Category Archives: Lecture

Geographic Medicine


Dear friends – Thank you to everyone who stood with me at the portal this weekend. Here are a few thoughts that I was not able to include in my ‘Sacred Gateway’ offering: ‘The connection between Epidemics, the Souls of the Dead, & the Spiritual World’:

In connection to illness Rudolf Steiner gives reference to ‘the double’, those parts of us that hold our often unconscious, un-redeemed parts, which can be attached to any of our sheaths, physical, etheric, & astral. To really know the double we have to understand Anthroposophic medicine, which tells us, certain illnesses like epidemics don’t come from outside us, they come from our double.

design by Rudolf Steiner

Steiner describes the Ahrimanic double as the creator of all organic illnesses – And the Luciferic double, as the creator of all nervous illnesses. He goes on to talk about the geographical forces that can promote these 2 kinds of sickness- forces coming up from the different regions of the earth prone to one or the other of these doubles within us. Steiner specifically mentions America as “…the region where the magnetic forces of sub-nature in particular arise, that bring the human being into relation with the Ahrimanic double” ~Rudolf Steiner, Geographic Medicine.

Juke Hudig

True Medicine must become a Spiritual Science, since illness comes from these beings which make use of the human body in order to profit from it. These doubles come into each of us before birth & they leave our human body only because they cannot endure death. Illness often emerges because this double works in us. And when homeopathic remedies are given, Steiner describes how “…the double lets go of the human being and becomes satisfied with what we toss into its jaws as a remedy” ~Rudolf Steiner, Geographic Medicine.

Algis Budry

Anthroposophical Psychology says “Shadow work” is the voluntary examination of our own internal darkness, which lacks the light of awareness, so it is often hidden from us. Obviously it takes courage to voluntarily look into the dark crevices of own psyche, where repressed traumas, inherited fear programs, undigested pain & all sorts of other disturbing & uncomfortable revelations lie buried. And as we have seen no matter how much we ignore, reject or deny the shadow, it will never just disappear. In fact, quite the opposite is true. The very fear that keeps us from looking at it is the same fear that feeds it. Hiding behind a mask will not keep us safe from what lives within us.

Reminiscences of Rudolf Steiner by Andrei Belyi, Voloschin ...
Assya Turgenieff

I believe times like these are a collective wake up call to actively participate in healing our shadow work. Friends, the Coronavirus can be seen as an agent of change. Will we actively participate in a conscious change, or will we let it be dictated to us?

The Small Dome – The Unknown Being”: A Report

Stand with me now & recite ‘Against Fear‘ by Adam Bittleston:
‘May the events that seek me,
Come unto me;
May I receive them,
With a quiet mind,
Through the Father’s ground of peace,
On which we walk.
May the people who seek me,
Come unto me;
May I receive them,
With an understanding heart,
Through the Christ’s stream of love
In which we live.
May the spirits which seek me,
Come unto me;
May I receive them,
With a clear soul,
Through the healing Spirit’s Light,
By which we see.’

If we breathe out fear & anxiety, we can engage our soul forces in spiritual activity – a practical expression of compassion for humanity on both sides of the threshold, with the ever present help of the spiritual world.

Steiner tells us that a karmic bond is created between people who belong together here on earth, & in the spiritual world; & that this relationship then works back onto the physical-sense world, which is continually under the influence of the spiritual world. What takes place here, are only effects. The causes occur beyond, in the spiritual world.

“…Indeed the time has come for us to find the courage in our souls to proclaim quite frankly before the world that the spiritual life must be placed on its own foundation. Many people are asking: Well, what are we to do? The first thing of importance is to inform people about what is needed: to get as many people as possible to comprehend the necessity, for example, of establishing the spiritual life on its own foundation; to comprehend that what the pedagogy of the 19th century has become can no longer suffice for the welfare of humankind, but that it must be built anew out of a free spiritual life. There is as yet little courage in souls to present this demand in a really radical way; and it can be thus presented only by trying to bring to as many people as possible a comprehension of these conditions. All other social work today is provisional. The most important task is this: to see that it is made possible for more and more people to gain insight into the social requirements – to provide enlightenment concerning these things through all the means at our disposal — that is now the matter of importance…” ~Rudolf Steiner, The Mysteries of Light, of Space, and of the Earth, lecture IV, Dornach, December 15, 1919


April meteor shower 2020: When to watch for the Lyrids shooting stars

20 April 2020 – “Speaking with the Stars”: One of the “Old Faithful” annual meteor showers will be reaching its peak this week: the April Lyrids.

On their peak night, which occurs overnight on Tuesday (April 21) & into the early hours of Wednesday (April 22), as many as 10 to 20 meteors per hour may be visible under dark, clear skies. The peak usually lasts for just a few hours. The path of these meteors, emerges from a spot in sky southwest of the brilliant blue-white star Vega in the little constellation Lyra . Your clenched fist held at arm’s length covers roughly 10 degrees of the sky. The radiant point is actually on the border between Lyra & the adjacent dim, sprawling constellation Hercules.

Meteor shower occurring through October to peak next week ...

About 20 to 25 percent of them tend to leave a lingering incandescent trail behind it for a few moments. Their orbit strongly resembles that of Comet Thatcher which swung past us during the spring of 1861. It isn’t expected to swing by Earth again until the year 2276. However, the dusty material left behind by this “cosmic litterbug” along its orbit, produces an annual display of meteors in late April.

Alex Oricalcon - Meteor Shower
Alex Oricalcon

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day


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1232 – Pope Gregory IX introduces the Inquisition

Image result for Pope Clement V – who abolished the Templar Order in 1312

1314 – Death day of Pope Clement V – who abolished the Templar Order in 1312 – Interesting to note that the Grand Master of the Templars Jacques de Molay, Not to mention the countless women accused of being a witch, were all burnt at the stake outside of Notre Dame Cathedral.


1535 – Sun Dog sighting, observed over Stockholm, an atmospheric optical phenomenon depicting a halo display.

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1586 – Birthday of Saint Rose of Lima, patroness of the Americas, of indigenous people of the Americas, especially of Lima, Peru, of Sittard in the Netherlands, of India, & of the Philippines. St. Rose’s skull, surmounted with a crown of roses, is on public display at the Basilica in Lima, Peru, along with that of Saint Martin de Porres. It was customary to keep the torso in the basilica and pass the head around the country.

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1889 – Birthday of Adolf Hitler (which BTW: was also Holy Saturday in that year)

Image result for 898 – U.S. President William McKinley signed a joint resolution to Congress for declaration of War against Spain, beginning the Spanish–American War.

1898 – U.S. President William McKinley signed a joint resolution to Congress for declaration of War against Spain, beginning the Spanish–American War.

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1999 – Columbine High School massacre: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 13 people and injured 24 others before committing suicide at Columbine High School in Columbine, Colorado.



SAVE THE DATE: Ascension Thursday 21 May 2020 ‘Coming in the Clouds’ a CRC Festival Celebration, 7 pm CDT online


Lifting the Veil of The New Isis -Sophiaa Telling of the New Isis Mythwith Leading Thoughtson the Being of Anthroposophia, w/ Hazel Archer-Ginsberg

Friday, 29 May 2020, 7:30 – 9:30 pm at Groh Farm, 135 Temple Rd, Wilton, NH

(if the lockdown is still in effect, look for an online connection)

$10 suggesteddonation – RSVP – Sponsored by the Anthoposophical Society in NH

Our dear Dr. Steiner said: ‘It is not the Christ we lack, but the knowledge of Christ, the Sophia of Christ, the Isis of Christ we are lacking.’ In ‘Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution’ Lecture 3; given in Dornach, 6 January 1918, by Rudolf Steiner; we hear how the power of ‘The Word, the power of The Logos’, must be resurrected through our striving to activate the Wisdom of Anthroposophia within each of us. Join Hazel Archer-Ginsberg for a powerful presentation Lifting the Veil of the New Isis-Sophia, to bring Light to Love.

Jo Jayson

~Vitae Sophia~A Whitsun Festival of United Soul Endeavor with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg Saturday, 30 May, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Groh Farm, 135 Temple Rd, Wilton, NH

(if the lockdown is still in effect, look for an online connection)

Eurythmy: AUM = A – I stand for myself, U- I stand for humanity, M – I stand for Life

Social Sculpture: Steiner’s ‘Blue Dot Exercise’– Through Art, the bridge between science & spirit, we warm the ‘I’, to open the heart, in support of healthy community.

What are my gifts-What are my tools? How can I place them in right relationship within the social realm? How can I hone them to strengthen and enhance the world?

Living into the Foundation Stone of Love – How can we take our individual Inner Whitsun & expand it, into what Steiner calls the “World Festival of Knowledge” a path leading from ‘Sprit Recollection’, to ‘Sprit Sensing’, to ‘Sprit Beholding’?

Enter the Labyrinth of ‘Vitae Sophia’ – Human hearts, once warmed, can rise up to meet the source of wisdom, like flowers turning toward the sun.  

$30 suggested donation at the door, with potluck lunch to follow
(please bring a dish to share) RSVP Sponsored by the Anthroposophical Society in New Hampshire

Whitsun 2020 Vitae Sophia

as part of the tour 

Cantinho dos Deuses | Arte deusa, Arte visionária, Arte espiritual

3 June 2020 – a Round Table Discussion 7 pm – 9 pm on ‘The Sophia’ with John Bloom, Joan Sleigh, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg & Carrie Schuchardt  at The House of Peace in Ipswich, MA. 

(if the lockdown is still in effect, look for an online connection)

Hazel Archer-Ginsberg – Founder of Reverse Ritual Understanding Anthroposophy through the Rhythms of the Year.Essayist, Lecturer, Poet, Trans-denominational Minister, ‘Anthroposopher’, working as the Festivals Coordinator of the Chicago Rudolf Steiner Branch, The Traveling Speakers Program, & the Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society.

East to West

Nicholas Roerich

Greetings friends –

Thank you for making our CRC Easter Festival ‘The Three Days’ such a powerful event, with folks from all over the world sharing & adding to this joyful community gathering.

Here is the recording of our presentation for Good Friday, & here is the script from our artistic offering: ‘Love’s Sacrifice’.

This is a link to our CRC Holy Saturday offering, with the script toPersephone as Queen of the Underworld’

Easter Sunday recording you need a password for this one: P9^L.*5^ And here is what we shared

These are the art images we shared

Here is contact info. for Eurythmist Mary Ruud

Barkley Ventex

And now dear friends we enter the most esoteric time of year; when the secret teachings of the meaning of our human evolution are revealed, in the time between the Resurrection & the Ascension, 40 days later, leading to Pentecost-when The Sophia brings her gifts on Whitsunday at 50 Days.

Join us 1st for the


The Connection between Epidemics, the souls of the Dead, and the Spiritual World on Saturday 18 April 10:45 am – 12:15 am CDT (11:45 am-1:15 pm EDT, 8:45 am – 10:45 am PDT)

& on Sunday 19 April 12:15 pm – 1:45 pm CDT (1:15 pm – 2:45 pm EDT, 10:15 am – 11:45 am PDT): Festivals for the Dead, the Unborn and the Evolution of Earth -Then and Now with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg

And then god-willing, join us in person (or look for an online SOPHIA event)


Lifting the Veil of The New Isis -Sophia, a Telling of the New Isis Myth, with Leading Thoughts, on the Being of Anthroposophia, w/ Hazel Archer-Ginsberg

Friday, 29 May 2020, 7:30 – 9:30 pm at Groh Farm, 135 Temple Rd, Wilton, NH

$10 suggested donation – RSVP – Sponsored by the Anthoposophical Society in NH

Our dear Dr. Steiner said: ‘It is not the Christ we lack, but the knowledge of Christ, the Sophia of Christ, the Isis of Christ we are lacking.’ In ‘Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution’ Lecture 3; given in Dornach, 6 January 1918, by Rudolf Steiner; we hear how the power of ‘The Word, the power of The Logos’, must be resurrected through our striving to activate the Wisdom of Anthroposophia within each of us. Join Hazel Archer-Ginsberg for a powerful presentation Lifting the Veil of the New Isis-Sophia, to bring Light to Love.

Jo Jayson

~Vitae Sophia~A Whitsun Festival of United Soul Endeavor with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg Saturday, 30 May, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Groh Farm, 135 Temple Rd, Wilton, NH

Eurythmy: AUM = A – I stand for myself, U- I stand for humanity, M – I stand for Life

Social Sculpture: Steiner’s ‘Blue Dot Exercise’– Through Art, the bridge between science & spirit, we warm the ‘I’, to open the heart, in support of healthy community.

What are my gifts-What are my tools? How can I place them in right relationship within the social realm? How can I hone them to strengthen and enhance the world?

Living into the Foundation Stone of Love – How can we take our individual Inner Whitsun & expand it, into what Steiner calls the “World Festival of Knowledge” a path leading from ‘Sprit Recollection’, to ‘Sprit Sensing’, to ‘Sprit Beholding’?

Enter the Labyrinth of ‘Vitae Sophia’ – Human hearts, once warmed, can rise up to meet the source of wisdom, like flowers turning toward the sun.  

$30 suggested donation at the door, with potluck lunch to follow
(please bring a dish to share) RSVP Sponsored by the Anthroposophical Society in New Hampshire

Whitsun 2020 Vitae Sophia

as part of the tour 

Cantinho dos Deuses | Arte deusa, Arte visionária, Arte espiritual

3 June 2020 – a Round Table Discussion 7 pm – 9 pm on ‘The Sophia’ with John Bloom, Joan Sleigh, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg & Carrie Schuchardt  at The House of Peace in Ipswich, MA. 

Hazel Archer-Ginsberg – Founder of Reverse Ritual Understanding Anthroposophy through the Rhythms of the Year.Essayist, Lecturer, Poet, Trans-denominational Minister, ‘Anthroposopher’, working as the Festivals Coordinator of the Chicago Rudolf Steiner Branch, The Traveling Speakers Program, & the Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society.



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Fernando Gallego.

January 6th is The Feast of Epiphany, In Greek: epi-phanos which means shining forth, manifestation, striking appearance or vision of The Divine.

Image result for 12th night painting

This day is also called: 12th night, with ‘The Lord of Misrule’, Three Kings Day, The feast of La Bafana The Feast of Recognition, The Adoration of the Magi, The Manifestation of God.

In ancient Egypt the 6th of January was celebrated as the Festival of Osiris – revealing the mystery of the re-membering of the Sun-god. As you know, Osiris was overcome by his enemy Typhon or Set, & the Goddess Isis, his beloved, seeks & eventually finds the 14 pieces of him buried all around the world. This notion of finding Osiris is a prefiguring of the Festival of The Three Kings, who also went looking for their representative of the Sun god. This ‘Epiphany’ was also celebrated by the Assyrians, the Armenians & the Phoenicians. Everywhere it is a Festival connected with a kind of universal baptism — a rebirth from out of the water.

suzie addicks

In the Act of Consecration, in the Epistle at Epiphany, a word shines out like a star: Grace. 6 times it shines thru: ‘Star of Grace’, ‘Light of Grace’, ‘Grace appearance of the world’s light’…Proclaiming that the shining forth of the Grace of Christ is our Epiphany.

Epiphany, like Easter & Pentecost are holy days traditionally set aside for initiation rites, emphasizing the mysterious relationship between the elements of fire & water, which invokes the ability to see into the formative forces of the etheric realm.

Image result for marriage at cana

In both the Eastern & Western churches the feast of Epiphany additionally commemorates the marriage at Cana (see John 2:1-11), at which Christ performed his first miracle, an allegory for the mixing of water & wine=liquid fire, changing water into fire, which the ancients called The Alchemical Marriage, or the Great Work…

Epiphany, has been observed since before AD 194, so it is much older than our Christmas celebrations. It has always been a profoundly esoteric festival of the highest rank.

da vinci

At one time the Nativity & Epiphany were celebrated together & were referred to as the 1st & 2nd nativity; the 1st as the birth of the physical vessel prepared thru many generations from Adam down thru the House of King David; & the 2nd being Christ’s manifestation into that vessel, linked with the cosmic event of Christ’s baptism by John in the Jordan; & then moving with the blood into the earth in the death & resurrection of Easter.

William Henry

The Three Kings from the East: Kaspar, Melchior & Balthazar, were wise men initiated into the mysteries of the stars by Zarathustra. They followed the starry script written in the heavens that was foretold by the ancient prophets, to Bethlehem, where they paid homage to the Christ-child & presented him with gold, frankincense & myrrh.

Gold reflects the kingship of The Christ as a ‘Solar King’.  Frankincense, the incense of worship, for meditative & invocational purposes, symbolizes his priestly role, & myrrh, a purifying substance used in burial embalming, points to the crucifixion & resurrection.

El Greco

“…K. M. B…. these letters represent the names of the Three Holy Kings: Kaspar, Melchior, Balthasar…these three wise men of the East who brought offerings of three human virtues:  with the gold – self-knowledge; with the frankincense – self-piety, calling forth the higher “I”; & in the myrrh, self- development & surrender, & the preservation of the eternal in the self.

The 3 kings represent the evolution of humanity, & show in their inclusiveness that The Christ Impulse is for all of humankind.

The twelve days of Christmas ends with the Feast of Epiphany which comes with its own traditions, rituals & symbols for the common folk. Carolers go from house to house; & in many homes the Christmas Tree is taken down & burnt in a big bonfire.

Related image

For the children this is an especially joyous occasion because, when the tree is taken down they get to “plündern” (raid) the tree of the sweets – the chocolate ornaments wrapped in foil or cookies, which have replaced the sugar plums, & become the raiders’ rewards.

Image result for epiphany chalking the door 2019

Another tradition is to sprinkle the doorways with holy water; & the mistress of the house would write with chalk K + M + B with the number of the year above the house or barn door & say: “Kaspar, Melchior, “Balthasar, behütet uns auch für dieses Jahr, vor Feuer und.  ‘Protect our home from the perils of fire & water’.

The Lucchesi-Archer-Ginsberg home

20+K+M+B+20…Our modern family does this every year…

You may have seen it, especially if you’ve been to Germany or other parts of Europe – a mysterious series of letters & numbers, looking to all the world like an equation, inscribed in chalk over a doorway.

The letters are also an abbreviate of the Latin phrase, Christus mansionem benedicat: “May Christ bless the house.” The “+” signs represent the cross.

I remember the days when I would go to the Epiphany Mass with my grandma, & they gave out satchels of blessed chalk, incense, & containers of holy water blessed especially for Epiphany. Another common practice, that my Straga-ma always observed was to save a few grains of the Epiphany incense until Easter, so that it could be burned along with the Easter candle.

Practicing traditions like the chalking of the doors helps us to awaken to the mysteries behind the Holidays. It is a practical concrete way to observe & it serves as an outward sign of our dedication to being more conscious in our thinking, feeling & willing. To consciously take the time to bless our homes – the place where many of us will make the greatest strides in our spiritual growth, through observance of daily meditation, spiritual reading to the dead, & work offered freely with love – is vital.

It also serves as a reminder of the wise welcoming that the Magi gave to the Christ Child. We can also strive to be as welcoming to all who come to our homes. To greet the Christ within every body that crosses the threshold.

Blessings & Peace ~hag


Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day

TODAY – According to the original Calendar of the Soul:

The Feast of Epiphany

THE MYSTERIES (Die Geheimnisse) A Lecture by Rudolf Steiner given
Cologne 1907

“…K. M. B…. these letters represent the names of the Three Holy Kings: Kaspar, Melchior, Balthasar…these three wise men of the East who brought offerings of three human virtues which are symbolized…self-knowledge in the gold; self-piety, that is the piety of the innermost self — which we can call self-surrender — in the frankincense; and in the myrrh self-consummation and self-development, or the preservation of the eternal in the self.

The first king was the representative of the Asiatic races; the second, the representative of the European peoples; and the third, the representative of the African races. Wherever people wanted to understand Christianity as the religion of earthly harmony they saw in the three kings and their homage a union of the different lines of thought and religious movements in the world into the One principle, the Christian principle…Those who had penetrated into the principles of esoteric Christianity saw in Christianity not only a force which had affected the course of human development, but they saw in the Being embodied in Jesus of Nazareth a cosmic world-force — a force far transcending the merely human that prevails in this present age. They saw in the Christ-principle a force that indeed represents for mankind a human ideal lying in a far distant future, an ideal which can only be approached by our understanding the whole world more and more in the spirit.

The esoteric Christian looks on the universe as he looks on the human body. When he looks on the human body he sees it as consisting of different limbs: the head, arms, hands, and so on. When he looks on the human body and sees the movements of hand, eye, etc., these are for him the expression of the inner spiritual and psychic experiences. In the same way as he looked through the human limbs, and their movements, into that which is eternal, spiritual in man, the esoteric Christian regarded the movements of the stars, the light that streams down from the stars to humanity, the rising and setting of the sun, the rising and setting of the moon, as the external expression of divine-spiritual Beings pervading all space. All these natural phenomena were to him deeds of the gods, gestures of the gods, expressions in mime of those divine-spiritual Beings, as also was everything that occurs among mankind, when people establish social communities…

In the long Christmas winter night the novice was far enough advanced to have a vision at midnight. The earth was then no longer a veil for the sun, which stood behind the earth. It became transparent for him. Through the transparent earth he saw the spiritual light of the sun, the Christ-light. This fact, which marks a profound experience for the mystery-novice, was recorded in the expression: To see the sun at midnight.

The esoteric Christian felt that through absorption in Christian Esotericism he approached more and more that power of inward vision through which he could imbue his feeling, thinking and his will-impulses in gazing into this spiritual sun. Then the Mystery-novice was led to a vision of the greatest importance: As long as the earth is opaque the separate parts appear inhabited by people of different confessions, but the unifying bond is not there. Human races are as scattered as the climates. Human opinions are scattered all over the earth and there is no connecting link. But in the degree in which men begin to look through the earth into the sun by their inner power of vision, in the degree in which the “star” appears to them through the earth, their confessions will flow together to one great united Brotherhood. And those who guided the great separated human masses in the truth of the higher planes, towards their initiation into the higher worlds, were known as “Magi.” They were three in number, as in the various parts of the earth various powers express themselves. Humanity had, therefore, to be led in different ways. But as a unifying power there appears the star, rising beyond the earth. It leads the scattered individuals together, and then they bring offerings to the physical embodiment of the solar star, appearing as the star of peace. Thus was the religion of peace, of harmony, of universal peace, of human brotherhood, connected cosmically and humanly with the ancient Magi, who laid the best gifts that they had in store for humanity before the cradle of the Son of Man incarnate.…/19071225p01.html;mark=167,29,40…

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33 – Three Kings Day – The Baptism in the Jordan: The Incarnation of the Christ in Jesus of Nazareth.

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Eugene Thirion

1412 – The Birthday of Joan of Arc

1828 – Birthday of Herman Grimm – Grimm’s father was Wilhelm Grimm, & his uncle Jakob Grimm, the philologist compilers of indigenous folk tales (“Brothers Grimm”). His other uncle was the painter engraver Ludwig Emil Grimm. Grimm’s reputation is that of the arch-Romantic, Gründerzeit art historian. He viewed himself as the intellectual successor of Goethe. His approach to art history was through the “Great Masters”, & arranging significance of art through a biographical account of art history. His tastes both typified & led German & continental taste. Homer, Dante & Shakespeare were the great writers of their age; in art, only Raphael & Michelangelo could compare. The nineteenth century’s adoration of Raphael is in large part Grimm’s doing.

POD (Poem Of the Day)

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

~Reveling in gratitude
Thinking the Angel of Joan
Opening the gifts of the Magi
Chalking doors for Epiphany
Blessing brooms with La Bafana
Getting baptized by John
Standing with the Christ
Singing with the Spheres…


FYI: 1st of all, I want to thank everyone who took on the task of being part of Our ‘May Human Beings Hear it’ online Holy Nights Journey. Your encouragement, support & insights made the path deep & wide & full of light. I feel so blessed. And I look forward to our co-creation thru-out the Seasonal Round, which always gives us opportunity for connection & growth.

Secondly – I will be taking a bit of a break from the daily offerings to work on some upcoming Lectures, Workshops & Festivals, which I hope you will attend:

The Christian Community in North America

Winter Youth Conference 2020


For young people ages 14-19 – January 17 – 20, 2020

MLK weekend in Washington DC


Rev. Carol Kelly, Rev. Paul Newton, Anna Silber, Samuel Parker, Special Workshop: ‘Calling Columbia-Wisdom of America’ with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, singing with Ultra-Violet Archer.

$300 (Financial assistance available) contact Rev. Carol Kelly

Register at:

full flyer: Christian community DC2020


30 Jan. – 2 Feb. 2020 Prep-makers conference at Michael Fields Institute

Fellowship of Preparation Makers Gathering

BD 501 and 508 – Tools to bring the cosmic light into the earth.

January 30th  – February 2nd, 2020 

Michael Fields Agricultural Institute, N8030 Townline Rd, East Troy, WI

The mission of the Fellowship of Preparation Makers is to ensure that good quality biodynamic preparations are available now and into the future throughout North America.

Schedule: Thursday, January 30th

10—10:30 am   Registration for Chromatogram Intensive

10:30am   Chromatogram Intensive – All levels welcome. Presenter: Ryann Herring

12 —1pm  Lunch on your own

1-3pm  Chromatogram Intensive

3—5pm  Registration and Social Time

5-6:30pm  Supper

7-8:30pm   Welcome from Perry Brown, and Candlemas Festival with Hazel Archer Ginsberg

Friday, January 31st 7:30-8:30am   Registration, Breakfast and Social Time

8:30– 10 am   History of Fellowship of Prep Makers, and Introductions.

10-10:30am  Morning Break

10:30–12:30pm  Why Biodynamics? Presenter: Mac Mead

12:30-1:45pm Lunch

2-3:30pm  How the cosmic works in the earth? Presenter: Hugh Courtney

3:30-4pm Afternoon Break

4-6pm  Different ways to make and use BD501 & BD508. Practical hands on session with Marjory House and Lloyd Nelson

6-7:30 pm Supper

7:30-9pm  The Journey of a Prep Maker,  A history circle, Facilitator: Brian Wickert

Saturday, February 1st 7:30-8:30 Registration, Breakfast and Social Time

8:30-10am  History of Silica on Man’s Evolution (Lamuria to today) Presenter: Mac Mead

10-10:30am  Morning break

10:30– 12pm  Silica and the Human Presenter: Dr. Mark Kamsler

12-1:30pm Lunch

1:30-3pm  Interpretation of Chromatograms  Presenter: Ryann Herring

3-3:30pm  Afternoon Break

3:30-5pm  Kolisko Institute  Presenter: Dr. Mark Kamsler

5-7pm  Supper

7-8:30pm  Quality Comparison of BD501 & 508  Show and tell how you make and use the preps. Facilitator: Wali Via

8:30 pm  Evening Social/Brew City Drifters

Sunday, February 2nd 7:30-8:30 am  Breakfast & Social Time

8:30-10am  Round Table Discussion: Peppering for Pests and Weeds Panel: Mac Mead and Hugh Courtney

10-1-:30  Morning Break

10:30– Noon  Fellowship presentations, evaluations and closing circle.

Noon  Lunch

Registration and Lodging Full Conference Fee $250, Single Day $125, Single Talk $25, Single Meal $15, Chromatogram Intensive $25, Homestays Available, Airport pickup from MKE available


Questions: Allison Pratt-Szeliga 262-642-3303×107

Home stay  and airport transportation arrangements will be handled by:
Petra Zinniker 262-581-7574

We will work to provide home stays for everyone who requests one. Some homes will be free and others may have a cost. Please contact Petra with your requests. Home stays will be reserved on a first come first served basis.

Local accommodations are also listed below:
Quality Inn & Suites (1.8 miles away)
2921 O’Leary Ln, East Troy, WI 53120•(262) 684-2183

Alpine Valley Resort (1.6 miles away)
W2501 Co Rd D, Elkhorn, WI 53121•(262) 642-7374

BD 501 and 508 preps for quality comparison:
If you have them, please bring or send BD 501 and BD 508 preps for quality comparison and closing ceremony.
Preps can be mailed to Petra Zinniker, N 7399 Bowers Rd, Elkhorn, WI 53121

Presenters: Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, Mac Mead, Hugh Courtney, Marjory House, Lloyd Nelson, Dr Kamsler, Ryan Herring, Wali Via

Sponsors: Michael Fields Agricultural Institute, Demeter, Biodynamic Association


The Central Regional Council and the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology present: View this email in your browser
Karma and Anthroposophic Psychology
— an Easter-Tide Retreat
Maundy Thursday 9 April 2020 Noon thru Easter Sunday at 3 pm
Rudolf Steiner Branch 4249 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL AAP:James A. Dyson, M.D., Roberta Nelson, Ph.D., and David Tresemer, Ph.D. with Susan Overhauser, Ph.D.CRC:Marianne Fieber, Alberto Loya, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, David Howerton, Lisa DaltonEurythmist: Mary RuudActivities:Art-ActsStar WisdomThe Karma ExercisesExperiential PAGEANT on Holy Saturday: ‘Know Thyself’Easter Sunrise SongtrailOptional service at the Christian CommunityCommunal meals and time for ConversationLectures:‘Living into Karma through the Senses’‘How to find the Self in a Sea of Karma’‘Unfolding the Enigma of the Saturn Path’‘The Gesture of Karma’‘Christ as Lord of Karma — how do I access this in terms of my personal psychology?’(Program subject to change) $125 Conference fee includes 1 meal a dayFor more information and to register, contact Alberto Loya


Festivals for the Dead. Then & Now. Renew, or Create Your Own Tradition.

with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg – Founder of Reverse Ritual Understanding Anthroposophy through the Rhythms of the Year. Essayist, Lecturer, Poet, Trans-denominational Minister, ‘Anthroposopher’, working as the Festivals Coordinator & Council Member of the Chicago Rudolf Steiner Branch, The Traveling Speakers Program, & the Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society.


Annael A. Pavlova

~Vitae Sophia~ A Whitsun Festival of United Soul Endeavor

Northeastern Tour May 2020 For more info. Contact Deb Abrahams-Dematte

Eurythmy: AUM = A – I stand for myself, U- I stand for humanity, M – I stand for Life

Social Sculpture: Steiner’s ‘Blue Dot Exercise’- Through Art, the bridge between science & spirit, we warm the ‘I’, to open the heart, in support of healthy community.

What are my gifts-What are my tools? How can I place them in right relationship within the social realm? How can I hone them to strengthen and enhance the world?

Enter the Labyrinth of Vitae Sophia – Human hearts, once warmed, can rise up to meet the source of wisdom, like flowers turning toward the sun.  

Living into the Foundation Stone of Love  – How can we take our individual Inner Whitsun & expand it, into what Steiner calls the “World Festival of Knowledge” a path leading from ‘Sprit Recollection’, to ‘Sprit Sensing’, to ‘Sprit Beholding’?

Hazel Archer-Ginsberg – Founder of Reverse Ritual Understanding Anthroposophy through the Rhythms of the Year. Essayist, Lecturer, Poet, Trans-denominational Minister, ‘Anthroposopher’, working as the Festivals Coordinator & Council Member of the Chicago Rudolf Steiner Branch, The Traveling Speakers Program, & the Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society.

“Mercury, as evening star, stood in the sign of Libra, the balance.”

9 November 2019 – “Speaking with the Stars”: In early evening, look high above Bella Luna for the Great Square of Pegasus through the moonlight. It’s standing on one corner. The line from its top star through its bottom star points to the Moon.

Happy 85th birthday, Carl Sagan (November 9, 1934 – December 20, 1996) We miss you!


Today is the 5th installment of: ‘Mercury Dances across the Face of the Sun’ – Read the 1st, 2nd ,  3rd & 4th chapters.

Dear Friends – Interesting to note that when Rudolf Steiner performed the ceremony to bury & consecrate the Foundation Stone of the 1st Goetheanum, on the evening of September 20th 1913, during a fearsome thunderstorm with all the elements wildly participating, the only Planetary Being he invoked was Mercury; writing in the document laid with the stone, that this deed was performed while “Mercury, as evening star, stood in the sign of Libra, the balance.”

The lamb skin parchment (depicted above) was signed by the attendees, & read out by Steiner; & then interred within the submerged double copper dodecahedra. The short-hand notes from the time, record Steiner reading the various inscriptions on the document, which included the all-important references to the angelic hierarchies & the Rosicrucian dictum E.D.N.; J.C.M.; P.S.S.R., followed by this statement:

This Stone we lower into the kingdom of the condensed elements as symbol of the force for which we endeavor to strive through 3, 5, 7, 12, laid by the Johannes-Bau Verein, Dornach, on the 20th day of September 1,880 years after the Mystery of Golgotha, that is 1913 after the birth of Christ, when Mercury as the evening star stood in Libra”.

Image result for Schiller from his essay ‘Letters On the Aesthetic Education of Man’,

The term ‘condensed elements‘ is reminiscent of Schiller from his essay ‘Letters On the Aesthetic Education of Man’, a short work that Steiner describes as being of the highest philosophical significance. The importance that Steiner placed on the laying of this foundation stone, as well as the significance of the document & each part of its content, cannot be underestimated. It is also of high significance that here Steiner refers to Mercury as the evening star – again an indication (which I am still investigating) as to the so-called ‘interchange’ between Venus & Mercury.

Rudolf Steiner described the laying of the Foundation Stone as an act of descending the microcosm into the macrocosm. As god of communication, Mercury was invoked to witness what Steiner later christened as an example of: the Reverse Ritual – a new mystery; in this case calling for balanced communication, calling for us as human beings to step up, & speak up, in our conversation with the cosmos – Calling for us to build a firm foundation within ourselves –

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A foundation strong enough to withstand the fires of sacrifice when the corner stone was transformed into The Foundation Stone Meditation, becoming the living word, The Logos, the foundation Stone of Love, at the Christmas Conference, after the Johannes-Bau had burned to ash. Then we see how Mercury steps in as psycho-pomp, escorting a Persephone renewed, as representative of All Souls who journey in the underworld – the 1st spark of the fires of Isis redeemed.

Rudolf Steiner demonstrated this great mystery of reversing the ritual in our call to speak once more to the stars, a gift to Marie Steiner on the Christmas Eve the year before.

And so it was, 1 solar cycle later, this time with Ita Wegman by his side, after a lecture to the Christian Community priests on NYE, Steiner stood with her on the Dornach hill & watched the Goetheanum go up in flames, opening a vision of the burning of Ephesus, an opening into the spiritual world allowing Ita Wegman to see into her past incarnations & for Steiner, to truly begin his core mission of bringing karma & reincarnation to the Western world.

And then after another solar cycle, the Foundation Stone that was planted in 1913 blossomed thru the blood of sacrifice into the foundation stone of love, which our beloved teacher selflessly poured into our hearts – as the Logos renewed.

In 1913, before the events of the 1st World War had begun, Mercury witnessed the stone as it was laid into earth, calling for balance. And Venus as the New Isis is calling from the future, to be reclaimed, & named as sacred witness, as we endeavor to understand thru our own free will forces, what it means to participate in the renewal of the Foundation Stone, laying it into the heart of the World as the Sacred Word. On 11.11.19, with the 100 year anniversary of the Christmas Conference looming, as Mercury makes his retrograde journey across the face of the Sun,

we are called to heal our wounded hearts, moving from a community of the “11” which suffered a “betrayal”, to a unity in community which resonates with the “11” who thru the empowerment of inner development, acknowledges & accepts one another as fellow Michaelites.  

My friends, we are called today to join our voices together in our ‘Speaking with the Stars’, in full consciousness. Enabling us to redeem the wisdom of the Sophia & wed it with the Christ within.

Tomorrow we touch on Rudolf Steiner’s involvement with WW1 & Armistice Day


Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day 


Image result for Faust descent to the mothers

In the Original Calendar of the Soul, Steiner speaks about today being when ‘Faust makes his descent to the Mothers’ (more about that on 11.11.19)

1888 – Rudolf Steiner’s ‘Aquinas experience’ – after giving a lecture on ‘Goethe as father of a new aesthetics’ the Cistercian priest Wilhelm Neumann, Steiner’s friend made this remark: “The seeds of this lecture you gave today are to be found already in Thomas Aquinas”. This opened Steiner to his earlier incarnation.

1918 – The second German Empire ends – Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany abdicates after the German Revolution, & Germany is proclaimed a Republic.

1923 – Hitler’s attempted coup in Munich

9–10 November 1938 – Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass, was a pogrom against Jews throughout Nazi Germany, carried out by SA paramilitary forces and German civilians. The German authorities looked on without intervening.  Jewish homes, hospitals, & schools were ransacked, as the attackers demolished buildings with sledgehammers.  The rioters destroyed 267 synagogues throughout Germany, Austria, & the Sudetenland, & over 7,000 Jewish businesses were either destroyed or damaged. Kristallnacht was followed by additional economic & political persecution of Jews, it is viewed by historians as part of Nazi Germany’s broader racial policy, & the beginning of the Final Solution & The Holocaust.

1989 –Fall of the Berlin Wall: East Germany opens checkpoints in the Berlin Wall, allowing its citizens to travel to West Berlin


POD (Poem Of the Day)

As I prepare to meet the Baba Yaga
The thought of snow angles oblique –
A fat half cracked frozen seed
Staring at the cut corn.
As husks rustle & blink bare
White spider legs dance on a web of grey
While I warm the cold with my breath.



How about a Road-Trip?

Take the Journey of the Soul
in the Life Between Death & Rebirth
in the warm hospitality of our Branch Buddies in the South:

Quick overview of the week:

Nov 10, 1st Class Lesson at the ARC in Atlanta GA

11.11.19 – Martinmas / Mercury Transit Gathering 4:11 pm – 6:11 pm at the Martin Clinic

Nov 12, Hazel and Deb Abrahams-Dematte will be in Atlanta, send any thoughts for must-see spots before we head out on the road trip

Nov 13, Gathering at Helene Burkarts’ ALL SOULS’ FESTIVAL 10 am-2 pm (see below)

Nov 14, Tuscumbia site visit, Helen Keller’s birth place

Nov 15, Memphis, death place of MLK, home of Elvis Presley

Nov 16, Nashville program ALL SOULS’ FESTIVAL 10 am – 2 pm

Nov 17 Knoxville program ALL SOULS’ FESTIVAL 1 pm – 5 pm

Nov 18 return to ATL

Image result for mercury sun painting

11/11/19, at the Martin Clinic – Humanizing Medicine – in Atlanta GA, 4:11 pm – 6:11 pm with a community potluck to follow

On this auspicious day we will gather to look at the mystery of 11:11, & the connections between, Martinmas, MLK, The Journey of the Soul, Armistice Day, The laying of the Foundation Stone, & a Rare Cosmic Alignment – The Transit of Mercury across the Sun

Speaking with the Stars’ with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg

Storytelling with Enid Hancock

Leading thoughts with Mark Hancock, Angela Foster 

Votive Art with Angela Foster

Biography work with Jolie Luba

Together we will sprinkle the BD preps around the Clinic

$10-$20 or pay what you will

For more info. contact Angela Foster



ALL SOULS JOURNEY – Exploring the Life between Death & Rebirth

10 am – 2 pm, Wednesday 13 November 2019, Auburn, Alabama, Community Potluck lunch – Please Bring a dish to Share – Suggested Donation $20-$50 or pay what you will – for more info. contact Helena Burkhart


10 am – 2 pm, Saturday 16 November 2019 in Nashville TN
Community Potluck lunch – Please Bring a dish to Share – 
Suggested Donation $20-$50 or pay what you will – 
For more info. contact Cathy Green  Or Barbara Bittles 


1 pm – 5 pm, Sunday 17 November 2019 Knoxville TN
Community Potluck Dinner – Please Bring a dish to Share – 
Suggested Donation $20-$50 or pay what you will – 
For more info. contact Bill Rogers

Hazel Archer-Ginsberg is a spiritual midwife and trans-denominational minister working in an eclectic style that inspires connections, initiating us into the magic waiting to be revealed in the cycle of the seasons. She is also the festivals coordinator of the Rudolf Steiner Branch of the Anthroposophical Society, a lecturer, promoter, blogger, poet and performance artist. Learn more at

Mercury in his retrograde dance, parades across the face of the Sun.

8 November 2019 – “Speaking with the Stars”: High above the gibbous Moon, pointing down is the eastern edge of the Great Square of Pegasus. This week, wintry Orion is clearing the eastern horizon by about 8 pm CDT. High above Orion shines orange Aldebaran. Above Aldebaran is the little Pleiades cluster, the size of your fingertip at arm’s length. And far left of Aldebaran & the Pleiades is bright Capella.

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Dear Friends – The transit of Mercury (occult Venus) is coming up in three days! Are you ready!?!

Image result for mercury transit the sun EST

Today is the 4th installment of: ‘Mercury Dances across the Face of the Sun’ – Read the 1st, 2nd & 3rd chapters.


On 11/11, 2019, there is plenty of conversation to be had in our “Speaking with the Stars”. It of is the Eve of the Full Moon. The November Moon is called the Mourning Moon in acknowledgement of the Festival of All Souls; The Native Americans also called it the Beaver Moon, as this is the time when they actively build their huts for the winter.


And we are still receiving the strength of Michael – the gift of Cosmic Iron from The Taurid Meteor Shower, which Peaks 11/11-12.


And (drum roll please) the big event we have been leading up to & preparing for: a rare cosmic & earthly event: Mercury in his retrograde dance, parades across the face of the Sun. As messenger & god of divine communications, what does it mean to have that energy eclipsing the Sun? Mercury can be a trickster, & as the god of commerce, fickle; he is quick like quicksilver, & just as slippery, Mercurial, talkative, clever. 

At his best, Mercury has also been known as Hermes Trismegistus, or Mercurius ter Maximus which in ancient Roman signifies ‘Thrice Born Intelligence’, because he communicated celestial & divine knowledge to humankind by writing. In ancient Egypt he was known as Thoth, also a god of writing, magic, & wisdom; who was ‘self-created’, born of the seed of Horus from the forehead of Set – two deities, who represented order & chaos. As the god of equilibrium & balance, Thoth presides over the judgment of the dead with Osiris in the Hall of Truth. Souls who feared they might not pass safely were encouraged to call upon Thoth for help.

What is interesting to think about with this transit, is that Mercury is indeed counted as one of the Roman psycho-pomps – escort to the souls of the dead, a guide leading them, as some legends tell us, to a volcano in Italy at sunset, which was known to be the entrance to the underworld. As psycho-pomp Mercury performs a kind of retro-reversal to his job as messenger of the gods, for now he returns the package back to the sender.

So this image of Mercury in his winged sandals, with all his many attributes, is eclipsing the Sun; of course since the planet Mercury is so much smaller than the Sun we call it a ‘transit’, a celestial journey across the face of our Day Star.

This dance only happens about 13 times a century. But as tiny as this Being is compared to the Sun, it is still an eclipse. What does this mean to us here on earth experiencing this eclipse? We can see this, as with all celestial alignments, as an opportunity for a cosmic communication? What can we add to this ‘Speaking to the Stars’?

Rudolf Steiner tells us that on a normal day the unbridged astral forces of will that stream forth from human beings is mediated by the rays of the Sun, ‘so that they can injure only man himself, but can do no universal harm’. So on the average day the Sun acts as the cosmic balancer, keeping those forces from raying out into space, which affects the harmony of the spheres, as well as the souls of the dead on the other side. But, when there is an eclipse, even a small one as in a Mercury transit, these forces flow unhindered into cosmic space.

In this case instead of wisdom & clear communication, instead of a commerce of brotherhood, we get more of the trickster, the thief, the negative attributes of Mercury, sent out into the cosmos by human beings, & Rudolf Steiner says: ‘opportunity is given for the evil which is willed on earth to spread over the cosmos. An eclipse is a physical event behind which there lies a significant spiritual reality’. So my friends, can we use our ‘Speaking with the Stars’ to counterbalance these forces, to bring positive, clear communication, acting as a true psycho-pomp, to protect our beloved dead, escorts leading dead thinking into the light; taking in that cosmic iron from the region of the Bull to help us lift our Michaelic Sword & Shield to uphold the message of harmony?

When the Copernican revolution brought human thinking into a materialistic modern science, changing from Aristotle’s idea of the universe, the earth centered Geocentric conception; to a Heliocentric model; some say Mercury & Venus were switched, so we can call Mercury, ‘Occult Venus’.

This is a lot to contemplate, but we can see that since they are the 2 closest planets to the earth & to the Sun, they certainly have a mystical connection. Can we imagine blending their powers to embody a loving communication, a clear heart-thinking?

Here we see the Motion of the Sun, Mercury, & Venus from the Earth. This geocentric diagram shows, the sun’s annual orbit, the orbit of Mercury for 7 years, & the orbit of Venus for 8 years, after which Venus returns to the same position in relation to the earth & sun. ~from the ‘Astronomy’ article of Encyclopædia Britannica 1771

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There have been 11 Mercury Transits (Occult Venus) since the midpoint of the 20th century, the Transit of 11/11/19 makes 12

“Mercury, as evening star, stood in the sign of Libra, the balance.”

Tomorrow we contemplate the connection of this transit & the laying of the 1st Foundation Stone by Rudolf Steiner.

Until soon



Related image

 Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day 


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1308 – Deathday of Duns Scotus, Scottish priest, Scholastic philosopher, & academic, considered to be one of the three most important philosopher-theologians of the High Middle Ages (together with Thomas Aquinas & William of Ockham)

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1674 – Deathday of John Milton, English poet & philosopher. He wrote at a time of religious flux & political upheaval, & is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost (1667), written in blank verse.

1892 – The New Orleans general strike begins, uniting black & white American trade unionists in a successful four-day general strike action for the first time.

1895 – While experimenting with electricity, Wilhelm Röntgen discovers the X-ray.

1901 – Gospel riots: Bloody clashes take place in Athens following the translation of the Gospels into demotic Greek.

1917 – The first Council of People’s Commissars is formed, including Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky & Joseph Stalin.

1923 – Beer Hall Putsch: In Munich, Adolf Hitler leads the Nazis in an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the German government.

1933 –New Deal: US President Franklin D. Roosevelt unveils the Civil Works Administration, an organization designed to create jobs for more than 4 million unemployed.


James Christensen

POD (Poem Of the Day)

~Now I seize
Darkness by its arms & shake it…
The souls of ancient swallowed women fall out
From the belly of obscurity…
The old She, the few, the many, the forgotten
Walk back into being
With me…



How about a Road-Trip?

Take the Journey of the Soul
in the Life Between Death & Rebirth
in the warm hospitality of our Branch Buddies in the South:

Quick overview of the week:

Nov 10, 1st Class Lesson at the ARC in Atlanta GA

11.11.19 – Martinmas / Mercury Transit Gathering 4:11 pm – 6:11 pm at the Martin Clinic

Nov 12, Hazel and Deb Abrahams-Dematte will be in Atlanta, send any thoughts for must-see spots before we head out on the road trip

Nov 13, Gathering at Helene Burkarts’ ALL SOULS’ FESTIVAL 10 am-2 pm (see below)

Nov 14, Tuscumbia site visit, Helen Keller’s birth place

Nov 15, Memphis, death place of MLK, home of Elvis Presley

Nov 16, Nashville program ALL SOULS’ FESTIVAL 10 am – 2 pm

Nov 17 Knoxville program ALL SOULS’ FESTIVAL 1 pm – 5 pm

Nov 18 return to ATL

Image result for mercury sun painting

11/11/19, at the Martin Clinic – Humanizing Medicine – in Atlanta GA, 4:11 pm – 6:11 pm with a community potluck to follow

On this auspicious day we will gather to look at the mystery of 11:11, & the connections between, Martinmas, MLK, The Journey of the Soul, Armistice Day, The laying of the Foundation Stone, & a Rare Cosmic Alignment – The Transit of Mercury across the Sun

Speaking with the Stars’ with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg

Storytelling with Enid Hancock

Leading thoughts with Mark Hancock, Angela Foster 

Votive Art with Angela Foster

Biography work with Jolie Luba

Together we will sprinkle the BD preps around the Clinic

$10-$20 or pay what you will

For more info. contact Angela Foster



ALL SOULS JOURNEY – Exploring the Life between Death & Rebirth

10 am – 2 pm, Wednesday 13 November 2019, Auburn, Alabama, Community Potluck lunch – Please Bring a dish to Share – Suggested Donation $20-$50 or pay what you will – for more info. contact Helena Burkhart


10 am – 2 pm, Saturday 16 November 2019 in Nashville TN
Community Potluck lunch – Please Bring a dish to Share – 
Suggested Donation $20-$50 or pay what you will – 
For more info. contact Cathy Green  Or Barbara Bittles 


1 pm – 5 pm, Sunday 17 November 2019 Knoxville TN
Community Potluck Dinner – Please Bring a dish to Share – 
Suggested Donation $20-$50 or pay what you will – 
For more info. contact Bill Rogers

Hazel Archer-Ginsberg is a spiritual midwife and trans-denominational minister working in an eclectic style that inspires connections, initiating us into the magic waiting to be revealed in the cycle of the seasons. She is also the festivals coordinator of the Rudolf Steiner Branch of the Anthroposophical Society, a lecturer, promoter, blogger, poet and performance artist. Learn more at