The corona virus has awakened the power of our Collective Will.
What would it be like to use it in good will instead of fear, to collectively agree to end gun violence, & poverty, & starvation, &, &, &…? What do we really want our reality to be? What World can ‘We the People’ create if we truly see ourselves as being part of One World?

Right now, it is like we are all living in a rehab intervention scenario which is meant to break our addictive hold on what has become ‘normal’: the lies, the corporate bailouts, the 2 party system, blah, blah, blah. The only way to change a bad habit is to admit it’s there. Then we have the opportunity to reprogram our etheric body, to stop being driven by overwhelming outside forces that make us feel like we have no say – developing instead, our ability to think outside the box, & exercise our Free Will..

Many people are asking: Do really even want to return to ‘normal’?

Are we going to let the politician dictate to us their version of the “new normal”? We are clearly seeing that fear tactics are facilitating public acceptance of the suspension of our civil liberties, mandatory quarantine, restrictions on travel & the freedom of assembly, censorship of what the ‘authorities’ call disinformation, suspension of habeas corpus, & the military policing of civilians (martial law?) Will we accept forced vaccination? Our cell phones allow the tracking of our every move. These actions against our human rights are justified on the grounds of flattening the curve, & anyone who questions any of this is called selfish or non-scientific by frightened peers.

The threat of infectious disease, like the threat of terrorism, never goes away, so these control measures can easily become the “new normal”, the status quo, & even enhanced. How much of life will we sacrifice at the false altar of security? Does taking off our shoes at the airport make us safer, or just humiliate us? Besides letting ourselves be x-rayed, will we also agree to be medically examined every time we travel? Do we want to live in a world where human beings are not allowed to touch, or come together in community, or assemble to protest? Do we want every event to be a virtual event? Do we want to wear masks in public all the time? Will we just hand over the sovereignty of our own bodies & the bodies of our children, to medical authorities – to the profits of Big Parma? How much authority will we hand over to this new home land security?

Putting spiritual concepts & karma aside, which is an important topic that I have spoken of elsewhere & which I will delve into at the Sacred Gateway Online Gathering; I think we can all agree that there is no ‘acceptable’ number to human death, that it is NOT OK to let those that are old, or compromised not be protected. There has been a lot of graphs & throwing out of numbers, so really to get a perspective, if the global death toll for corona virus goes to 30,000 or 300,000 or 3 million, we must also see that last year, 5 million children worldwide died of hunger, not to mention the quality of life for the 162 million who are stunted from starvation & 51 million who are wasted. That is 200 times more people than have died so far from this virus; & yet no government has declared a state of emergency or asked that we radically alter our way of life to save them. What about the fact that the 3rd leading cause of death is medical error! What about the masses of people so overwhelmed & depressed by society that they commit suicide, which kills over a million people a year globally, 50,000 in the USA alone. Or drug overdoses, which kill 70,000 in the USA. Because of environmental issues there is an epidemic of autoimmune diseases, which affects 50 million. What about junk food & obesity, which afflicts well over 100 million. Why, for that matter, are we not in mobilizing, as activists like Greta Thunburg is urging us to do, to avert climate change which is leading to an ecological collapse? NO instead we allow the profit of cooperation’s to rule.

Will we continue to let our ’Safety in Place’ gives us a false sense of security which stops us from asking questions, following the money & looking at connections? I don’t know if corona virus is linked with other epidemics like AIDS or SARS …I don’t know if it is a genetically engineered bioweapon, from a lab in a Wuhan, or Fort Detrick, or some other military dungeon…Is it an excuse to foster a totalitarian world government. Is it related to the 5G rollout? I certainly see that 5G, like all sub-nature depletes life forces. I don’t think corona virus is more deadly than we’ve been told…What if it’s actually less deadly?

Can we use this ‘crisis’ to step up in our human evolution, to conquer, fear, & doubt & hatred – to develop instead, clear thinking, courage, & love…? Asking: Am I free?

My friends, get away from the bombarding microwaves broadcasting doom & gloom, there is much we can do to counteract these forces. Join me & many others sending light out to the world thru eurythmy, form drawing, speaking the Foundation Stone, working with the rhythms, taking time each night to wrap yourself in prayers like this from our dear Dr. Steiner:
“I will follow the path
That dissolves the elements into activity,
And leads me down to the Father
Who sends illness to work out karma,
And leads me up to the Spirit
Who guides the erring soul toward freedom.
The Christ leads downward and upward,
Creating Spirit-Man in Earth humanity
In harmonious union.”
~ Rudolf Steiner, Broken Vessels: The Spiritual Structure of Human Frailty Dornach, Switzerland, September 1924, GA 318

~hag, in healing unity with you

Here is the Rhythm for Sunday:

Program Events

Greetings friends – The Central Regional Council will sponsor a Zoom Study Group Meeting for April 8th on the Karma of Epidemics (details below)
ALL are welcome to join us. April 8th 2020, 7:15 pm CST (see audio conference details below)
“Imagine a people which was composed entirely of liars, the astral plane would be populated solely by the corresponding demons and these demons would be able to express themselves in a constitutional tendency to epidemics. Thus there is a certain species of bacilli who are the carriers of infectious diseases; these beings are the progeny of the lies told by human beings; they are nothing else than physically embodied demons generated by lies.” (GA 99 – L.6)
Theosophy of the Rosicrucian – The Law of Destiny – Schmidt Number: S-1539
Lecture VI https://wn.rsarchive.org/GA/GA0099/19070530p01.html
Audio Conference Details:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 451 374 910
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Meeting ID: 451 374 910
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adZ7jft0hb
If you have questions, please contact Alberto Loya aloyavaca@peoplepc.com
Let us stand together with courage in this now, as we look to our future with equanimity, holding all that comes before us as being guided by a divine directive waiting to be revealed by our patient spiritual investigation.
Many of us are doing constructive things like the Hallelujah & the Soul Hygiene exercises in Eurythmy, & The Foundation Stone Meditation at Sunrise (or anytime) every morning to create a high vibration of Love & Light – Please join us for the healing of all.
Yours in service ~The CRC team: Marianne Fieber, Alberto Loya, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, David Howerton, Lisa Dalton
art by Daniel Ospina

‘The Three Days’, an On-Line Easter Festival with the Central Reginal Council
Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday, all three days: April 9-12, 2020 from 3 pm – 4:15 pm CDT
We will be taking up indications from Emil Bock’s ‘The Three Years” to artistically explore the Spiritual Science of ‘The Paschal Triduum’: Following the Cosmic Sun on the ultimate path of initiation, from the Free-Will Sacrifice, through the Conquering of Death, into the Resurrection of the New Sun.
How can we as human beings in community bring a practical understanding to these mysteries?
Join us as we strive to gain the forces needed to do our part in furthering this impulse in world evolution.
FREE – ALL are Welcome – Zoom Call and other details to follow
For more info. contact Alberto Loya aloyavaca@peoplepc.com
May Hope Spring Eternal –
The CRC – Marianne Fieber, Alberto Loya, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, David Howerton, Lisa Dalton

The Sacred Gateway: Online Conference
Conscious Living, Conscious Dying,
and the Journey Beyond
APRIL 17-19, 2020
- Support those who are crossing and who have crossed over
- Expand your practice and knowledge of working with the dying
- Learn more about the soul’s journey from death to new life
Through interactive workshops, biography work, keynote discussions with Rev. Patrick Kennedy and Dr. Melinda Toney, workshops with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, Sandra LaGrega Jennifer Fox, and more, as well as experiential and artistic activities, we will consciously explore the spiritual and practical aspect of human life and death.
Conference Fees:
- $200 Supporter ~ Live Event + Recordings and Resources, plus Two Sacred Gateway Webinar Series (You can see those by clicking here and here) + One Recorded Online Community Gathering ($80 value), Podcast Links. This level fully supports this conference and other events like it!
- $150 Resource Package ~ Live Event + Recordings and Resources, plus Two Sacred Gateway Webinar Series (You can see those by clicking here and here) + One Recorded Online Community Gathering ($80 value), and Podcast Links
- $95 Regular Rate ~ Live Event + Recordings and Resources
- $45 Youth Rate (Age 35 and under) ~ Live Event + Recordings and Resources
- $45 Keynotes Only ~ Live Keynotes + Recordings
Financial Assistance Available (Email programs@anthroposophy.org)
Conference Schedule – All start times in Eastern Standard Time
(Note: Workshops Subject to Additions/Minor Changes)
Friday, April 17
7:30pm-9pm Conference Opening and Keynote
True Living is Dying: The Life-Giving Power of Death Keynote Discussion and Q&A with Rev. Patrick Kennedy
Saturday April 18
11:00-11:45am Welcome, Introductions and Biography Work
11:45am-1:15pm Two-Day Themed Workshops (Choose one theme and attend Saturday, and Sunday)
- From Loss to Connection Through Reading for the Dead and Writing with Marianne Dietzel and Maureen Flannery
- The Lemniscate Journey: Exploring the Relationships in Our Lives from Birth to Death and Death to Rebirth Through Biography and Social Art with Sandra LaGrega and Jennifer Fox
- Giving Way to Grace: Chrysalis Emerging from Conscious Living and Conscious Dying with Melinda Toney, MD, Carole Shoaf End-Of-Life Doula and Katherine Blackburn, End-Of-Life Doula and Esoteric Christian Minister
- NEW: The Connection between Epidemics, and the Spiritual World with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg
1:15-1:30pm Break
1:30-2:30pm The Vigil of the Heart with Linda Bergh and Ellen Hufschmidt
2:30-3:00pm Break
3:00-4:30pm Topic Workshops
- Acknowledging the End with Jolie Luba
- After Deathcare as a Healing Art with Tischia Bluske
4:30-5:00pm Break
5:00-6:00pm Proactive Grieving: The Sacred Gateway as a Bridge Keynote Conversation with Dr. Melinda Toney
6:15- 7:00pm Group Reflections and Closing
Sunday, April 19
11:00-11:45am Welcome, Introductions and Biography Work
11:45-12:45 Consecrating our Dying Keynote with Patrick Kennedy
12:45-1:15 Break
1:15-2:30 Two-Day Themed Workshops
- From Loss to Connection Through the Arts: Reading, Writing and Drawing with Marianne Dietzel and Maureen Flannery
- The Lemniscate Journey: Exploring the Relationships in Our Lives from Birth to Death and Death to Rebirth Through Biography and Social Art with Sandra LaGrega and Jennifer Fox
- Giving Way to Grace: Chrysalis Emerging from Conscious Living and Conscious Dying with Melinda Toney, MD, Carole Shoaf End-Of-Life Doula and Katherine Blackburn, End-Of-Life Doula and Esoteric Christian Minister
- ‘Festivals for the Dead, the Unborn, and the Evolution of Earth – Then and Now’. with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, Eurythmy with Raven Garland
2:30-2:45pm Break
2:45-3:30pm Sacred Burial Ceremony and Conference Closing with Linda Bergh, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg and Ultra Archer-Ginsberg
Click the photos below to hear leading thoughts from our amazing presenters!

The Connection between Epidemics, and the Spiritual World on Saturday & on Sunday: Festivals for the Dead, the Unborn and the Evolution of Earth -Then and Now with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg

The Vigil of the Heart with Linda Bergh and Ellen Hufschmidt


Our dear Dr. Steiner said: ‘It is not the Christ we lack, but the knowledge of Christ, the Sophia of Christ, the Isis of Christ we are lacking.’ In ‘Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution’ Lecture 3; given in Dornach, 6 January 1918, by Rudolf Steiner; we hear how the power of ‘The Word, the power of The Logos’, must be resurrected through our striving to activate the Wisdom of Anthroposophia within each of us. Join Hazel Archer-Ginsberg for a powerful presentation Lifting the Veil of the New Isis-Sophia, to bring Light to Love.

~Vitae Sophia~A Whitsun Festival of United Soul Endeavor with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg
Saturday, 30 May, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Groh Farm, 135 Temple Rd, Wilton, NH
Eurythmy: AUM = A – I stand for myself, U- I stand for humanity, M – I stand for Life
Social Sculpture: Steiner’s ‘Blue Dot Exercise’– Through Art, the bridge between science & spirit, we warm the ‘I’, to open the heart, in support of healthy community.
What are my gifts-What are my tools? How can I place them in right relationship within the social realm? How can I hone them to strengthen and enhance the world?
Living into the Foundation Stone of Love – How can we take our individual Inner Whitsun & expand it, into what Steiner calls the “World Festival of Knowledge” a path leading from ‘Sprit Recollection’, to ‘Sprit Sensing’, to ‘Sprit Beholding’?
Enter the Labyrinth of ‘Vitae Sophia’ – Human hearts, once warmed, can rise up to meet the source of wisdom, like flowers turning toward the sun.
$30 suggested donation at the door, with potluck lunch to follow
(please bring a dish to share) RSVP deb@anthroposophy.org Sponsored by the Anthroposophical Society in New Hampshire

Hazel Archer-Ginsberg – Founder of Reverse Ritual Understanding Anthroposophy through the Rhythms of the Year.Essayist, Lecturer, Poet, Trans-denominational Minister, ‘Anthroposopher’, working as the Festivals Coordinator of the Chicago Rudolf Steiner Branch, The Traveling Speakers Program, & the Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society.
as part of the tour
3 June 2020 – a Round Table Discussion 7 pm – 9 pm on ‘The Sophia’ with John Bloom, Joan Sleigh, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg & Carrie Schuchardt at The House of Peace in Ipswich, MA.
Dear Hazel – thanks for your regular blogs which reach round the world. (I’m I London). And thanks also for the possibility to join in to some sessions using Zoom. These bring some light into dark days.
There are a lot of positive initiatives going on here. Neighbours are caring and getting food for the oldies. Someone has set up a Whatsapp group for our street, and organising a food bank for people who have self-isolated.
As you say, this is a wake-up call – a Metanoia – a kind of pralaya to envision what kind of society we want when the CV has subsided.
And have you noticed how Natura is breathing more easily ? even rejoicing in the peace and lack of pollution from cars and aeroplanes…..even the birds seem more light-hearted and sing more joyously .
Abundant blessings !
Greetings Rick – Thank you for reaching out & sharing a glimpse of life in London right now.
YES! let us see the good & the beauty always.
I love your beautiful description: “a Metanoia – a kind of pralaya to envision what kind of society we want when the CV has subsided.
And have you noticed how Natura is breathing more easily…”
Your thoughts are a tonic that i receive with grateful joy.
Bless you
My dearest Hazel,
Let me first say how much I love your blog. Today’s post was difficult for me for the following reasons:
Your consciousness is far beyond what I see here in South Carolina and have heard of incidents elsewhere. For example, kids by the carloads riding around our affluent neighborhood, bored and unconcerned about anything other than themselves. We have reports of a group of kids coughing on produce (one store threw away $30k) and pretend sneezing on the veggies, etc.
Another woman went to an upscale dog store and was asking the owner if they had been busy. While taking her money, she told the owner that she was sick and “waiting on the results” to see if it IS Covid 19.
My son is a server in Charleston. We come from MA originally. It is a different world here with mice running across the tables in a place where steak is $ 70.00…cockaroaches galore and no one washes their hands in many cases (he has witnessed this.) There are few places where someone like “Ecco Labs” comes in and tests for germs…They use the same dishwater in one restaurant for the entire day’s glasses just “topping” off when needed. and I could go on and on about this.
My son is recovering (6 years) from alchohol and crack addiction. He tells me sharing needles, smoking the same bong, joint or “crack pipe” is all the norm. We do have a rampant drug problem here in Charleston like many other places…and if you are sick you will crawl on your belly if you need a “fix”.
In this area of the Country the Honeysuckle grows rampant. My mentor, Robert Berube who introduced me to Anthroposophy and attended Emerson said ” if you see honeysuckle you can be assured the etheric forms are very well established…it is hard to change things in that enviroment.” And now I understand what he meant by that.
Remember when the Americans toppled Sadaam Hussein? The Iraqui’s were not ready for liberation. Sad but again, their consciousness was not prepared for “Freedom”. Now do I abhor all that was done and hate violence in any form but what we did let to the creation or push forward of many radical groups.
I see this as a time of growth and I am hopeful that during this season of Lent we all will have a chance to be less scattered and more inward in a prayerful and thoughtful way. I have been working with the virtues, Faith, Love and Hope and will continue to do so.
I wish you much Love and Light always,
Bless you Susan. Thank you for these insights. They are a very compelling wake up call that shows how far we are from being truly human. The lack of concern for others, the outright scorn, these are signs of the beasts that grow fat on our ignorance. You are right to work with the virtues, this is a healing balm that can act as a counter force in the world. But how can we bring education without shame? How can we invite folks to see other perspectives & have tolerance & interest & love, not just for self but for all. It’s really all about balance, attention, & prevention, living with dignity & care. You are right to say we can’t push anything, growth can only come properly in its season. This Passion-tide time can be intense, I will strive to bring the more peaceful qualities you mention out, this is important. I felt it more yesterday for some reason today i awoke with the need to speak as i did, perhaps its the gusting high winds & grey skies here. Thank you for reaching out. I feel your good will & take you words to heart.