May 15, 2016
“When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you.’
After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.
Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.’
When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.
If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” John 20:19-23
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“And Suddenly there came from the sky a Noise like a Strong Driving Wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were.
Then there appeared to them Tongues as of Fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all Filled with the Holy Spirit”. Acts 2: 2-3
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“Then came the moment when it seemed to the apostles that they had lived through a long time as in a dream from which they awoke with the Pentecost event.
The apostles felt impregnated by all-encompassing love and awakened from the dream-like state.
Now, however, they were as transformed: like people who had achieved a new state of mind or soul disposition, like people who had lost all the narrow restrictions, all the egotism of life, who had gained an infinitely wide heart and all-embracing tolerance, a deeply heartfelt understanding of all that is human on earth.
They could also express themselves so that everyone present could understand them.
One felt also that they could see into each heart and soul and clarify the secrets of the soul, so they could comfort the other, could tell him exactly what he needed.
Now, in that instant, understanding of what actually happened on Golgotha appeared before their minds’ eye.” ~From ‘The Fifth Gospel’ by Rudolf Steiner
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“…After His Resurrection from the dead and also at His Ascension, Christ was still outside the world of men; He had not endowed their individual ego-consciousness with those forces which He had already borne into Earth-existence through the Mystery of Golgotha.
In order that this might come about, the festival of Ascension had to be followed by the Festival of Pentecost, the festival of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Universal Love, upon the Apostles.
Rudolf Steiner speaks about this as follows: ‘From the event of Pentecost onwards, the Christ-Being experienced His entry into the sphere of the Earth, which signified for Him what the transition into the Spirit-Land signifies for the human being.
But instead of ascending – as is the case with a human being after death– to Devachan, to a spiritual region (that is, as far as the World of Archetypes), the Christ Being offered up His sacrifice as though He were building His Heaven on the Earth; He sought it on the Earth.
Since then, and for all future ages of the Earth, it has become possible for every man inwardly to experience the direct presence of the macrocosmic Christ through an inner experience of the new Holy Spirit who proceeds from Him, who quickens the soul of man with a universal, cosmic love, and reveals to his fully awake individual ego-consciousness a perception of the higher worlds, so that he may become a conscious witness and servant of the Spirit. ” ~From ‘The Cycle of the Year as a Path of Initiation, The Mystery of Pentecost’ by Sergei O. Prokofieff
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Whitsun-Day, 15 May 2016,
~Festival of United Soul Endeavor
A Biography Atelier with Leah Walker
2pm -4pm
at the Rudolf Steiner Branch 4249 N. Lincoln, Chicago
$10 includes all artistic materials
Warmth: Contraction/Expansion
The Pulse of Me & We – AUM = A – I stand for myself, U – I stand for humanity, M – I stand for Life
Welcome Circle
What is Whitsun?
What is Biography Work?
It is good to remember that biography work (just like Whitsun) is really for the future–a more human and moral future. It is an antidote to our increasing individuality, a remedy for the isolation so many of us feel deeply, painfully. It is a new art form. In this, our current time, we may simply take small steps with and through biography–we may strive to develop this potentially great work. ~Leah Walker
Exploring Ourselves as ‘Social Artist’:
‘Postcards’ – Imaginations that deepen our inner feeling for the role others play in creating who we are.
‘Life Triptych’ – Spontaneous Sketches, that open us to real moments from our lives; revealing the nature of our Spirit Self-hood.
We may therefore picture to ourselves that, by uniting in brotherliness in working groups, something hovers invisibly over our work, something like the child of the forces of the spirit self– the spirit self that is nurtured by the beings of the higher hierarchies in order that it may stream down into our souls…In our groups we perform work that streams upward to those forces that are being prepared for the spirit self. ~Rudolf Steiner, Preparing for the Sixth Epoch, Dusseldorf, June 15, 1915
Spirit Recalling, Spirit Sensing, Spirit Beholding
Light divine,
Warm Our hearts;
Enlighten Our heads;
That good may become
What from our hearts, We are founding,
What from our heads, We direct,
With focused will.
~Rudolf Steiner, The foundation Stone Mediation
Snacks to Share Encouraged !
For more info. Contact Hazel Archer Ginsberg