
Taproot | Godseeker Art
Julie Dell

An African proverb says, “If you want to go fast, go alone – If you want to go far, go together.”

Psychologist Carl Jung says that we are all connected to each other thru the collective unconscious. Our souls have taproots that sink deep into the memories & capacities of the entire human evolution.

Let’s make the collective unconscious, conscious, so that our taproots can bring us into a more intimate contact with the primal pool of possibilities – Giving us the power to draw on mojo, above & below, that transcends our individual personal abilities.

Sandel Park

During this time of year as the veils between the worlds thin, to ‘Practice Spirit-Recalling’ asks us to make use of the liquid lightning, the warm ambrosial memory, & healing balm from the beginning of time. Standing upright at the point, we move to the periphery where the encircling round helps us ‘Practice Spirit-Sensing‘ – this is where we find the helpers. Going into the cosmic depths allows us to ‘Practice Spirit-Beholding’ where we can co-create with our cosmic future.

axis mundi — Fiona Morehouse
Fiona Morehouse

There are a couple of caveats, though: The primal truth won’t be simple & bright; it is bound to be dense, convoluted, & kaleidoscopic – Opening our vision into the dark crevasses of our inner psyche.  

It is an excellent time to devote ingenuity to improving the way we communicate with the shadow, our black-sheep-self, the fallen angels that have lost their way, feral mavericks that want to reveal their tricks, maybe even the mother-in-law that never understood. Let’s embrace the odd ducks, the co-workers who tie us into tight karmic knots; & even the sleepwalkers who don’t share the same political, economic, or spiritual views. But remember, no matter what, we are all still connected at the taproot, & the Tree of Life has joined with the Tree of Knowledge, & the fruit waits to be ripened thru the warmth & light of ‘What from our hearts We are founding, What from our heads, We direct, With Single purpose, And focused willing’…



Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn

21 October 2020 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Bella Luna nearing first quarter, shines in a line with Saturn & Jupiter.

It’s mid-October, so Deneb has replaced Vega as the zenith star after nightfall. Capricornus has replaced Sagittarius as the zodiacal constellation due south.

Sky map showing the Orionids' radiant

Our cosmic conversation continues: The Orionids – Peak these next few days.

The meteor shower of the Mighty Hunter Orion is underway, with the earth traveling once again through the trail of cosmic dust left by Halley’s Comet.

From an article by Dr Elizabeth Vreede: ” Comets represent an element that does not wholly enter the usual sphere of cosmic law, although they still contain a trace of the direct working of spiritual powers, indeed, of the very highest — the Seraphim and Cherubim. Before ordinary law may be broken through, the very highest power and insight is required. The various comets, indeed, are agents of a very special nature in our planetary system, their polar antithesis being in the moons. Just as the moons are a kind of corpse which the planetary system trails along with it, so, on the other side, the comets may be spoken of as constant purifiers of the spiritual atmosphere within the solar system. In earlier times men thought of them as the “scavengers of God,” and many superstitions have gathered around them. To the eye of Spirit, too, the mission of the comets is perpetually to expel impure astral forces from the Cosmos or to introduce new impulses.”

5 things you need to know about the Orionid meteor shower:

5. The meteors are actually debris from the Comet Halley – The Comet Halley hasn’t paid Earth a visit since 1986, but pieces of the famous space rock still show up every fall. Each year, around October 20-22, our planet intersects with the comet’s orbit, according to Earth Sky. Pieces of Halley disintegrate in Earth’s upper atmosphere nearly 60 miles above the planet’s surface, but not before creating quite the spectacle for those down below.

4. Let’s be honest, watching this thing is a commitment. Experts agree that the shower will take place before dawn on October 21 or 22, but can’t pinpoint an exact date.

3. 10-20 Meteors Could Fall Each Hour – The Orionid Meteor Shower is a “modest shower.” That means you won’t see a constant stream of glowing rocks plummeting toward Earth at any given moment. Don’t let that fool you. Those watching from dark or rural locations will still have a front row seat for the kind of spectacle that only comes from space.

2. …And They’ll Be Traveling At 41 Miles Per Second – You read that right. 41 miles per second. These rocks are literally scorching across the sky as they enter Earth’s atmosphere. Roughly half of these blazing fast meteors will leave gas trails behind them that are visible for a few seconds after the meteor is gone.

1. From. Every. Direction.- The Orionids flying from the sky this month are named after the constellation Orion, where they appear to radiate. The thing is, these meteors generally aren’t visible until they’re at least 30 degrees from that radiant point. This means they can appear any & everywhere in the night sky. If watching with a party, focus on different areas of the night sky & be sure to call out the meteors as you see them.


As the sun relates to the constellations during the course of the year, there are contemplations -even meditative practices- that correspond to these relationships. Bringing these contemplations into daily practice is a moral activity that brings a conscious change that everyone may experience. Here is such a practice from the Calendar of Virtues: For Scorpio – (October 21 – November 20.) Patience becomes Insight (Opposite: Loss of Temper)

Weekly Horoscope By Zodiac Sign - April 5 2020
Taja Xew

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day 


Image result for Alfred Nobel, Swedish chemist & engineer

1833 – Birthday of Alfred Nobel, Swedish chemist & engineer, invented dynamite & founded the Nobel Prize

Image result for The Medicine Lodge Treaty

1867 – The Medicine Lodge Treaty is signed by southern Great Plains Indian leaders. The treaty requires Native American Plains tribes to relocate to a reservation in western Oklahoma

Image result for Thomas Edison invents the first commercially practical incandescent light bulb

1879 – Thomas Edison invents the first commercially practical incandescent light bulb

Image result for Opening ceremonies for the World's Columbian Exposition are held in Chicago,

1892 – Opening ceremonies for the World’s Columbian Exposition are held in Chicago, though because construction was behind schedule, the exposition did not open until May 1, 1893

Image result for Women are allowed to vote in France for the first time

1945 – Women’s suffrage: Women are allowed to vote in France for the first time

Image result for Deathday of Jack Kerouac

1969 – Deathday of Jack Kerouac


The emperor has no clothes, Tom Jenntle

HOD – Haiku Of the Day

When a high place is turned low
The immoral man
Like a fall leaf has to go



Kate Austin
Soul to Soul’ Festival with the Central Regional Council & Special Guests
1pm – 3pm CDT (2pm – 4pm EDT) All Hallows Eve, Saturday October 31st, 2020
Every culture has a festival celebrating their Beloved Dead. For deep in our bones we know that those who have passed through the gates of death want to work with us on the physical world, reminding us that everything physical is an outer expression of spirit.

During this time of year the veils between the worlds are thin, and the spiritual realm beckons. Having put the iron will of Michael to work in our thinking, we now have the courage to look beyond the veil of the material world into the spirit realm, the place of our beginning and our ending, only to begin again and yet again…for every ending is a new beginning.

We will open with some poetry and music played by Carol Kelly, followed by an enactment of an original script by Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, based on indications from Spiritual Science.

We will go into small breakout groups to explore the theme: “Who do you want to be in the new year”.

Eurhythmy Prayer & Halleluiah + more TBA
Video Conference Details:
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Meeting ID: 897 1570 3794
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kclU2SSTF

If you have questions, please contact Alberto Loya aloyavaca@utexas.edu
We are the bees of the invisible. May our collection of honey be abundant this season to offer to our Beloved Dead – The CRC – Marianne Fieber, Alberto Loya, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, Lisa Dalton
Private Members Club LA, Miami, NYC, SF | Home | The Supper Club

All Souls Election Night Vigil 7 pm – 9 pm CT. Tuesday 3 November 2020

In-person at Elderberries Biodynamic Outpost & Cultural Hub with the Rudolf Steiner Branch 4249-51 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago. & ONLINE

Through Social Sculpture, we will hold space with each other, connect with our Angel, the ‘so called dead’, the Being of America…etc…to bring healing on both sides of the Threshold, during Election Night 2020, & on into the future which we are committing to consciously co-create.

Welcome – Anne Nicholson

Verse – Deborah Rogers

Why an All Souls Election Night Vigil? – Hazel Archer-Ginsberg

Metamorphosis – Lucien Dante Lazar. Through a 5-point artistic metamorphosis that will weave throughout the evening we will rise in our thinking, & engage our will, to work with the beings of color, form & gesture from point to periphery.   

Intermingling: Initiatives for NOW – The 3-Fold Social Order & ALIANT Alliance – Elderberries  + ALL = The Art of Goethean Conversation

Break-Out Session – groups of 3 for 15 minutes

Michael-Star Movement – Lucien + Nancy Melvin + ALL

Verse – Elizabeth Kelly

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/94319961767?pwd=S291ZmEraFlOSS9Nc2dGcWFHODlBZz09

Meeting ID: 943 1996 1767
Passcode: 494798

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        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 943 1996 1767
Passcode: 494798
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/a5qH2seB0



*SATURDAY 7 November 2020,

*3 pm – 5 pm CT

Connections Revealed

The Connection Between Epidemics, the Souls of the Dead, & the Spiritual World – Leading thoughts by Hazel Archer-Ginsberg based on Spiritual Scientific research & indications from Rudolf Steiner

Inspirations by Lelan Harris – Executive director at Wise Cosmos Educational Initiative and Managing Partner at Harris Coaching & Consulting – Studied Pastoral Ministry at Bethel Seminary

Group Eurythmy with Mary Ruud

Break out Sessions

In-person at Elderberries Biodynamic Outpost & 3 fold Cultural Hub, in conjunction with the Rudolf Steiner Branch Chicago, 4249-51 N. Lincoln Ave.

Zoom Meeting hosted by Anne Nicholson


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