Most folks can remember where they were, on that September morning, 19 years & counting ago.
It was autumn, & the new school year had just started. The Perseid meteor showers had been weak in 2001. Yet Michaelmas was on my mind. My husband & I had slept late that day. My morning mediation was scattered, distracted. I went into the kitchen to make breakfast, my daughter, who was not yet 2 years old, was playing up in her room, when the phone rang. It was my friend Rowan. She was crying & whispering: ‘Turn on your TV’ she said. I laughed & said ‘Rowan what is it? You know we don’t watch the tube”. She said ‘O Hazel honey, just turn it on’.
We were in shock. I don’t have to go into what we all felt at that moment.
We tuned off the TV, & I called to see if school was still in session. The folks at the Chicago Waldorf School said, yes, stressing how we all needed to keep the media away from the young ones. In a daze I got the girl ready for our parent/child class. While the children played, the parents sat, quiet, nodding to each other, holding the sacred space for the innocents, speaking only with our eyes about what we had seen.
When I got home my husband said the 2nd tower was hit -The horrendous images repeating in an endless loop.

For many days after, when I would take my girl for walks, or where ever I was, – at work, at the market, I felt a deepened connection to my fellow human beings. People looked each other in the eyes. Folks were kind, helpful, really considerate, even in traffic. We were all brothers & sisters, bonded by this world altering event.
We were all one. Humanity united that day.

In trying to make sense of it all, I thought, perhaps this horrible tragedy would become a catalyst for true change. I saw it as a loosening of our collective etheric bodies, providing an opportunity for the angels to work with us, opening humanity to a threshold experience, an initiation, preparing us for the brotherhood of the next epoch.
Remember how still, & quiet it was under clear blue skies in those 1st few days, after, when all the air traffic was halted? Peaceful, heightened, open.
But soon the shock & vulnerable, open eyed connection gave way to patriotic rhetoric; hateful & boiling, it radiated out infecting the planet. And anyone not jumping on the war wagon was called trader/unpatriotic/’conspiracy theory’ lunatic, & roundly silenced.
Lies became truth. Phantoms became reality. Blood was exchanged for oil. Corporations became people. Our civil liberties were bought & sold. Homeland security invaded our right to privacy -The human soul oppressed by systematic illusion.
Never mind that VP Dick Cheney was running the largest war-games exercises at the same time as the ‘attacks’. Never mind the connection of the Saudi’s with the Bush dynasty. Never mind the mind, for thinking had been outlawed.

The fallout from 9/11 continues, but perhaps with time, truths will surface that will bring change & healing, AND there is always help from the ever present spiritual world, if we look for it. Michael will continue to pour his cosmic iron into our blood; it is up to us to use it to fight the dragon.

“For once, therefore, a man woke up and saw that what mattered was not to proclaim democracy but to see the full reality, not to follow slogans, but to see things as they are. This would be particularly important today, for people would then realize that the events which reign with such blood and terror over the whole of humanity are guided and directed from just a few centers. People will never realize this if they persist in the delusion that nation is fighting nation, and allow the European and American Press to lull them to sleep over the kinds of relations that are said to exist between nations.” ~Rudolf Steiner, Fall of the Spirits of Darkness, : Lecture 14: Into the Future, Dornach, 28 October 1917

- Insider Traders Knew About Attacks Before They Happened. Right before the 9/11 attacks, some fishy business happened within the stock market & insurance firms. An “extraordinary” amount of put options were placed on United Airlines & American Airlines stocks, the same airlines that were hijacked during the attacks. Many speculate that traders were tipped off about the attacks & profited from the tragedy. The Securities & Exchange Commission launched an insider trading investigation in which Osama bin Laden was a suspect, after receiving information from at least one Wall Street firm.
- The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) generals reported that they learned of the hijackings in time to scramble fighter jets, but that they were ordered to stand down ‘because it was a part of a Military war game’.
- Is this just like Pearl Harbor? Did our government want to use the attacks to justify an invasion on Iraq & Afghanistan to secure oil interests?
- Commercial airplanes’ frames are constructed with a very light aluminum material in order to make it easier to fly. Some believe that missiles or explosives were used to ensure the buildings collapsed. Many scientists & engineers say it looked like a controlled demolition. Many speculate that the towers were in fact blown down with explosives placed in selected locations. Some witnesses recounted hearing explosions inside the building as they attempted to escape. Many architects even maintain that a plane’s fuel cannot produce enough heat to melt the steel frames of the two buildings that collapsed.
- The Pentagon crash may be the most puzzling event of the day. Theorists maintain that the impact holes in the Pentagon were much smaller than a commercial American Airlines plane. They also question why the plane was not shot down prior to impact, as well as why the plane impacted a section of the Pentagon that was vacant due to renovations.
- According to official reports, the passengers onboard Flight 93 attempted to take back the plane from the hijackers & the subsequent struggle caused the aircraft to crash into an open field in Pennsylvania. As with the Pentagon attack, theorists state that very little plane wreckage was actually discovered in the field – that the crash site itself was too small for an airliner that size, arguing instead that the plane was shot down by the military & so it disintegrated over a larger area.
- In the aftermath of the attacks, passports & identification were found as evidence. How did the passports of the terrorists made out of paper survive the same explosion that destroyed buildings?
I know you are tired dear friend. It’s all so much. And I know today is an emotional day. But together we can continue to ask urgent & difficult questions, so that we may share healing, which often comes thru shattering insights. This can help us achieve humanity’s highest evolution.

We can’t rest until we reveal what lies at the root of the corona – our individual & collective Crown – vs. the virus, & the worldwide pandemic it has caused. What are the deeper, spiritual realities? Which entities stand behind the virus? What can we do to meet them? How can we be spiritually hygienic? What therapeutic practices can we employ?

Is this present pandemic meant to be seen as part of a larger series of world-events – Can we find the connections? All of humanity is being called upon to respond in a radically transformative way. How will we face the issues relating to government lockdowns, police corruption, & the rise of the protest movements that have sprung up in opposition to them. How do these events point to real questions of individual freedom – not a selfish ‘me 1st freedom’, but a true freedom based on love, good will & compassion toward everyone?

And above all, how does all this relate to the essential event of our time – The revealing of The Christ in the etheric; which remains largely hidden behind the veil of materialism?
~Standing in the light of Wisdom’s humble Peace & Love ~hag

On Sunday, September 20th, the day the foundation stone was laid into the first Goetheanum, we invite everyone back to share and offer a plenum.
HOW WE WILL HARVEST: 12 pm pacific, 1pm mountain, 2pm central, 3pm eastern, 9pm Europe / Dornach
Zoom details & Schedule TBA – I have been asked to share a few Leading Thoughts around the Michaelmas Season

ALIANT ALLIANCE MICHAELMAS MEET-UP: Tuesday, September 29th (for roughly 2.5 hours) @ 10am pacific, 11am mountain, 12pm central, 1pm eastern, 7pm Europe / Dornach
We will discuss organizing some of the ALIANT Next Steps
Review ELIANT’s Charter, Vision, and Mission Statement –
Take up a biweekly study of Rudolf Steiner’s Speaker’s Lectures for the Threefold Commonwealth from 1921, found in Communicating Anthroposophy. (We place an order and coordinate shipping, if you are interested please message us, and if you would like support purchasing a book, let us know! ) –
Study our countries’ Constitution wherever we are living.
If you would like to engage our future steps with us, please email Dottie and Frank at CirclesforaRenewalofCulture@gmail.com

The Central Regional Council Invites ALL to our Michaelmas Festival:
‘Courage Born of Wisdom’
Wednesday 23 September 2020 –On ZOOM – 7:15 pm CDT – 8:30 pm
CRC performs a telling of a tale from ancient Chaldea where EA gives birth to Marduk, precursor to Michael.

then “Wisdom Built herself a house*”…7 members of the various sections of the Anthroposophical Society will stand as Wisdom’s 7 Pillars to share how Courage was born from Wisdom leading to their work in the world.
Pedagogical Section –Michael Holdrege
Youth Section – Stephan Ambrose
Medical Section –Drs. Molly & Quentin McMullen
Eurythmy – Barbara Richardson
Social Science Section – Doug Wylie
BioDynamic Agriculture – Rand Carter
Three-Folding – Dorothy Hinkle-Uhlig

with Original songs by Lucien Dante Lazar!
& a closing about the connection between Michael, The Christ & Anthroposophia!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 820 7046 0900
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Meeting ID: 820 7046 0900
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kclU2SSTF
If you have questions, please contact Alberto Loya aloyavaca@utexas.edu

Michaelmas 2020: Joan d’Arc – PURIFYING FIRE: The Power behind the Will –
Date: Saturday 26 Sept. 2020. Time: 2 pm – 5 pm, In-Person & Online
Followed by a POTLUCK, Please bring a dish & beverages to Share!
https://zoom.us/j/97955920156 Meeting ID: 979 5592 0156
Schedule (in process)
Lucien – Ring the Iron Bell – Welcome (How does our Festival form a Being of Courage in this Now?) (10 – 15 minutes?)
Group Singing: Michaelmas Time Song (5 Minutes)
Angela Foster – Leading Thoughts, & ‘Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc – Preface’ (20-30 minutes)
Mary Spalding – ‘Courage Dear Hearts’ Biography of Jeanne d’Arc (10 minutes)
Mary S, or Mary R, or Jan R? Copper Rod Eurythmy: (5-10 minutes)
Dottie Zold & Frank Agrama – Michael, Joan of Arc, St Oldie & the Elderberries Impulse of Selflessness (20-30 minutes)
Group Singing: Firmly on the Earth I Stand Song? (5 minutes)
Paulette Arnold? – Biography Work in Break out Groups – Sharing a story of courage from our lives: Each person takes 3 minutes to tell their tale. (15 minutes)
Large Group Sharing (5-10 minutes)
‘The Passage’ by Lucian Dante Lazar (15 minutes)
Large Group Sharing (5-10 minutes) which can lead into or be part of:
Angela Foster – Social Sculpture – Weaving the Chalice (20 minutes)
Jonathan Hadley?– The Mars / Saturn Square (5-10 minutes)
Everyone takes a turn Ringing the IRON, verse, goodbye (5-10 minutes)
Group 1: Springing from Powers of the Sun,
Radiant Spirit-powers, blessing all Worlds!
For Michael's garment of rays
We are predestined by Thought Divine.
Group 2: Michael, the Christ-messenger, reveals in us
Bearing humankind aloft — the sacred Will of Worlds.
You, radiant Beings of Ether-Worlds,
Bear the Christ-Word to human beings.
Group 1: Thus shall the Heralds of Christ appear
To our thirstily waiting souls.
Your Word of Light shines forth to us
In the cosmic age of the Spirit-Human.
Group 2: We, disciples who would know the spirit,
Follow Michael's beckoning Wisdom,
To take the Word of Love, Willed by Worlds,
Into our highest aims of soul-work; actively!
~From Rudolf Steiner's Last Address
hag – Final Leading Thoughts – Goodbye – Thank you – POTLUCK, Please bring a dish & beverages to Share!
Saturday, 9/26 @2-5pm
https://zoom.us/j/97955920156 Meeting ID: 979 5592 0156
Here is an extraordinary video of a conference held in Holland in November 2012 on the subject of Breakthrough Energies. It concerns 9/11, and what came out of that act.
A poem for the 19th anniversary of the 9/11/2001 disaster.
19 is the Soul Calendar memory number (v19, To sheathe… with memory…)
It rained the final evening of the Twin
Towers. The programmed dancers did not show
that night how souls communicate; but, sown
by then, who had prepared the ground for sin
to cultivate?— drilled martyrdom?— broken in-
to promised land?— vouchsafed a virgin’s home?…
let fear grow war’s lure?— veiled by an aroma
the morning’s lapis blue of autumn’s hymn
could not draw back. For war, through centuries,
prepares the stage for war, and from the heights
into the caves Technology’s long sights
aim, aim for control, control of the stories,
the blue rock’s mysteries… Earth’s treasures… sold:
black market… and… the blue… the soul may hold
Lapis Lazuli, crudely mined with dynamite by the Northern Alliance in NE Afghanistan,
helped fund their war against the Taliban raising it’s believed about $5 million a year.
A dance performance by the Pickup Performance Company
led by Valda Setterfield, illustrating forms of human greeting,
scheduled to take place in the plaza between the Twin Towers
on the evening of 10th September 2001 was cancelled because of a rainstorm
before a beautiful sunlit morning in the early hours of the 11th.
Valda, I and a third actor, performed a version of Medea, “Medead”, with a chorus
of drama students at Lancaster University in the NW of England 2 months later.
It’s the 19th anniversary of the 9/11/2001 disaster.
19 is the Soul Calendar memory number (v19, To sheathe… with memory…)
Hi Roy,
As always, to remember 9/11 is painful. Just last year, on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the disaster, an opportunity was given to help make aware within the american -Muslim community that 9/11 was not caused by a radical faction of supporters for Osama bin Laden. As Hazel has indicated, over the years since 2001 the true facts of 9/11 have come out, and the story is far different from the “official story” mandated to be told today. It is interesting that during the eight years of the Bush-Cheney administration, c. 2001-2008, the real facts of 9/11 accumulated and were readily disseminated on the internet as part of the so-called, “9/11 Truth Movement”. Thus, by 2008 a great deal was known about the real causes of 9/11, and then a ground-breaking book came on the scene, i.e., “Where Did the Towers Go”, by Dr. Judy Wood. This book served to be the seminal evidence of what took place on 9/11/ 2001.
Then, Barack Obama succeeded George Bush as POTUS in 2009, and we began to see a definite diminishment of 9/11 truth telling on the internet, and eventual banishment due to certain FCC rulings in relation to Homeland Security protocols. Thus, the 9/11 Truth Movement was gagged, and has been gagged ever since; yet you would wonder why Barack Obama would not want to know the truth that supposedly involved his own people?
So, this brings me to my memory from last year on the occasion of 9/11/2019. In March 2019, March 23rd to be exact, newly elected U.S. House of Representatives Member from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar, an American-Muslim, was speaking at an engagement of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Los Angeles. In reference to 9/11, she says, “some people did something” that day. Well, this caused a torrent of outrage from the populace, who considered her remarks to be insensitive to the event, and this was further accentuated on 9/11/2019, when someone at the ground zero event, and wearing a tee-shirt with the words, “some people did something”, castigated Ilhan Omar for first making those remarks.
Here is what welled up in my soul that day, on the 18th anniversary of 9/11. I personally saw her remarks about “some people did something” as an admission that she was a keen member of the 9/11 Truth Movement, and thus knew that there were no islamo-fascist airline hijackers at all. So, in her tacit way, she was rejecting the official 9/11 story.
So, I wrote to her in order to find out if that was what she was actually saying when she said, “some people did something”. I then also felt compelled to write to the members of the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which has several offices throughout the United States, in order to express my concern for her honesty, and also their opinion concerning the very real potential that the Muslim-Islamic culture here in America, and the rest of the world, had nothing to do with the actual event of 9/11/2001.
What was my response? Nothing. I heard not a word from Ilhan Omar, or any of the representatives of CAIR. This proved to me that one’s own personal position is still subject to the official powers in authority. Even the group, which could have exonerated itself in the name of its own culture chose to defer to political weakness.
So, for me in my memory, it was a very disappointing day one year ago on 9/11.
Rudolf Steiner spoke these disturbing, but prophetic words on September 12, 1924.
“When one looks at ancient mystery wisdom, it follows from what was and is mystery teaching for the prophetic vision of future wisdom that the human beings who as it were accept inner Christianity and spiritualized Christianity and who look towards the sun genius in connection with Christianity will accelerate their evolution and reappear at the end of the 20th century. For everything we can do now in this age is of great importance if we look at it from the viewpoint of eternity; it is of great importance if we grasp spirituality for the teachings and deeds of human beings in this age; it is a preparation for the great, extensive and intensive spiritual deeds which should be done at the end of the century. After a great deal will have come before, which will be contrary to the spiritualization of modern civilization — after the second 666 stood in the sign of that great upheaval in Europe which was begun by the crusades and which had its outer fact in the appearance and destruction of the Templar knights, everything from the sun genius which is trying to create true Christianity works on, as does everything from Soradt which is trying to work against it. And we have the age of the third 666:1998. We are coming to the end of this century, when Soradt will again lift his head from the waters of evolution very strongly, where he will be the adversary of that vision of the Christ which prepared human beings will already have in the first half of the 20th century through the appearance of the etheric Christ. It will then take almost two thirds of a century until Soradt raises his head in a mighty way.
When the first 666 went by Soradt was still hidden in the evolutionary course of events; one didn’t see him in an external form; he lived in the deeds of Arabism, although initiates could see him. When the second 666 came he already showed himself in the thinking and feeling of the tortured Templars. He will show himself before the end of this century already, and he will appear in a great many people as a being by whom they will be possessed. One will see people coming up to one and one will not be able to believe that they are really human beings. They will develop in a very strange way even outwardly. They will be intensive, strong natures outwardly with fierce features and a destructive rage in their emotions; they will have a face in which one will see a kind of a beast’s face outwardly. Soradt men will also be recognizable outwardly; they will be those who not only ridicule spiritual things, — they will fight it in the most terrible way and they will want to thrust it down into a cesspool. One will see that what is concentrated in a small region in present-day Russian communism will be inserted into the whole earth evolution of humanity.
This is why it is so important that everything which can strive towards spirituality should really do so. Everything which opposes spirituality will be there, for this does not work in accordance with freedom but in accordance with determinism. This determinism is moving in the direction where Soradt will be loose again at the end of this century, when a striving to sweep away everything spiritual will be present in the intentions of a large number of earth souls, whom the Apocalypticer prophetically sees with their bestial faces and their strength of a tiger with respect to the execution of their adversarial deeds against the spiritual. Outbursts of rage against the spiritual are already here today: but they are only the first seeds.”