, “With this, I am shaking the foundations of the British Empire,” beginning the Salt Satyagraha
1965 – Launch of Early Bird, the first commercial communications satellite to be placed in geosynchronous orbit
1971 – Deathday of Igor Stravinsky, Russian-American pianist, composer, & conductor
1992 – Deathday of Isaac Asimov, American science fiction writer
2008 – The 2008 Egyptian general strike starts led by Egyptian workers later to be adopted by April 6 Youth Movement & Egyptian activists
2015 – Deathday of Ray Charles
Greetings friends – The Central Regional Council welcomes you to a Zoom Study Group Meeting on the Karma of Epidemics
April 8th 2020, 7:15 pm CST
“Imagine a people which was composed entirely of liars, the astral plane would be populated solely by the corresponding demons and these demons would be able to express themselves in a constitutional tendency to epidemics. Thus there is a certain species of bacilli who are the carriers of infectious diseases; these beings are the progeny of the lies told by human beings; they are nothing else than physically embodied demons generated by lies.” (GA 99 – L.6)
Please familarize yourself with the lecture if possible to contrbute to the discussion.
Theosophy of the Rosicrucian
The Law of Destiny
Schmidt Number: S-1539
Lecture VI
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Let us stand together with courage in this now, as we look to our future with equanimity, holding all that comes before us as being guided by a divine directive waiting to be revealed by our patient spiritual investigation.
Many of us are doing constructive things like the Hallelujah in Eurythmy, & other hygienic exercises, along with The Foundation Stone Meditation or Rhythms at Sunrise (or anytime) every morning to create a high vibration of Love & Light – Please join us for the healing of all.
Yours in service ~The CRC team: Marianne Fieber, Alberto Loya, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, David Howerton, Lisa Dalton
For more info. contact Hazel Archer-Ginsberg
Hi Hazel,
I am reminded with the lover/warrior analogy of a popular book from the 1990’s: Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.,_Women_Are_from_Venus
Steiner also noted certain planetary dualities in the lecture, “The Spiritual Individuality of the Planets”, involving:
Saturn and Moon
Jupiter and Mercury
Mars and Venus
Sun and Earth
As such, for example, Mars is a talker, and Venus is a listener. That is how she tolerates him for some strange reason that Steiner explains with his usual aplomb.
Yes, & A book by Robert Bly, Magician, Warrior, lover, King is a good one for embodying the archetypes for me.
The eurythmy gestures for certainly show alot concerning their character & relationship
Wonderful offering Hazel! Thanks so much!
Thank you dear generous sister!
I was inspired by our Sophia conversation…
Thanks for being on this journey.
I really take to heart what you said about us creating an intention with our prayers for those dying now that their unused etheric forces be used for the good will of our highest evoultion. This is our work! xox