Comet Double x2

Juke Hudig

In connection to illness Rudolf Steiner gives reference to ‘the double’’ – those parts of us that hold our unconscious, unredeemed parts, which can be attached to any of our sheaths: physical, etheric, & astral. To really know the double we have to understand Anthroposophic medicine, which tells us, certain illnesses like epidemics don’t just come from outside us, they come from our double.

Duncan Regehr

Steiner describes the Ahrimanic double as the creator of all organic illnesses – And the Luciferic double, as the creator of all nervous illnesses. He goes on to talk about the geographical forces that can promote these 2 kinds of sickness- forces coming up from the different regions of the earth prone to one or the other of these doubles within us. Steiner specifically mentions America as “…the region where the magnetic forces of sub-nature in particular arise, that bring the human being into relation with the Ahrimanic double” ~Rudolf Steiner, Geographic Medicine.

‎Bindu Chowdary

True Medicine must become a Spiritual Science, since illness comes from these beings which make use of the human body in order to profit from it. These doubles come into each of us before birth & they leave our human body only because they cannot endure death. Illness often emerges because this double works in us. And when homeopathic remedies are given, Steiner describes how “…the double lets go of the human being and becomes satisfied with what we toss into its jaws as a remedy~Rudolf Steiner, Geographic Medicine.

Jean Lauer

Anthroposophical Psychology says “Shadow work” is the voluntary examination of our own internal darkness, which lacks the light of awareness, so it is often hidden from us. Obviously it takes courage to voluntarily look into the dark crevices of own psyche, where repressed traumas, inherited fear programs, undigested pain & all sorts of other disturbing & uncomfortable revelations lie buried. And as we have seen no matter how much we ignore, reject or deny the shadow, it will never just disappear. In fact, quite the opposite is true. The very fear that keeps us from looking at it is the same fear that feeds it. Hiding behind a mask will not keep us safe.


I believe times like these are a collective wake up call to actively participate in healing our shadow work. Friends, the Coronavirus can be seen as an agent of change. Will we actively participate in a conscious change, or will we let it be dictated to us?

Stand with me now & recite ‘Against Fear’ by Adam Bittleston:

May the events that seek me,
Come unto me;
May I receive them,
With a quiet mind,
Through the Father’s ground of peace,
On which we walk.
May the people who seek me,
Come unto me;
May I receive them,
With an understanding heart,
Through the Christ’s stream of love
In which we live.
May the spirits which seek me,
Come unto me;
May I receive them,
With a clear soul,
Through the healing Spirit’s Light,
By which we see.

Bruce Rimell

If we breathe out fear & anxiety, we can engage our soul forces in spiritual activity – a practical expression of compassion for humanity on both sides of the threshold, with the ever present help of the spiritual world.

Steiner tells us that a karmic bond is created between people who belong together here on earth, & in the spiritual world; & that this relationship then works back onto the physical-sense world, which is continually under the influence of the spiritual world. What takes place here, are only effects. The causes occur beyond, in the spiritual world.

“…Indeed the time has come for us to find the courage in our souls to proclaim quite frankly before the world that the spiritual life must be placed on its own foundation. Many people are asking: Well, what are we to do? The first thing of importance is to inform people about what is needed: to get as many people as possible to comprehend the necessity, for example, of establishing the spiritual life on its own foundation; to comprehend that what the pedagogy of the 19th century has become can no longer suffice for the welfare of humankind, but that it must be built anew out of a free spiritual life. There is as yet little courage in souls to present this demand in a really radical way; and it can be thus presented only by trying to bring to as many people as possible a comprehension of these conditions. All other social work today is provisional. The most important task is this: to see that it is made possible for more and more people to gain insight into the social requirements – to provide enlightenment concerning these things through all the means at our disposal — that is now the matter of importance…” ~Rudolf Steiner, The Mysteries of Light, of Space, and of the Earth, lecture IV, Dornach, December 15, 1919

Dear friends, a great task is at hand



When And Where You Can See Jupiter, Saturn And A Half-Moon Make A Triangle  In The Night Sky This Week

22 October 2020 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Bella Luna forms a triangle with Jupiter & Saturn.

The Big Dipper in the Spring Sky | Old Farmer's Almanac

This is the time of year when the Big Dipper lies down horizontal low in the north-northwest during evening.

Comet ATLAS finder chart

There are currently four comets within range – periodic comet 156P/Russell-LINEAR in the evening sky & Comets ATLAS (C/2020 M3), Erasmus (C/2020 S3), & NEOWISE is also back (C/2020 P1) visible in the early morning hours.

Dr. Rudolf Steiner, in the course of his clairvoyant investigations, made regular descriptions of the nature of comets. His first description of comets is very esoteric – given on 2 Sept. 1906: “A comet is an assemblage of Kama, desire-substance, without the corresponding spiritual substance. The comet gets as far only as the astral body. The visibility of comets arises from the powerful friction caused by the astral body passing through etheric substance.” ~At the Gates of Spiritual Science.

The comet works upon the physical and etheric or life bodies of man in such a way that they actually create organs, delicate organs that are suitable for the further development of the I – the I-consciousness as it has developed especially since the embedding of the Christ impulse in the earth. Since that time the significance of the comet’s appearance is that the I, as it develops from stage to stage, receives physical and etheric organs it can use.

The various comets have here their different tasks, and when a comet has served its purpose it splintersThe entry of an elemental impulse, always incorporating something new, is connected with the influence of the comets.

As when a new little child is born, so it is when, through the return of a comet, something quite new is produced. We must remember, however, that with certain comets the I is always driven more and more into the physical world, and this is something we must resist.

On the other hand, is it not wonderful that cometary existence takes hold of the depths of life, including the animal and plant life that is bound up with human life? Those who pay close enough attention to such things would observe how there is actually something altogether different in the blossoming of flowers from what is usually the case.

Rosicrucian research has demonstrated that every comet exerts a particular influence on human evolution. The present comet has as its particular influence an intense impulse towards materialism. Every time Halley’s Comet has appeared, a new impulse toward materialism has taken place.

From man himself stream forth continually, erroneous, base, evil thoughts; these are, as we know, realities, which pass out into the astral world and continue to exist there; so that the astral sphere of a planet is filled, not only by the normal substances of its psychic being, but also by this out-poured substance . . . And in a curious way, the occult vision, which for a time has had the opportunity of observing cometary life, shows us that everything of a cometary or meteoric nature is ever striving to collect round itself all the harmful astral products, and remove them out of the planetary system.” ~The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric

“Occult vision shows us, that, just about when the comet disappears from physical sight, it dissolves, and continues its way through a world not limited to the ordinary three dimensions of space; it no longer exists in the ordinary world. It actually disappears on the one side and appears again on the other. Thus, in short, with the exception of a few comets which really have long-drawn elliptical orbits, the comets for the most part are so formed that they come in at the one side and disappear at the other, and when they reappear they have formed themselves anew. Why? Because as a comet approaches, it exercises a power of attraction – it is, at first, merely a sort of spiritual force centre; this centre attracts all the harmful astral streams, develops them around itself and thus takes on form. In its journey towards the other side it draws this along with it, until it gets beyond the region of the planetary system, when it casts it off into cosmic space. Then the centre of force builds itself again at the other pole without needing three-dimensional space, once more takes up the harmful matter and throws it out the other side.

The sphere of the comets extends to the sphere of the Cherubim. We must therefor first know what is the nature of the Cherubim and Seraphim, in order to understand the substance and movement of the comets.” ~The Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and the Kingdoms of Nature.


Janus Painting by Ekaterina Abramova | Saatchi Art
Ekaterina Abramova

POD (Poem Of the Day)

~Today: call me Janus
I am where
I begin & begin again…
To my left stands She
Who is my great grandmothers song
To my right is She, who will be,
The aroma of my great granddaughters bread…


Kate Austin
Soul to Soul’ Festival with the Central Regional Council & Special Guests
1pm – 3pm CDT (2pm – 4pm EDT) All Hallows Eve, Saturday October 31st, 2020
Every culture has a festival celebrating their Beloved Dead. For deep in our bones we know that those who have passed through the gates of death want to work with us on the physical world, reminding us that everything physical is an outer expression of spirit.

During this time of year the veils between the worlds are thin, and the spiritual realm beckons. Having put the iron will of Michael to work in our thinking, we now have the courage to look beyond the veil of the material world into the spirit realm, the place of our beginning and our ending, only to begin again and yet again…for every ending is a new beginning.

We will open with some poetry and music played by Carol Kelly, followed by an enactment of an original script by Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, based on indications from Spiritual Science.

We will go into small breakout groups to explore the theme: “Who do you want to be in the new year”.

Eurhythmy Prayer & Halleluiah + more TBA
Video Conference Details:
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Meeting ID: 897 1570 3794
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Meeting ID: 897 1570 3794
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If you have questions, please contact Alberto Loya
We are the bees of the invisible. May our collection of honey be abundant this season to offer to our Beloved Dead – The CRC – Marianne Fieber, Alberto Loya, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, Lisa Dalton
Private Members Club LA, Miami, NYC, SF | Home | The Supper Club

All Souls Election Night Vigil 7 pm – 9 pm CT. Tuesday 3 November 2020

In-person at Elderberries Biodynamic Outpost & Cultural Hub with the Rudolf Steiner Branch 4249-51 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago. & ONLINE

Through Social Sculpture, we will hold space with each other, connect with our Angel, the ‘so called dead’, the Being of America…etc…to bring healing on both sides of the Threshold, during Election Night 2020, & on into the future which we are committing to consciously co-create.

Welcome – Anne Nicholson

Verse – Deborah Rogers

Why an All Souls Election Night Vigil? – Hazel Archer-Ginsberg

Metamorphosis – Lucien Dante Lazar. Through a 5-point artistic metamorphosis that will weave throughout the evening we will rise in our thinking, & engage our will, to work with the beings of color, form & gesture from point to periphery.   

Intermingling: Initiatives for NOW – The 3-Fold Social Order & ALIANT Alliance – Elderberries  + ALL = The Art of Goethean Conversation

Break-Out Session – groups of 3 for 15 minutes

Michael-Star Movement – Lucien + Nancy Melvin + ALL

Verse – Elizabeth Kelly

Join Zoom Meeting hosted by Anne Nicholson

Meeting ID: 705 293 1041

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Meeting ID: 705 293 1041

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*SATURDAY 7 November 2020,

*3 pm – 5 pm CT

Connections Revealed

The Connection Between Epidemics, the Souls of the Dead, & the Spiritual World – Leading thoughts by Hazel Archer-Ginsberg based on Spiritual Scientific research & indications from Rudolf Steiner

Inspirations by Lelan Harris – Executive director at Wise Cosmos Educational Initiative and Managing Partner at Harris Coaching & Consulting – Studied Pastoral Ministry at Bethel Seminary

Group Eurythmy with Mary Ruud

Break out Sessions

In-person at Elderberries Biodynamic Outpost & 3 fold Cultural Hub, in conjunction with the Rudolf Steiner Branch Chicago, 4249-51 N. Lincoln Ave.

Zoom Meeting hosted by Anne Nicholson Meeting ID: 705 293 1041

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,7052931041# US (Chicago)

+19292056099,,7052931041# US (New York)

Dial by your location

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

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        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 705 293 1041

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4 thoughts on “Comet Double x2

  1. Steiner gave a lecture in which he reveals the true nature of the so-called, “double”. As such, it is the invisible man which comes in with birth and leaves just before we die. With it, and because of it, we are freed in order to become the self-willing human beings we are. This lecture comes some six years after what Steiner spoke in Geographic Medicine, and so indicates how he came to know more about the importance of the Double.

    I would love to hear from you, Hazel, or anyone on this blog, what they think about Steiner’s assertions here about how complex it is to be a human being on earth under the present arrangements, and how much we need the support of spiritual beings who are relegated to what might appear to be an inferior role. Yet, it is because of Lucifer and Ahriman, who work more in the moving and instinctive centers, as conscious agents, that we humans can leave these duties behind, and pay attention to the more conscious activities of the emotional and intellectual centers, or Feelings and Thinking.

    This lecture, given on 11 February 1923, proves to be an important contribution to the mystery of the double. Yet, it is designed to be seen as how Lucifer and Ahriman have supported, in their respective roles, making us the humans that we are today, and into the future.

    1. You make an interesting point. We must recognize & acknowledge that many beings are working to help us achieve our human destiny

  2. I believe it was in the Curative Education Course that Rudolf Steiner was speaking about Karmic illnesses and he strongly responded to a question about that but saying something to the effect that the illness may be the other individual’s Karma but our response to another person is one of interest, care, concern, (LOVE ?)… and I think I surmised, otherwise you are creating “Karma”

    1. Yes, that is a important & beautiful fact.
      We must never be cold & just tick it off to O it’s just their karma as if we have nothing to do with it.
      Sometimes it may even be the caretakers karma that brings them together so they can fulfill the destiny they signed up for in that life.
      And the fact that this is a global issue really points up the connections we all share.
      I will talk in depth about this in the Nov. 7th All Souls event: ‘Connections Revealed’.

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