19 June 2018 – Astro-Weather: With the Summer Solstice just 2 days away, the Summer Triangle stands high & proud in the East after dark. Its top star is bright Vega. Deneb is the brightest star to Vega’s lower left (by 2 or 3 fists at arm’s length). Look for Altair a greater distance to Vega’s lower right.
If you have a dark sky, you’ll see that the Milky Way passes under Vega through the Summer Triangle.
Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day
“Once you let the Sun ignite the flame in the chamber of your heart,
Then the One that is unending Fire in the throne of who you are, will rule with golden hand and words of light.
The norm will be written with gentling feathers that through patience like snow dispel all lies.
The law will be such that through miracles, black turns into white, and white into black.
Because Love is the only One able to make the Doves embrace the Crows and Death become the Life’s bride”. ~Dante Alighieri
323 – Council of Nicea concludes & promulgates the Nicene Creed
1566 – Birthday of James VI of Scotland & England, son of Mary, Queen of Scots. He sponsored the translation of the Bible into English that would later be named after him: the Authorised King James Version. Sir Anthony Weldon claimed that James had been termed “the wisest fool in Christendom”. He was the patron of Frances Bacon, William Shakespeare, Joacob Boehme & Jacob Balde.
James’s visit to Denmark, sparked an interest in the study of witchcraft,[43] which he considered a branch of theology. He attended the North Berwick witch trials, the first major persecution of witches in Scotland under the Witchcraft Act 1563. Several people were convicted of using witchcraft to send storms against James’s ship, most notably Agnes Sampson. James became obsessed with the threat posed by witches & wrote Daemonologie in 1597, a tract opposed the practice of witchcraft & that provided background material for Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Macbeth.
1623 – Birthday of Blaise Pascal, French Philosopher, mathematician & physicist
1867 – Deathday of Maximilian I of Halbsburg, executed in Mexico. Seeking to legitimize French rule in the Americas, Napoleon III invited Maximilian to establish a new Mexican monarchy for him. With the support of the French army & a group of conservative Mexican monarchists hostile to the liberal administration of new Mexican President Benito Juárez, Maximilian traveled to Mexico. Once there, he declared himself Emperor of Mexico.He was a devout Roman Catholic.
The Empire managed to gain recognition by major European powers including Britain, Austria, and Prussia. The United States however, continued to recognize Juárez as the legal president of Mexico. Maximilian never completely defeated the Mexican Republic; Republican forces led by President Benito Juárez continued to be active during Maximilian’s rule. With the end of the American Civil War in 1865, the United States (which had been too distracted by its own civil war to confront the Europeans’ 1861 invasion of what it considered to be its sphere of influence) began more explicit aid of President Juárez’s forces. Matters worsened for Maximilian after the French armies withdrew from Mexico in 1866. His self-declared empire collapsed, & he was captured & executed.
World Sauntering Day: The holiday was created in 1979 by W.T. Rabe in response to the growing popularity of jogging. It is believed to have begun at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island in Michigan, USA. The Grand Hotel has the world’s longest porch at 660 feet. The idea behind the day was to encourage people to slow down & appreciate the world around them.
1964 – The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is approved after surviving an 83-day filibuster in the United States Senate.
1990 – The current international law defending indigenous peoples, Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989, is ratified for the first time by Norway
2012 – WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange requested asylum in London’s Ecuadorian Embassy for fear of extradition to the US after publication of previously classified documents including footage of civilian killings by the US army
POD (Poem Of the Day)
~I come
From light & to light
I return
My hands grasp the ring of colors
The gold beak of dawn
The blue eyes of day
The deep red blood of dusk
I gather
Myself, thought & bone
I come
To carry light
In the new mysteries we strive at St. John’s Tide toward an enhanced awareness of our will forces – an effort to ‘make straight the path’, to recognize our potential for discordant, as well as selfless acts; an effort to enable the higher ego to come to expression ever more fully in the mysterious recesses of our personal priorities with respect to our will. In the Summer-Tide, through ‘the great window of heaven’ we experience an interaction between humanity and the sun forces, assisting us to develop an awareness of our ego. The summertime union between the sun and earth is actually a reunion between the divine gods of the spiritual sun & their offspring, humankind. We can contemplate this dynamic & bring it to life in our soul most strongly at this time.
St. John’s Festival: Cosmic Rapture Grounded in Jubilant Hearts
Art Projections & Discourse with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg
Sunday 24 June 2018, 2– 4 pm at the Rudolf Steiner Branch of the Anthroposophical Society in America – Chicago
ALSO: at the Nashville Branch 3 July 2018 – 4804 Sewanne Road Nashville TN
Pot Luck Dinner: 6 pm
Festival: 7pm-9pm
Please RSVP. Barbara Bittles
And then in Maryville, TN on Sunday 8 June 2018 (details TBA)
Come join our Initiatory Workshop to discover the New Mysteries of St. Johns-Tide.
To pass the test of Summer we will explore many questions:
How do we stand wakefully within the sublime mysteries of the Summer-Tide, to consciously embody ‘the spiritual wisdom of the gods’?
Who is the mysterious Archangel of Summer?
Who is John the Baptist? What do his sayings “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” And “He must increase, but I must decrease.” really mean?
What is the secret to healing the ‘soul-fever’ so prevalent in society today?
What is the mystery of the Dragon-fly, & other elemental beings?
How can we understand the ‘Cycle of the Year as Breathing Process of the Earth’?
Together we will work to strengthen our true “I”, enlivening our will forces with various social-artistic exercises:
Singing with Ultra-Violet Archer https://itunes.apple.com/…/beyond-blue-and-red-ep/1357968825
Folk Eurythmy
Questions to the Universe
$10 Donation & Snacks to Share Encouraged
For more info. contact Hazel@ReverseRitual.com
25 June 2018 ~MORAL MONDAY CHICAGO: 7 pm – 9 pm
“It’s Just a Story” – Moral Imaginations from the Future – NOW
at Elderberries Chicago 4251 N. Lincoln Ave.
Illustrations by Grace Kahn, & Sophia Karris.
New works by Shanti Rogers, Art booth by Liz Rosu-Rosenberg
Songs from “Beyond Blue and Red” by Ultra-Violet Archer
$10 Donation – MORE or less (Youth under 21 FREE)
Friday 29 June 2018, 7-9pm & Saturday 30 June 2018, 10am-12:30pm
Social Life and the Renewal of the Anthroposophical Society with Robert Karp, M.Ed.
Founder and director of New Spirit Farmland, facilitating partnerships with social impact investors; also serving as executive director of the Biodynamic Association and Practical Farmers of Iowa.
Embedded in the Christmas Conference event for the renewal of the Anthroposophical Society in 1923/24 lay profound social mysteries and impulses. Realizing and embodying this potential, requires us to call forth new capacities for working with the spiritual world and with our fellow human beings in groups and in community life. The Friday talk will seek to shed light on these mysteries, and at the Saturday morning session we will practice a host of social-artistic exercises designed to help awaken and strengthen in us the capacity for spiritually conscious work in groups and in larger social organisms.
$15 more or less per session, For more info. contact Hazel@ReverseRitual.com