Monthly Archives: April 2020

Eve of May

What Inspires You? - Page 2 - WetCanvas

The planetary rhythms over the past 4 months have been worth noting, because they seem to match what Steiner says about the appearance of sun-spots coming about only after the fall of the adversarial beings. Before that, the Sun was clear. These dark spots are strong erratic magnetic fields coming up from within the Sun. Like a solar eclipse they reduce the amount of energy & light distributed to Earth which affects the electromagnetism of the earth. Spiritual Science tells us they are a sign of moral degeneration.  

In ‘Manifestations of Karma‘ Steiner says when there is a high volume of sun spot activity especially thru the outer planets during the late winter, there will be a strong push put on the rhythmical activity between chest & head, in the act of breathing & in blood circulation– especially in people who are predisposed with an irregularity in this rhythm.

Looking back over the last 4 months Mars, Jupiter & Saturn have seen a very high volume of sunspot activity, & next week they all go into retrograde.

Just like when there is an eclipse -when we can see a corona-this is a call to action; pointing up our responsibility to bring balance in ourselves & in the world. Perhaps this world illness is part of a process, not so much a flattening of the curve, but a learning curve, a reset for humankind. Our culture needs a moral renewal, in order to overcome the virus of materialistic ideology which reduces human beings to a programmed computer-animal, & nature, to a poisoned mechanized product.

But dear friends, don’t let this stop us from hearing the trumpet call awakening us to the fact that we are also living in the time of a momentous event: Since the 20th Century Christ has made a re-appearance in the etheric aura of the Earth.

And, once we get past these next few months, 2020 is a remarkable year from a cosmic standpoint. The outer planets of Jupiter & Saturn will remain close throughout the year, culminating in their alignment in a ‘Great Conjunction’ near the time of the Winter Solstice.

Astrosopher Willi Sucher said that in this potent conjunction, ‘we can perceive momentous decisions being made’. Saturn representing Cosmic Memory – the World of the Father Ground – meets the divine creative thoughts of Jupiter, the beneficent King. This conversation between Jupiter & Saturn could be seen as a preparation for a new creation. Such a ‘decisive communion’ preceded the birth of Jesus, & coincided with Paul’s initiation by The Risen Christ on the road to Damascus.

We are being asked to join the cosmic conversation: Consider events in your own life, & in the world, during the times of most recent great conjunctions of 1981 & 2000.

AND to further our “Speaking with the Stars’, know that this is all happening during the time of a ‘solar minimum’ – a period of low magnetic activity on the Sun – which is connected with the 11-year alignment cycle of Jupiter, Earth & Venus (occult Mercury, The healing power of Love).

Interesting to note, that solar minima also occurred in 1879 – the beginning of Michael’s Reign; 1901-when Rudolf Steiner began his public Theosophical work; late 1912 – at the founding of the Anthroposophical Society; & 1923 – around the time of the Christmas meeting, when the re-founding took place; & in 1933 -Steiner’s date for the beginning of Christ’s reappearance in the etheric.

Let us rise in our thinking to consider that these are times when spiritual forces from the Sun are able to stream down to the earth in a particularly effective way. What would it be like to align ourselves with this cosmic opportunity & make a conscious decision to be light-workers, building up our etheric body, our life body; visualizing the earth surrounded, not by machines, but by a body of light – The light Divine – the living being of the Christ Sun.

Yes, friends, we need Michaelic courage to stay awake to the implications of current events. Being open-minded, staying positive, asking questions without judgement. Opening to this opportunity; working consciously with our beloved dead & with the highest spiritual beings for the cause of human evolution; which BTW certainly calls for us to push the reset button on the economic system right now. It’s a huge opportunity to come into greater integrity with what Steiner calls the 3-fold Social Organism.

Steiner tells us: “an economic life like that of the Anglo-American, would end in world-dominion — if the effort is not made to bring about its permeation by the independent spiritual life and the independent political life; it will flow into the third abyss of human life….in the physical realm, illness and death; in the cultural realm, the illness and death of culture. The Anglo-American world may gain world dominion; but without the Threefold Social Order it will, through this dominion, pour out cultural death and cultural illness over the whole earth; for this is a result of the Asuras…” Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 15 December 1919. 

The question is: Can this ‘pandemic’ actually help us see how essential the 3-fold organism really is?


Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day

30 April 2020 – ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY

Walpurgis Night, In Germanic folklore Walpurgisnacht, also called Hexennacht, literally “Witches’ Night” – the eve of the feast day of Saint Walpurga, an 8th-century abbess in Francia.  In Goethe’s Faust we see 2 scenes: ‘Romantic Walpurgis Night’ the night of a witches’ meeting on the Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains, a range of wooded hills in central Germany; and later in Part 2 a ‘Classical Walpurgis Night’ is featured.

The Death of Seneca - The Collection - Museo Nacional del Prado
Death Of Seneca by Manuel Dominguez

65 – Seneca, teacher of Nero, murdered

1789 – On the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York City, George Washington takes the oath of office to become the first elected President of the United States

1812 – Birthday of the enigmatic Kaspar Hauser

1877 – Birthday of Alice B. Toklas, an American-born member of the Parisian avant-garde of the early 20th century. Life partner of American writer Gertrude Stein

1885 – The Niagara Reservation becomes New York’s first state park, ensuring that Niagara Falls will not be devoted solely to industrial & commercial use

1939 – The 1939-40 New York World’s Fair opens

1945 – Adolf Hitler commits suicide

1963 – The Bristol Bus Boycott is held to protest the Company’s refusal to employ Black or Asian bus crews, drawing national attention to racial discrimination in the United Kingdom


This is the Eve of Beltane or May Day. Beltane, the old Celtic name for May Day, means bright fire or fire of Bel, the name of the Solar force, whose feast marks the beginning of the 2nd half of the year.

Wood from 9 sacred trees is gathered, & the great Bel-fire is built & ritualistically ignited by the High priestess or Arch-Druid. People would jump these ‘need-fires’ for fertility, healing & protection.

Torches lit from it were carried home to re-light the hearth fires. The folk would walk their animals in-between them to ensure a productive season – this is the mating season after all for man & beast.

There were other May Day customs, like walking the circuit of one’s property, repairing fences & boundary markers, processions of all kinds, archery tournaments, Morris dances, sword play, & of course making merry with music & drinking.

May morning is a time when the veil between the worlds can easily be pushed aside; but instead of the spirits coming into our realm from the other side, which is the case with Halloween, the polar opposite of Mayday on the wheel of the year -the fairies can enchant us over into their mystical realms.

This is a magical time, perfect for gathering ‘wild’ water, especially the May morning dew, or water from hidden wells & springs. These wild waters were collected & used to bath in for beauty, or to drink for health.

May Day is considered the start of summer – the time of milk & honey. This sensuous fertile energy is totally universal, & can be applied on many different levels. When we acknowledge these creative forces in the dance of our lives, it takes us to our own personal, modern-day version of dancing around the maypole, where we weave & combine the opposing energies within ourselves, blending them into one balanced source.

So yes, whether you know it or not, there will be at least one song that plays in your sub-conscious head on this eve of the 1st day of May, when you become perhaps, the Queen of the May, or Jack-in the Green. Our body like the body of the earth instinctively knows its Beltane, the time of vitality & passion & new growth. And the wisdom of our spirit seeks the natural union of polarities that occur at this time, giving us the opportunity for integration, in the alchemical dance of our souls…

Because under all the sexual innuendo & frivolity, it’s really all about the inner mystic marriage, the union of fire & water -opposites complimenting each other, to become one, bringing all the elements into balance.

You’ll just have to go dancing naked in the forest preserve on your own time…

For now, let’s work to unify the polarities of our being, by sparking the new fire of creative fertility & passion, & marrying it with the beautiful, healing waters of compassion & pure love. So we can truly celebrate the marriage feast of our lives, with a grounded, mindful joy.

So if it is your will – light your Bel-fire, marry it to the water, by floating it in the chalice of your choice. Take the time you need there…To do or not, what you will…Whisper your marriage vows into the water…or dance the 1st dance…or smash the glass…whatever your ceremony calls for…short simple or silent…it doesn’t matter…a 3 day bacchanal, with dancing puppets…it’s all good…cause it’s all about what’s inside…

Peace & Love

~Lady Hazel

Arthur Rackham

God Dog

26 April 2020 – Deathday of Stephan Sassafras Snow – our beloved family dog for 15 years. He would have been 16 (or 17?) in August.

My husband Chuck is a dog guy. I had a toy collie growing up, but never one as an adult. I couldn’t imagine training or taking care of a dog, but I woke up one day with the idea that we should have a dog about the house. Our girl was 7 at the time & very sensitive, so no overly active, jumpy, loud barky dogs for us. We went to a few shelters; we even found one we liked, but it didn’t happen. So I thought ok, well it is not meant to be. We already had 2 white cats, Milky & Kefir who we loved from the shelter. Milky let the girl terrorize her, & Kefir was like my pup following me around everywhere.

Milky Snow Buttercup & Kefir Acidophilus

Months went by & then a friend of a friend of Chuck’s, a fellow warrior dude (mankind project) had died & his caretaker was looking for someone to take his puppy. We went over to meet him, & he just sat there looking timid & a bit depressed. He was so beautiful, white like the cats, with sandy colored ears. I immediately fell in love. His owner had named him Snowy after the cartoon character in The Adventures of Tintin. In retrospect he looked a lot like my childhood dog Penny. We took him out to the park across the street since it seemed he had been kept in much of the time. He ran like the wind & won us over with his smiley face & calm demeanor. The girl even liked him. So the white dog came home to join our 2 white cats, who never really got used to him being in their house, it was like Wild Kingdom’ around here, always a lively show.

Snowy with his beaver toy, which used to be the girls stuffed animal

When we took him to the vet they said he had a degenerative eye disease & that he would eventually go blind. We were to put drops in his eyes 3 times day. But as soon as we started to feed him raw food (Chuck would butcher a whole organic chicken for him every week, along with veggie scraps!) his eyes completely cleared up & he never had another problem.  

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is hag-snowy-by-lw.jpg
Photo by Liba

Somehow he loved me best, & became ‘my dog’ following me around, nudging me for love, sometimes he wouldn’t go for a walk unless I took him. I looked forward to taking him out 3 times a day. I used that time to meditate on the changing seasons & get to know my neighbors for the 1st time.

He was always at my side, sitting next to me as I wrote, & I would take him everywhere if I could. As time went on he really learned to play me, asking to go out back, or on the front porch – let the dog in, let the dog out, sheesh, it was a full time job.

he loved watching the world go by

The last 6 months or so he became incontinent, so we got him doggie diapers. He still wanted to eat & take walks & everything, so we went along. Then he became a bag of bones, stopped being able to go up & down the stairs & the decline became more evident every day. A few times we thought he was done for, but when I asked him if he was ready to go to the ‘group soul’ he would rally, so we hung on.

with fuji

I will spare you all the details, but today, after having a week of dreary wet weather, the sun came out & Snowy made his way to doggie heaven. We buried him in the backyard next to the 2 cats & Chuck’s old dog Hoover…

Snowy with Mitzi

Tonight we will make a bonfire & gather to celebrate his life. So many Snowy stories…my eyes hurt from all the salty tears, but our family is unified after many thoughtful conversations, feeling the blessings from the Animal World which we so gratefully received thru our dear Snowy…

Snowy with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds our new cat
3 Kings Day chalking the door
Prison Reach Walk-a-thon
Snowy with his ‘Groucho Marx’ eyes

God – Dog – God – Dog – God – Dog

Winged Lion

Good and Evil (painting) - Wikipedia

So we see how Powers work together in the world, how everything that appears to oppose the progress of mankind subsequently turns out to be a blessing…For everything in the great world Plan is good and the evil endures only for a season.  Therefore he alone believes in the eternity of the evil who confounds the temporal with the eternal; he who does not rise from the temporal to the eternal can never understand evil“. ~Rudolf Steiner, The Deed of Christ and the Opposing Spiritual Powers, March 22, 1909

Secrets Behind the Creepy Plague Doctor Mask and Costume | Ancient ...

So one sees how the physical is a result of what preceded it spiritually and how in particular circumstances people have it in their power, through knowledge of certain relationships, to connect the physical with its spiritual origin. For example, if one knows how a particular illness is connected with particular feelings and emotions, he knows that by calling up these feelings he can also call up the illness. The black magician can make use of this knowledge to destroy the people. The deep occult truths can therefore not be taught to everyone without due consideration, for it would immediately bring about a sharp demarcation between good and evil. This is the danger inherent in the spreading of occult teachings, for no-one can be taught how to make people well, without at the same time learning how to make people ill. Where occult teachings have penetrated more into certain peoples such things have happened. There are districts in the East where one can hear true reports that there are sects who make it their task to produce definite illnesses. Thus we penetrate to an ever greater degree into the understanding of the ways in which the material arises out of the spiritual.

Vagus Nerve Scratchboard Art | Scratchboard art, Scratchboard ...
Frankel Harrding

So what does it mean to call up feelings and emotions…it means to change the rhythm between breath and heart beat – Fear is the acceleration. Love brings a steady calm balance in the rhythm…“~Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 15 December 1919


The waxing crescent Moon emerges once again in twilight. (April 24-27, 2020))

25 April 2020 – “Speaking with the Stars”: The waxing crescent Moon stands with Aldebaran below Venus (Occult Mercury) this evening. The earthshine within its horns (“the old moon on the new moon’s arms”) will now be in much better view than yesterday.

Crescent moon with earthshine on EarthSky | Today's Image | EarthSky

If seeds in the black earth can turn into such beautiful flowers, what might not the heart become in the long journey towards the stars?“~ G K Chesterton


Carpaccio The Lion of St Mark Painting | Vittore Carpaccio Oil ...

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day 


Icon of St Mark the Evangelist, 1657 Painting by Emmanuel Tzanes ...

Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, founded the Church of Alexandria. The oldest & the shortest of the four Gospels, the Gospel of Mark emphasizes the rejection of Christ by humanity while being God’s triumphant envoy.

A winged lion is Mark’s symbol. The lion derives from Mark’s description of John the Baptist as a “voice of one crying out in the desert” (Mark 1:3), which artists compared to a roaring lion. The wings come from the application of Ezekiel’s vision of four winged creatures (Ezekiel, chapter one) to the evangelists.

“…This is how it is with the kingdom of God; it is as if a man were to scatter seed on the land and would sleep and rise night and day and the seed would sprout and grow, he knows not how. Of its own accord the land yields fruit, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. And when the grain is ripe, he wields the sickle at once, for the harvest has come” (Mark 4:26-29).

Synoptic Gospels | Definition & Facts | Britannica

Everything Christ Jesus did was connected with macrocosmic events. Think of how often in St. Mark’s Gospel it is said that Christ performed His acts of healing after the Sun had set or before it had risen. Thus we are told: In the evening, when the Sun had set, they brought to Him all manner of sick and possessed. (i, 32). Why were the sick and possessed brought to Him at just that time? Because the Sun had set and its forces were no longer working physically in Jesus, but spiritually; what He was to do was not connected with the physical forces of the Sun. The physical Sun had set, but the spiritual Sun-forces worked through His heart and body. And when He wanted to unfold His greatest and most powerful forces He had necessarily to exert them at a time when the physical Sun was not visible in the heavens. So also when we read: ‘Before the Sun had risen’ — the words have a definite meaning. Every word in St. Mark’s Gospel indicates great cosmic connections between processes in the universe and every step taken and every deed performed by Christ in the body of Jesus of Nazareth here on Earth. If you were to draw a map of the paths He trod and the deeds He performed and were then to study the corresponding processes in the heavens, the picture would be the same: processes in the heavens would seem to have been projected down to the Earth.” ~Rudolf Steiner, MYSTERY TEACHINGS IN ST. MARK’S GOSPEL

Oliver Cromwell: Puritan and Protector - The Christian Institute

1599 – Birthday of Oliver Cromwell, political leader & Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, & Ireland. Nicknamed “Old Ironsides. Cromwell was born into the middle gentry. He was an intensely religious man, a self-styled Puritan Moses, & he fervently believed that God was guiding his victories.

Cromwell was one of the signatories of King Charles I’s death warrant in 1649

Cromwell is one of the most controversial figures in the history of the British Isles, considered a regicidal dictator by historians, a military dictator by Winston Churchill, but a hero of liberty by John Milton, Thomas Carlyle, & Samuel Rawson Gardiner, & a class revolutionary by Leon Trotsky.

Trinley Gyatso (1857-1875) - Find A Grave Memorial

1875 – Death-Day of the 12th Dalai Lama -Trinley Gyatso. His short life coincided with a time of major political unrest & wars in Tibet which particularly suffered from the weakening of the Qing Dynasty.

During his period of training as a child, Tibet banned Europeans from entering the country because of wars Britain was fighting against Sikkim & Bhutan, both of whom were controlled to a considerable degree by the lamas in Lhasa. These wars were seen as efforts to colonize Tibet—something seen as unacceptable by the lamas.

Trinley Gyatso was fully enthroned as Dalai Lama on 11 March 1873 but could not stamp his full authority on Tibet because he died of a mysterious illness.

Fourth Annual Ella Fitzgerald Competition to Be Held April 25 ...

1917 – Birthday of Ella Fitzgerald, American singer

2015 – Over 9,100 are killed after a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake strikes Nepal.

2015 – Riots break out in Baltimore, Maryland following the death of Freddie Gray in police custody


Seeds Undergroundloveseries Painting by Manami Lingerfelt
Felicia Whimbly

POD (Poem Of the Day)

~I drag the large stones to higher ground
I plant my seeds 
& carry the balance of the elements 
In my hands to bless them…
I linger with the moist black secret 
Smell of earth…


The Bard’s Day


23 April 164 – Birthday of William Shakespeare
23 April 1616 – Deathday of William Shakespeare

~Notes from a Lecture given by Dr. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, May 6, 1902

“…A legend has arisen about Shakespeare and whole libraries have been written about each of his works. Academics have given many interpretations of his plays, and finally a number of writers have decided that an uneducated actor could not have produced all the thoughts which they discovered in Shakespeare’s works, and they became addicted to the hypothesis that not William Shakespeare, the actor of the Globe Theatre, could have written the plays which bear his name, but some other highly learned man, for example Lord Francis Bacon of Verulam, who in view of the low estimation of literary activity at that time, borrowed the actor’s name. These suppositions are based on the fact that no manuscripts written by Shakespeare’s hand have ever been found; they are also based upon a notebook discovered in a London library with single passages in it which are supposed to correspond with certain passages in Shakespeare’s plays.

William Shakespeare Portrait - Maestro Art Giclee Paintings and Murals

But Shakespeare’s own works bear witness that he is their author. His plays reveal that they were written by a man who had a thorough knowledge of the theatre and the deepest understanding for theatrical effects.

That Shakespeare himself did not publish his plays was simply in keeping with the general custom at his time. Not one of his plays was printed during his lifetime. They were carefully kept under wraps; people were to come to the theatre and see the plays there, not read them at home. Prints which appeared at that time were pirated editions, based on notes taken during the performances, so that the texts did not completely correspond to the original versions, but were full of errors and mutilations.

These partial omissions and mistakes led certain researchers to claim that Shakespeare’s plays, as they were then available, were not works of art of any special value and that originally they must have existed in quite a different form.

One of these researchers is Eugen Reichel, who thinks that the author of Shakespeare’s plays was a man with a certain definite worldview. But such opinions are contradicted by the fact that the plays, in the form in which they now exist, exercise such an extraordinary influence. We see this great effect in plays that have undoubtedly been mutilated, for example in Macbeth. The hold of Shakespeare’s plays on his audience was proved by a performance of Henry V under the direction of Neuman-Hofer at the inauguration of the Lessing Theatre. It did not fail to produce a powerful impression in spite of an extremely bad translation and poor acting.

William Shakespeare: See the Top 15 Quotes From His Plays | Time

Shakespeare’s plays are above all character dramas. The great interest which they arouse does not so much lie in the action, as in the wonderful development of the individual characters. The poet conjures up before us a human character and unfolds his thoughts and feelings in the presentation of an individual personality.

This artistic development, which culminated in Shakespeare, was made possible by the preceding phase of cultural development: the Renaissance. Shakespeare’s character-dramas could only arise as a result of the higher estimation of the individual during the Renaissance. During the early middle ages we find, even in Dante and in spite of his strong personality, the basic expression of the Christian ideas of that time. The Christian type of his time, not the individual human personality, appeared in the foreground. This was the general conception. The Christian principle had no interest in the individual personality. But little by little a new worldview aroused interest in the Individual human being. Only gradually did a new interest in the individual arise by means of the different viewpoint.

The Anti Jewish William Shakespeare, the Great Bard. – Peter ...

The fact that Shakespeare’s fame spread so quickly proves that he found an audience keenly interested in the theatre, that is to say, with a certain understanding for the representation of the personality as offered by Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s chief aim was to describe individual characters, and he was far from presenting to his audience an ethical or moral idea. For example, the idea of tragic guilt, as found in Schiller’s dramas, who thought that he had to encumber his hero with it in order to justify his downfall, does not exist in Shakespeare’s plays. He simply allows the events to take their course consistently, uninfluenced by the idea of guilt and atonement. It would be difficult to find a concept of guilt in this sense in any of his plays.

Shakespeare also did not intend to present a certain idea, not jealousy in Othello or ambition in Macbeth, no, simply the definite characters of Othello, Macbeth, or Hamlet. Just because he did not burden his characters with theories was he able to create such great ones. He was thoroughly acquainted with the stage, and this practical knowledge enabled him to develop his action in such a way as to thrill an audience.
In the whole literature of the world there are no plays which are so completely conceived from the standpoint of the actor. This is a clear proof that Shakespeare, the actor, has the merit of having written these plays.

The Life Of William Shakespeare The Man From Stratford Painting ...

Shakespeare was born in Stratford in 1564. His father was in fairly good circumstances, so that his son was able to attend the Latin grammar school in his hometown. There are many legends about Shakespeare’s youth. Some say that he was a poacher and led an adventurous life. These things have been adduced against his authorship, yet these very experiences could only enrich his dramatic creation. Even the fact that in spite of his good education he was not encumbered with higher academic study, gave him the possibility to face things more freely and in a far more unprejudiced way. The poet’s adventurous nature explains to some extent some of the greatest qualities in his plays: the bold flight of his fantasy, his sudden transformations in the action, his passion and daring, all bear witness to a life full of movement and color.

In 1585, when Shakespeare’s financial conditions were no longer in a flourishing state, he went to London. There he began his theatrical career in the most menial way, by holding the horses of the visitors while they were enjoying the performance. He then became supervisor of a number of such boys who had to hold the horses’ reins, and was at last admitted to the stage. In 1592 he played his first important role.

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

His fame soon began to spread — both as an actor and as a dramatist — and his conditions improved, so that in 1597 he was able to buy a house in Stratford. After he became part-owner of the Globe Theatre he was a wealthy man.

The plays written during Shakespeare’s first period: Love’s Labour Lost, As You Like It, etc., do not differ so greatly from the plays of his contemporaries, of Marlowe and others; their expressive power, their purity and naturalness were moreover impaired by a certain artificial note which was the fashion in those days. The great character-plays, which were to establish his fame for all time, followed: Othello, Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear, Julius Caesar.

Some of Shakespeare’s biographers and commentators wish to deduce from certain of his later plays troubled experiences which embittered him. But in Shakespeare’s case this is difficult to establish, because his identity withdraws behind his characters. They do not voice his thoughts, but they all think and act in accordance with their own disposition and character.

Shakespeare Quotes Classroom Poster Set by Success in Secondary School

It is consequently useless to ask what Shakespeare’s own standpoint may have been on certain difficult questions. For it is not Shakespeare, but Hamlet who broods over the problem of “to be, or not to be”, who recoils from his father’s ghost, just as Macbeth recoils from the witches. Whether Shakespeare believed in ghosts and witches, whether he was a churchgoer or a freethinker, is not the point at all: He simply asked himself: how should a ghost or a witch appear on the stage so as to produce a strong effect upon the audience? The fact that this effect is undiminished today proves that Shakespeare was able to answer this question.

We should not forget that the modern stage is not favourable to the effect which Shakespeare’s plays can produce. The importance which is now attributed to props, costumes, the frequent changes of scenery, etc. diminish the effect which is to be produced by the characters in the plays — for this remains the chief thing. In Shakespeare’s time when a change of scenery was simply indicated by a notice-board, when a table and a chair sufficed for the furniture of a royal palace, the effect produced by the characters must have been much greater than today.

Did You Know? 10 Facts about Shakespeare's Globe Theatre - London ...

Whereas in the modern theater so much depends on scenery, props, etc., when the playwright usually gives a detailed description of the scenery so that the effect of his plays may be handicapped by bad staging, Shakespeare’s plays leave a strong impression, even when performed badly.

And when a times comes in which we again see the essential more than is the case today, will the effect of Shakespeare’s art be ever greater: through the power of characterization which remains alive and unequaled through the centuries.”

Shakespeares Texte verstehen
Live stream from Chicago’s Shakespeare Theater today APRIL 23, 7:30–8:00 P.M CDT

William Shakespeare ~Notes of a Lecture given by Dr. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, May 6, 1902, GA 51, Schmidt Number: S-0338, Lecture eleven of thirty-eight lectures in the lecture series entitled, Philosophy, History, and Literature, published in German as, Über Philosophie, Geschichte und Literatur. Based on an essay, Bn 29.1.28, entitled, Another Secret of Shakespeare’s Works.

Note from Marie Steiner: Friends who heard that notes existed of a lecture on Shakespeare given by Dr. Steiner in 1902 at the Workmen’s School in Berlin expressed the wish to read these notes. They were taken down by Johanna Mücke, who did not know shorthand, so they do not claim to be complete. The 7 pages of typescript may correspond to about 25 pages of the original text of the lecture. But important points emerge even from these incomplete notes.

The waxing crescent Moon emerges once again in twilight. (April 24-27, 2020))

23 April 2020 – “Speaking with the Stars”: As twilight fades, look way down below Venus near the horizon to pick up the thin, crescent Moon starting a new lunation.


Kelly Pilton

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day


History, if thoroughly comprehended, furnishes something of the experience which a man would acquire who should be a contemporary of all ages, and a fellow-citizen of all peoples.” ~Joseph Roux, Meditations of a Parish Priest

Ramadan 2020: Preparations disrupted? - KAWA

1st Day of the festival of Ramadan, observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection &community. A commemoration of Muhammad’s first revelation, the annual observance of Ramadan is regarded as one of the Five Pillars of Islam & lasts twenty-nine to thirty days, from one sighting of the crescent moon to the next.

Fasting from sunrise to sunset is obligatory for all adult Muslims who are not acutely or chronically ill, travelling, elderly, pregnant, breastfeeding, diabetic, or menstruating. The predawn meal is referred to as suhur, & the nightly feast that breaks the fast is called iftar. The spiritual rewards of fasting are believed to be multiplied during Ramadan. Muslims devote themselves to prayer, recitation of the Quran, & the performance of charitable deeds as they strive for purity& heightened awareness of God.


303 – Death day & Feast of Saint George, Roman soldier & martyr. One of the ‘14 Holy Helpers’ immortalized in the myth of Saint George & the Dragon. In the legend a dragon or crocodile makes its nest at the spring that provides water for the city of Lydda in the Holy Land. Consequently, the citizens have to dislodge the dragon from its nest to collect water. So, each day they offer the dragon at first a sheep, then a maiden. The victim is chosen by drawing lots. One day, this happens to be the princess. The monarch begs for her life to be spared, but to no avail. She is offered to the dragon, but then Saint George appears on his travels. He faces the dragon, protects himself with the sign of the Cross, slays the dragon, & rescues the princess. The citizens abandon their ancestral paganism & convert to Christianity

1869 – Birthday of Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz – was born in Prague (then in the Austro-Hungarian Empire) to an aristocratic family with royal connections. Polzer-Hoditz was one of Rudolf Steiner’s most valued, independently-minded colleagues. Leaving behind his background traditions, he would become a key player in Steiner’s regenerative threefold social impulses, working tirelessly for a genuinely unified, free Europe. He also fought to protect Rudolf Steiner’s esoteric legacy & the integrity of the Anthroposophical Society.

Following Steiner’s untimely death, Polzer-Hoditz fostered a broad range of friendships & alliances with key figures such as D.N. Dunlop, Walter Johannes Stein, & Ita Wegman. In a bid to avoid further division & conflict, he made significant interventions to alter the tragic course of events that consumed the Anthroposophical Society, although he was unable to stop the major split within the membership that followed. In the final decade of his life, he concentrated his energies on world issues & on influencing events, especially in Europe, while lecturing widely & writing books. In contrast to the destructive special interests of the national & religious groups that craved dominion & power, Polzer-Hoditz sought to build a true understanding between Central & Eastern Europe & to cultivate a spiritual connection with the West.

According to anthroposopher T.H. Meyer, Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz had an experience that brought to the surface one of his past incarnations as Hadrian, 76 AD – 10 July, 138 AD, who was Roman emperor from 117 to 138. He is known for building Hadrian’s Wall, which marked the northern limit of Britannia. He also rebuilt the Pantheon & constructed the Temple of Venus & Roma. He is considered to have been a humanist, & he is regarded as one of the ‘Five Good Emperors’.

Hadrian was born into a Hispano-Roman family. During his reign, he traveled to nearly every province of the Empire. An ardent admirer of Greece, he sought to make Athens the cultural capital of the Empire and ordered the construction of many opulent temples in the city. He used his relationship with his Greek lover Antinous to underline his love of Greek culture leading to the creation of one of the most popular cults of ancient times. He spent extensive amounts of time with the military; he usually wore military attire & even dined & slept amongst the soldiers. Late in his reign he suppressed the Bar Kokhba revolt in Judaea, renaming the province Syria Palaestina

1891 – Birthday of Russian composer, & conductor Sergei Prokofiev,  egarded as one of the major composers of the 20th century. A graduate of the St Petersburg Conservatory, Prokofiev initially made his name as an iconoclastic composer-pianist, achieving notoriety with a series of ferociously dissonant & virtuosic works for his instrument.  Prokofiev’s greatest interest, however, was opera.

After the Revolution, Prokofiev left Russia & resided in the United States, then Germany, then Paris, making his living as a composer, pianist & conductor. During that time he married a Spanish singer, Carolina Codina, with whom he had two sons. In the early 1930s, the Great Depression diminished opportunities for Prokofiev’s ballets & operas to be staged in America & western Europe. Prokofiev, who regarded himself as composer foremost, resented the time taken by touring as a pianist, & increasingly turned to Soviet Russia for commissions of new music; in 1936 he finally returned to his homeland with his family. He enjoyed some success there – notably with Lieutenant Kijé, Peter & the Wolf, Romeo & Juliet, & above all with Alexander Nevsky.

The Nazi invasion of the USSR spurred him to compose his most ambitious work, an operatic version of Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace. In 1948 Prokofiev was attacked for producing “anti-democratic formalism”, so with his standing compromised & his income severely curtailed, he was forced to compose Stalinist Soviet music, such as the cantata On Guard for Peace.

Prokofiev died at the age of 61 on 5 March 1953, the same day as Joseph Stalin. He had lived near Red Square, & for 3 days the throngs gathered to mourn Stalin, making it impossible to carry Prokofiev’s body out for the funeral service at the headquarters of the Soviet Composers’ Union. He is buried in the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow. He was an atheist

1919 – Opening of the 1st Waldorf School, Stuttgart Germany. Waldorf education, is based on the educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy. Its pedagogy emphasizes the role of imagination in learning, striving to integrate holistically the intellectual, practical, & artistic development of pupils.

Steiner’s division of child development into three major stages is reflected in the schools’ approach to early childhood education, which focuses on practical, hands-on activities & creative play; to elementary education, which focuses on developing artistic expression & social capacities; & to secondary education, which focuses on developing critical reasoning & empathic understanding.

The overarching goal is to develop free, morally responsible, & integrated individuals equipped with a high degree of social competence.

Qualitative assessments of student work are integrated into the daily life of the classroom, with quantitative testing playing a minimal role in primary education & standardized testing usually limited to that required for college entry. Individual teachers & schools have a great deal of autonomy in determining curriculum content, teaching methodology, & governance

1945 – Deathday of Albrecht Georg Haushofer (a German geographer, diplomat, author & member of the German Resistance to Nazism. Haushofer was born in Munich, the son of the retired World War I general.

Obtaining an insight in Nazi politics, Haushofer approached to German resistance circles. Following the outbreak of World War II.

High-ranking members of the Nazi Party looked disapprovingly upon his half-Jewish mother. Incarcerated in Berlin Moabit Prison, he wrote his Moabit Sonnets, posthumously published in 1946. In the night of 22/23 April 1945, as Red Army troops already entered Berlin, Albrecht Haushofer & other inmates were shot in the neck by SS troopers. His body was discovered by his brother Heinz on 12 May 1945.

One of the sonnets, titled Schuld or “Guilt”, was on his person at the time of his execution. It reads as follows:

I am guilty,
But not in the way you think.
I should have earlier recognized my duty;
I should have more sharply called evil evil;
I reined in my judgment too long.
I did warn,
But not enough, and not clearly enough;
And today I know what I was guilty of.
Albrecht Haushofer


Shelley Bain

TOD (Thought Of the Day)

Every April 23 the ancient Romans celebrated a festival known as Robigalia. Among the rites they performed were ceremonies to exorcise the god of rust & mildew. Let’s consider reviving that old practice. We could all benefit from spending a few days bringing awareness to what may be insidious rot, especially on a metaphorical level. Let’s scour the muck, glop, & grime out of our collective psyche.



SAVE THE DATE: Ascension Thursday 21 May 2020 ‘Coming in the Clouds’ a CRC Festival Celebration, 7 pm CDT online


Lifting the Veil of The New Isis -Sophiaa Telling of the New Isis Mythwith Leading Thoughtson the Being of Anthroposophia, w/ Hazel Archer-Ginsberg

Friday, 29 May 2020, 7:30 – 9:30 pm at Groh Farm, 135 Temple Rd, Wilton, NH

(if the lockdown is still in effect, look for an online connection)

$10 suggesteddonation – RSVP – Sponsored by the Anthoposophical Society in NH

Our dear Dr. Steiner said: ‘It is not the Christ we lack, but the knowledge of Christ, the Sophia of Christ, the Isis of Christ we are lacking.’ In ‘Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution’ Lecture 3; given in Dornach, 6 January 1918, by Rudolf Steiner; we hear how the power of ‘The Word, the power of The Logos’, must be resurrected through our striving to activate the Wisdom of Anthroposophia within each of us. Join Hazel Archer-Ginsberg for a powerful presentation Lifting the Veil of the New Isis-Sophia, to bring Light to Love.

Jo Jayson

~Vitae Sophia~A Whitsun Festival of United Soul Endeavor with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg Saturday, 30 May, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Groh Farm, 135 Temple Rd, Wilton, NH

(if the lockdown is still in effect, look for an online connection)

Eurythmy: AUM = A – I stand for myself, U- I stand for humanity, M – I stand for Life

Social Sculpture: Steiner’s ‘Blue Dot Exercise’– Through Art, the bridge between science & spirit, we warm the ‘I’, to open the heart, in support of healthy community.

What are my gifts-What are my tools? How can I place them in right relationship within the social realm? How can I hone them to strengthen and enhance the world?

Living into the Foundation Stone of Love – How can we take our individual Inner Whitsun & expand it, into what Steiner calls the “World Festival of Knowledge” a path leading from ‘Sprit Recollection’, to ‘Sprit Sensing’, to ‘Sprit Beholding’?

Enter the Labyrinth of ‘Vitae Sophia’ – Human hearts, once warmed, can rise up to meet the source of wisdom, like flowers turning toward the sun.  

$30 suggested donation at the door, with potluck lunch to follow
(please bring a dish to share) RSVP Sponsored by the Anthroposophical Society in New Hampshire

Whitsun 2020 Vitae Sophia

as part of the tour 

Cantinho dos Deuses | Arte deusa, Arte visionária, Arte espiritual

3 June 2020 – a Round Table Discussion 7 pm – 9 pm on ‘The Sophia’ with John Bloom, Joan Sleigh, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg & Carrie Schuchardt  at The House of Peace in Ipswich, MA. 

(if the lockdown is still in effect, look for an online connection)

Hazel Archer-Ginsberg – Founder of Reverse Ritual Understanding Anthroposophy through the Rhythms of the Year.Essayist, Lecturer, Poet, Trans-denominational Minister, ‘Anthroposopher’, working as the Festivals Coordinator of the Chicago Rudolf Steiner Branch, The Traveling Speakers Program, & the Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society.

New Earth

tattoo for the wife she loves sunflowers i love the earth | Hippie ...

Blessings on the 50th Anniversary of EARTHDAY dear friends – In my mediation this morning this Steiner quote from ‘Outline of Esoteric Science‘ came to mind: ” The ‘cosmos of wisdom’ is developing into a ‘cosmos of love.’ The exalted Sun Being we were able to characterize in describing Christ’s evolution manifests as the all-encompassing example of love, planting the seed of love in the inner-most core of the human being. From there, it is meant to flow out into all of evolution.


Just as wisdom, which formed earlier, discloses itself in the forces of nature, love itself will appear as a new natural force in all phenomena in the future. This is the mystery of all future evolution; that our knowledge & everything we do out of a true understanding of evolution sow seeds that must ripen into love. The greater the power of the love that comes into being, the more we will be able to accomplish creatively on behalf of the future.

Blessing on these seeds which we are sowing

Adam S Doyle - Line of Kite Painting
Jeff Blanner

22 April 2020 – EARTHDAY EVERYDAY! Speaking with the Stars”: Bright Arcturus is climbing high in the east these evenings. Equally bright Capella is descending high in the northwest, to the upper right of Venus (occult Mercury). Arcturus & Capella stand at exactly the same height above your horizon. Arcturus is the brightest star of Bootes, the Cowherd. It’s the pointy end of the Kite asterism formed by Bootes’s brightest stars. The Kite, rather narrow, lies on its side to Arcturus’s left. Its head, at the far left, is bent slightly upward.

Handmade Oil Painting repro Buhler Fritz Zuber New Moon | eBay
Buhler Fritz Zuber

New Moon (exact at 9:26 p.m. CDT).


Painting as a Portal: Expressing—and ultimately befriending—your ...
Max Clenn

Here are the recordings From the ‘Sacred Gateway Conference. I’d love to recieve your feedback on the vimeo link:

How do we look at the karmic connections that shape current events? Our work with those on the “Other-side of the Threshold” can give us clues about the causes and purpose of epidemics and the ways of healing ourselves, our beloved dead and the Earth.

Click here for resources from Hazel for Workshop I

Click here for PDF Slides 

Portal Painting at | Explore collection of ...
Jane Fray

Explore the many cultural expressions that work with and celebrate our beloved dead. Prepare the way for the Unborn and for the future of humanity. Become inspired to renew or create your own tradition. Learn to find your destiny and meet your karma. Prepare for your own conscious crossing into the journey between death and rebirth by asking question like: Where did I come from? What did I come into this life to do? Who is with me on this journey?

Click here for Resources from Hazel for Workshop II

Click here for PDF Slides 


“We can speak of Karma not only in the case of individual persons, for man should not consider himself as a single being. If the individual were to rise even a few miles above the earth, the result would be the same as if the finger severed itself from the body.

If we penetrate into spiritual science we are literally forced to admit through this knowledge that we should not delude ourselves to the extent of insisting that we are single beings. This applies to the physical world and even more to the spiritual world. Man belongs to the whole world and his destiny is involved with that of the entire world. Karma touches not only the individual, but also the life of whole nations.”

Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 100 – Theosophy and Rosicrucianism: Lecture VII: The Law of Karma – Kassel, 22nd June 1907

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day


254 – Deathday of Origen (which means *child of Horus* -his nickname was  Adamantios which means *unconquerable*, *diamond*) – Church father considered a heretic because of his belief in reincarnation

1145 – the 19th recorded perihelion passage of Halley’s Comet

1451 – Birthday of Isabella I, of Castile, Queen of Spain

1724 – Birthday of philosopher Immanuel Kant

Self-portrait by Odilon Redon: History, Analysis & Facts

1840 – Birthday of painter Odilon Redon


1904 – Birthday of physicist J.R. Oppenheimer

1915 – The use of poison gas in World War I escalates when chlorine gas is released as a chemical weapon in the Second Battle of Ypres

1945 –Prisoners at the Jasenovac concentration camp revolt. 520 are killed & around 80 escape

1945 –Führerbunker: After learning that Soviet forces have taken Eberswalde without a fight, Adolf Hitler admits defeat in his underground bunker & states that suicide is his only recourse

1954 – Red Scare: Witnesses begin testifying and live television coverage of the Army–McCarthy hearings begins

Earth Day as a Black Swan – Byron Kennard's Capers

1970- 1st Earth Day “There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.” ~Marshall McLuhan


POD (Poem Of the Day)

~Will you
Sow the seeds of premonition
Into a fruitful action
To ignite the weave
In radiant expectation…?


John Muir is remembered on Earthday (his birthday was April 21st1838 ) also known as “John of the Mountains”, an American naturalist, author, environmental philosopher, glaciologist & early advocate for the preservation of wilderness in the United States. His letters, essays, & books describing his adventures in nature, especially in the Sierra Nevada, have been read by millions. His activism has helped to preserve the Yosemite Valley, Sequoia National Park & many other wilderness areas.

The Sierra Club, which he founded, is a prominent American conservation organization. The 211-mile John Muir hiking trail in the Sierra Nevada, was named in his honor, along with  Muir Woods National Monument, Muir Beach, John Muir College, Mount Muir, Camp Muir & Muir Glacier.

Muir was noted for being an ecological thinker, political spokesman, & religious prophet, whose writings became a personal guide into nature for countless individuals, making his name “almost ubiquitous” in the modern environmental consciousness.

During his lifetime John Muir published over 300 articles & 12 books. Muir has been called the “patron saint of the American wilderness” & its “archetypal free spirit.” As a dreamer & activist, his eloquent words changed the way Americans saw their mountains, forests, seashores, & deserts.

Muir exalted wild nature over human culture and civilization, believing that all life was sacred. He moved beyond the Transcendentalism of Emerson to a “biocentric perspective on the world”. He did so by describing the natural world as “a conductor of divinity,” & his writings often made nature synonymous with God.

My dear sisters & brothers, let’s make every day Earth Day!

XOX ~hag