The Reversal of Mercury & Venus…& the Crescent Moon Dance

29 October 2019 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Our solar system’s 2 inner planets cozy up
near each other in the early evening sky. Tonight, Mercury slides south (lower left) of
Venus. You can find the pair with the help of a two-day-old waxing crescent Moon.
Bella Luna stands high just after sunset with Venus, Goddess of Love, on Her lower right;
Mercury, messenger of the gods & psycho-pomp carrying the souls of the dead across the
threshold, directly below our beloved satellite.  

The question then becomes: How do we think of Venus & Mercury? When the Copernican
revolution brought human thinking into a materialistic modern science, changing from a
Geocentric to a Heliocentric model, Mercury & Venus were switched!

It is up to us now in our speaking with the stars to discover the occult reasons for this
reversal. Now, as we develop the spiritual science of Astro-Sophy, we must learn to know,
& use these planets correctly.  

Venus is that sphere which wants to bring about the reintegration & harmonizing of
humanity with each other & with the spiritual realm, particularly thru the heart forces of
feeling & devotion.  In a traditional sense Venus is the planet of love.  But how can we see
this out of spiritual science?  Since the deed of Christ, Venus has become the
sphere of the new mysteries. 

And what is the essence of the new mysteries? Simply stated: Not I but Christ in me. 
Or , “there is no greater love than that one lays down one’s life for a friend”. 
The relation of Venus to the new mysteries comes out of this new transformational deed of love in which the greatest has become the servant to the least.   

Willian Blake

Of course there is the other side of Venus in its relation to Lucifer & the illusions of self-love
& the semblance & glamour of the light.  It is the opposite gesture of the love of Christ,
of the master becoming servant.  

Mercury is the closest sphere to the Sun & can work, if taken up consciously by human
beings, in a Michaelic way to redeem fallen earthly intelligence & re-unite it with the Sun.
Mercury weaves between Earth & Sun as a kind of messenger from Sun & stars to Earth,
& from Earth to Sun & stars, a glorious loop.  It is a planetary sphere that wants humanity
to participate in the redemption of intelligence.  It is also a sphere that works in the social
realm of groups, nations, folk as it is the sphere of the Archangels.


Soon we will have a chance to have a conversation around the Transit of Mercury
with the Sun, on the very auspicious occasion of 11/11/19 – when we have an
opportunity to ponder the mystery of 11:11, & the connections between, Martinmas,
MLK, The Journey of the Soul, Armistice Day, & The laying of the Foundation Stone
by Rudolf Steiner. More on that to come…(or join me in Atlanta)  

POD (Poem Of the Day)

Pablo Picasso

~Closer than your breath & older than death…
It speaks like a mountain, laughs like a river,
Prays like the sun, & sings the way the animals think…
Plus – It’s always as fresh as the beginning of time…
What am I?  

See, Now
I call myself
My own,
Irradiating the night of Time, with Space –
An inborn gleam…
While nature dreams, my soul is called, to stay awake
Suffusing Sun fire into the inundating dark…
Do you recognize me…?  

I circle the heads of women dancing
My cryptic feathers tremble in their hypnotic fans…
Let the fire that banks in my heart
Flare out, to heat the sacred space,
Melting in the Autumn mist
To revel your true face…

Wednesday, 30 October 6:30-7:30 pm
Free webinar on the Festival of All Souls with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg.
We will explore the Journey of the Soul Between
Death and Rebirth with indications from Rudolf Steiner.
In the realities that Spiritual Science brings us, we glean the importance of working with the
‘so called dead’ and the angelic worlds, for both our own and their development, as well as
for the future evolution of the Earth.
CLICK HERE for your log-in link to join us live. Just one simple step! 

Can’t join us live? No problem. A recording of the webinar will be emailed to you within
24 hours of the live session. 

Warmly, Laura Scappaticci, Program Director for the Anthroposophical Society in America


Patti Liyn

Thursday 31 October 2019 – 7 pm – 9 pm
Halloween at the Theosophical Society in America 
1926 North Main Street, Wheaton, IL 60187
“The Descent of the Goddess’ with Hazel Archer Ginsberg
Together, we will explore the origins and purpose of “Halloween,” honor our beloved
dead, and experience a ritual performance where we will journey to meet Inanna,
Queen of Heaven and Earth, and her sister Ereshkigal, Goddess of the Underworld.
$10 nonmembers, $5 members  FREE Live Webcast

For more info. or to carpool contact

Darla Banna

Our Annual All Souls Festival: Meeting our Ancestors at the Threshold  
7 PM – 9 PM Friday 1 November 2019 
at the Rudolf Steiner Branch 4249 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago
*What can we learn from Spiritual Science about working with the ‘so called dead’
and the  ‘unborn’? with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg
*Artistic Exploration with Nancy Melvin
*Circle of Remembrance
$10 Donation & Snacks to Share Encouraged
For more info. contact

Chris Bodame
Dear Friends – “Our hearts must become Michael’s helpers in conquering,

in taking hold of the intelligence that has fallen from heaven to earth. 
Just as, in the old traditions, Michael had to trample the serpent underfoot,
so now the intelligence of Michael that has become the serpent must be spiritualized. 
And wherever it surfaces as counter-force — not raised to spirit yet ahrimanized
as intellect — we must perceive it in the right way through attentiveness of
anthroposophical spirit that has been tempered in the Michaelic stance.”

~Rudolf Steiner, The Karma of AnthroposophyChapter 5“Hearts Inscribed in the
Michael School”, Arnhem, 20 July, 1924 … focus of the November 6 meeting!

The Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society in America invites you to join our ongoing  study conversation.  The study has been divided among five volunteers
who will summarize their section to rebuild it as a foundation for our conversation.
Please familiarize yourself with the lecture if possible so you will feel comfortable sharing
your reflections and thoughts with the group.

This collection of lectures has been republished by Rudolf Steiner Press under the
title: “The Karma of Anthroposophy.”  This lecture corresponds to GA 240, and was
included in the series titled “Karmic Relationships“, Volume VI, published in English by
Rudolf Steiner Press in 1971.

This will be a “Zoom” conference call allowing us an opportunity to see one another
while conversing (or audio only if you prefer).  To connect to the audio/video-conference:
Option 1.  Click link below if you wish to connect through your computer
(a headset is recommended)
Option 2.  Call in using your telephone.
United States: +1 669 900 6833  or +1 646 558 8656
Access Code: 121-703-166
Option 3. You can use a combination of Options 1 and 2 (computer and phone). If you
use the phone, please turn off the audio on your computer to prevent audio feedback.
Please join us! Agenda for our Study Call
7:15  Welcome and Introductions        
7:18  Verse
7:25  Study led by six volunteers
Note: CRC team will ID volunteers
          Travis – Pages 84 to 67
          Lisa G – pages 88 to 90
          Wayne – pages 91 to 93
          Hazel – pages 94 to 96
          Mary – pages 97 to 100
8:05  Conversation
8:25  Identify volunteers for our next study call: Dec 4
8:28  Close with verse

How about a Road-Trip? 
Take the Journey of the Soul in the Life Between Death & Rebirth 
in the warm hospitality of our Branch Buddies in the South:

11/11/19, in Atlanta GA. 10 am – 12 noon On this auspicious day we will gather
to look at the mystery of the 11:11, & the connections between, Martinmas, MLK,
The Journey of the Soul, Armistice Day, The laying of the Foundation Stone,
& a Rare Cosmic AlignmentThe Transit of Mercury across the Sun

Speaking with the Stars’ with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, 
with Jolie Luba, 
with Angela Foster

$10-$20 or pay what you will, For more info. contact Angela Foster

  ALL SOULS JOURNEY – Exploring the Life between Death & Rebirth

7 pm – 9 pm – Friday 15 November 2019, Auburn Alabama
for more info. contact Helena Burkart

10 am – 2 pm, Saturday 16 November 2019 in Nashville TN
Community Potluck lunch – Please Bring a dish to Share – 
Suggested Donation $20-$50 or pay what you will – 
For more info. contact Cathy Green  Or Barbara Bittles 

1 pm – 5 pm, Sunday 17 November 2019 Knoxville TN
Community Potluck Dinner – Please Bring a dish to Share – 
Suggested Donation $20-$50 or pay what you will – 
For more info. contact Bill Rogers

2 thoughts on “The Reversal of Mercury & Venus…& the Crescent Moon Dance

  1. Hi Hazel, you wrote:

    “29 October 2019 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Our solar system’s 2 inner planets cozy up
    near each other in the early evening sky. Tonight, Mercury slides south (lower left) of
    Venus. You can find the pair with the help of a two-day-old waxing crescent Moon.
    Bella Luna stands high just after sunset with Venus, Goddess of Love, on Her lower right;
    Mercury, messenger of the gods & psycho-pomp carrying the souls of the dead across the threshold, directly below our beloved satellite. ”

    In truth, the planet designated today as Mercury is experiencing the final stages of inferior conjunction with the Sun, and therefore is only to be found in the early morning sky, and lost in the glare of the rising Sun. The transit of 11/11/19, which covers some five and a half hours duration, begins at 8:35 am CST, and reaches center-point at 11:20 am, and ends at 2:04 pm CST.

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