Listen on the ‘I Think Speech’ Podcast
Yesterday while walking along our Chicago neighborhood street with my beloved, a hawk – talons down – swooped up & over me, brushing the top of my head.

Later, our cat Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds came home with a big fat pigeon in her mouth, which she proceeded to munch, right down to the feathers.

I have a thing with birds. Of all the wild creatures, they are a consistent harbinger & ally. This morning a little birdy set me a task. I am to make it my mission to be both serenely curious & wildly reflective, especially during this time leading up to the Summer Solstice – to really be awake to the impulse of the outbreath as it stretches into cosmic space.

After my sunrise communion I have been taking time in my garden to – just listen. My beloved & I cleared away a lot of the wild overgrowth around the fire-pit, which had its charms, but this taming has allowed us to finally build that raised bed we have been wanting to do for years, to grow more vegetables.

We filled it with compost from Angela Curtes, founder of GROUNDED LLC – This amazing woman creates Angie’s Gold Premium Compost using the controlled heat method, fortified with Biodynamic Preparations. – We met Angie back when she was working with Christopher Mann. She brought him to a 3 day workshop I gave on ‘The Spiritual Guidance of the Individual & Humanity’ at the Michael Fields Institute in WI. Christopher was one of the co-founders of the institute & an early pioneer of Biodynamics. He made the movie The Alchemists right before he crossed the Threshold.

Frank Agrama & Joseph went to see Angie on her farm & brought back a truck load of her amazing compost, which is now growing our food!

In the listening this morning, as I was striving to be intensely relaxed & peacefully alert, a red-throated humming bird hovered in my face for an eternal moment, flashing neon in the early light, before fliting off to the honey suckle bush. Sweet!

Yes, this Summer-Tide is providing a steady flow of signs – Can I read them…Where will they lead…? Ever Onward…

Galatians 5:25: ‘Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit’.

~My mouth & hands are green
Callused moments in time
a wild bird fluttering in the dirt
i play the earth
like a flirting worm
Find a collection of the many RECORDINGS of Presentations, Programs & Festivals HERE

Sunday 20 June 2021 – Summer Solstice / Father’s Day
Bon-Fire & Prep-Stir Social Gathering
7 pm CT Pot-Luck Dinner at the Home of Hazel Archer & Chuck Ginsberg
Please Bring Food & Drink, a song, poem or Question to Share in Community
This is an offical ‘Merry Prepstir‘ synchronized application,
linking us to Biodynamic workers around the world,
so that ‘The Earth May Be Healed’.
We will be working with BD 500 Horn Manure.
RSVP by 19 June 2021 for address & directions

‘Preparing the Way’ an experiential St. John’s-Tide Festival
23 June 2021, Doors open at 5:30 pm with a Potluck –
Program from 7 – 8:30 pm
In-person at the Rudolf Steiner Branch 4248 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago, 60618
Singing – Elizabeth Kelly
Group discussion – Hazel Archer
Spatial Dynamics – Deborah Rogers
Art – Mary Spalding
For more info. contact Cultural Events & Festivals Coordinator Hazel Archer

St. John the Baptist and Uriel the Archangel of Summer –
An Experiential online Festival with Geoff Norris, Elizabeth Carlson, Lisa Dalton, Lucien Dante Lazar, Hazel Archer
Sunday 27 June 2021 on Zoom:
Noon – 1:30 pm PT / 1 – 2:30 pm MT / 2 pm – 3:30 pm CT / 3 – 4:30 pm ET /
8 – 9:30 pm London Time / 9 – 10:30 pm CET
Metanoia – Can you hear the voice of conscience? – Make straight the path, for at the fullness of Summer, the light is so bright that it leaves no room for the shadow, a time to remember what St. John said “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Musicial Performance by Lucien Dante Lazar
Speech – Geoffrey Norris
Eurythmy- Elizabeth Carlson
Living into St. John’s-Tide – Lisa Dalton
Leading Thoughts – Hazel Archer
Hazel Archer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: St. John’s
Time: Jun 27, 2021 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 705 293 1041
Passcode: Uriel
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/a961qZZhF
For more info. contact Cultural Events & Festivals Coordinator Hazel Archer Hazel@reverseritual.com

Invitation to a Summer Practice and Research Group working with
Rudolf Steiner’s 6 Essential Exercises alongside the Eightfold / Daily Exercise Path.
We will have a daily 15-minute Zoom meeting for 6 weeks.
Beginning on Saturday June 12, 2021 and ending on July 24, 2021.
This group will meet every day for 42 days
for 15 minutes each day.
The schedule each day (based on Eastern Time (ET) Please check your time zone):
12:00 Thought of the Day for the Six Basic Exercise (changes weekly)
12:05 5-minute Individual Practice Space
12:10 Thought of the Day for the Daily Exercises (8FoldPath)
12:15 Close the space
Everyone is invited to participate. Come when you can and will. Free of charge.
We intend to stay as close to time as possible. Saturdays after the close of the call, there will be
an optional conversation space hosted by Elderberries. Visit our padlet for updates:
This is a practice group AND a research group. We are experimenting with weaving our
attention with weekly rhythm of the 6BE and the daily rhythm of Eightfold Path/ Daily
Exercises. You are encouraged to bring a journal to make notes and keep track of your
Week One: Clear Thinking
Week Two: Control of Will
Week Three: Equanimity
Week Four: Positivity
Week Five: Open Mindedness
Week Six: Harmony
Saturdays: Right Opinion
Sundays: Right Judgement
Mondays: Right Word
Tuesdays: Right Deed
Wednesdays: Right Standpoint
Thursdays: To Become Habit
Fridays: Right Memory
The ARC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting:
Topic: SixBasicExercises Practice Group
Time: This is a recurring meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/266986103?pwd=bXU4a0EvMmJkMDZTR0Rqcm0xZ0pUZz09 Meeting ID: 266 986 103 Passcode: 345338

Wednesdays 9:30-11:00am CT – True and False Paths in Spiritual Investigation, by Rudolf Steiner. We incorporate ‘The Calendar of the Soul’, eurythmy, focused discussion and seasonal artistic explorations in our study. All are Welcome. Contact Hazel Archer-Hazel@ReverseRitual.com We meet in person in the Branch Library or join via Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99724133477?pwd=VGdOQUpINCtrRXQxY2ZLRVRsSDhBdz09 Meeting ID: 997 2413 3477 Passcode: true

(CLOSED) Fridays 12noon – 1:30pm CT. The Esoteric Path Through the Nineteen Class Lessons by Sergei O. Prokofieff. A serious study for Members of the School of Spiritual Science. Contact Hazel Archer-Ginsberg. Hazel@ReverseRitual.com

Sundays 7-9pm CT. Our international group is studying ‘The Formation of a New Etheric Heart Organ in the Light of the Present Michaelic Mystery Culture as Rudolf Steiner Required it for our Age‘ by Ruth Haertl. for more info. Contact Hazel Archer-Hazel@ReverseRitual.com, Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91503499709?pwd=eEtzckt4NjM5OFIyUlJOT0pjYThCUT09 Meeting ID: 915 0349 9709 Passcode: peace