So friends, let’s check-in. How is the Full Lunar eclipse playing out for you? How was your night/early morning? – Anything to report? Together we can tally up our experiences for spiritual scientific research. Can you still feel the shadow which is indeed lingering in the etheric, or has the poison been transformed into medicine?
So far I have received a handful of accounts that mention troubled sleep, disturbing dreams or body discomfort; & another handful reporting encounters with their beloved dead across the threshold. A few friends did eurythmy, or sang. And a bunch of folks said they didn’t engage because it was cloudy…I admit it is compelling to actually witness these cosmic & earthly events, but even if we can’t see them physically in the sense world, the energies are there, working even more insidiously because we are not consciously taking them up.
I fell into the category of having nightmares, & actually one of the characters is across the threshold with the ‘so-called dead’. I tossed & turned & kept looking at the clock to see what time it was. Finally when I saw 3:33 am I knew that was my sign to rise up & get to work – I peeked outside my bedroom window, & yep, there she was – Bella Luna with the bite of the eclipse in progress. My cat was mewling, I thought she wanted breakfast, but no, she couldn’t wait to go out into the nocturnal scene.
The sky was completely clear. From my backyard garden I could see Orion’s Belt pointing down to scintillating Sirius with its rainbow colors, which set off the blazing orange of Mars high above. Aldebaran & the 7 Sisters of the Pleiades were less distinct as they held witness.
At first I stood at the threshold of my kitchen doorway, where the event was unfolding in its frame, remembering how Ernst Katz, a teacher of Anthroposophy & professor of physics at the University of Michigan, used to say that he would never step out into the night during an eclipse. The energies were too overwhelming for him.
As I prayed the ‘Our Father’, taking each of the 7 lines as a universe unto itself, the bright light of Bella Luna was rapidly being diminished by the shadow of our Earth. I was surprised how fast the darkness moved. I worked a bit with the Prologue to John’s Gospel, but then felt called to alternate between the 5th panel of the Foundation Stone Meditation & the Lord’s Prayer.
As the eclipse was nearing totality, I kept feeling drawn – no compelled – to go outside & my speaking became more emphatic, which woke CG my beloved. When he saw what was happening he said let’s go out. Ok I thought – when 2 or more are gathered – so we grabbed coats & stepped into the highly charged atmosphere. It was after 5 am & the totality brought Andromeda into the mix. Whereas before, the darkness had moved so quickly, now as the luminary became rust red, time seemed to stop.
I kept up the prayers, adding this Steiner verse which I like to do along with the eurythmy gesture for ‘Love A’ over & over.
“In purest outpoured light shimmers the godhead of the world.
In purest love toward all the lives
Outpours the godhood of my soul
I rest within the godhead of the world
There shall I find myself within the godhead of the world”.
It was after 6 am & I actually started to feel a wave of panic – like the light was never going to return, so I prayed ever more earnestly & spoke the 5th panel centering on the ‘Cosmic Spirit-Light of the World’ – calling to Michael who stands with us – that humanity may hold the shield & sword of light.
Just then CG & I saw a shooting star! This was such a powerful affirmation, especially because I had several close encounters with shooting stars while I was at Kimberton Camphill, which is a story for another day.
Finally around 6:30 am, as the moon was sliding ever Westward, we could see the top of Bella Luna lighting up to look like a silver chalice that had been turned on its head. As the illumination pushed down, it appeared to us to resemble the blackboard drawing by Rudolf Steiner for Lesson 12 where he shows the human eye looking up into cosmic expanses. This impression was carried behind the tenement building as the Eastern sky lit up with the dawn.
Coming inside the warm house really felt like a homecoming – back to Earth & the human realm. I made some biodynamic Zinniker eggs & we talked over our impressions as the Sun came up.
What an extraordinary journey. All day I have felt heightened, lack of sleep can lift me out of myself a bit. The atmosphere still seems extra permeated with layers of unnamable forces. I wonder what effect it will have – on our midterm elections – & in the long run. How do we work to employ these kinds of cosmic & earthly opportunities to strengthen of our human evolution..?
With you in the Christ-Light
“Driven by the Spirit into the Desert” with Rev. Patrick Kennedy
The Southeastern Pennsylvania Branch of the Anthroposophical Society invites you to
Join us for a webinar on Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 3:00 PM EST
Our spiritual evolution does not take place separate from what is happening in the world. What used to take place in the hidden places of mystery schooling in the world is now a factor within history: The school of our becoming is life itself. In this presentation we will pick up the key elements that Rudolf Steiner names in his lecture from July 30th of 1918 and with them see better into the nature of what is happening in our time. What is revealed places us within powerful cultural streams of the present time – “Americanism, Bolshevism and Jesuitism” – and reveals the profound challenge we are called to face in establishing the truly a human – and a truly human culture – within this context. It is a societal level expression of what is revealed as a mystery image at the opening of the ancient gospel texts: the temptation of Jesus in the desert.
Register here:
In preparation for this webinar, please read the following lecture:
Proceeds will benefit the Seminary of the Christian Community in North America
In April of 2006, Patrick Kennedy was consecrated into the priesthood in Chicago, Illinois. Prior to attending the seminary in Stuttgart, Germany, Patrick studied and worked in the field of early childhood education and received his bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Santa Cruz in cultural anthropology. He has worked as a priest in the congregations in Devon, Pennsylvania and the Greater Washington, D.C., area. Then, in Chestnut Ridge, New York, he took up the roles of both seminary director and resident priest in the local congregation. In July 2019, Patrick, his family, and the entire seminary moved to the Toronto area.
Shining a Light into the Darkness
Path of Knowledge inner development is itself a process of shining light into the darkness.
As social challenges are intensifying, we are called upon more urgently to develop new capacities in understanding the human being, nature and medicine in wholeness. This series will focus on historical thinking influences which still darkly affect the soul of every modern human being.
Because we see everywhere today that the “light shines into the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not”, what is our response to the recognition of darkness which lives within the thinking of each of us?
This series is open to all who study anthroposophy.
Proceeds will benefit anthroposophic organizations worldwide.
For a list of all webinars in this series:
SE PA Branch of the A.S.A. thanks IDEAS Bookstore for hosting the series’ announcement/registration page.