Friday the 13th May 2016, 2nd Quarter Moon “Study the past if you would define the future.” ~Confucius

1314 – 54 Templars burnt at the stake in Paris.
“…With a mysticism such as was unfolded by the Knights Templar, something spiritual is added to the spiritual “effects” of the world. And inasmuch as this took place, humanity was actually brought a stage further in its evolution. Through this experience of the Templars, the Mystery of Golgotha was understood, and also experienced, at a higher stage than before. Something was now present in the world, in regard to this Mystery of Golgotha, which was formerly not there”…
“Fifty-four Templars were burned at the stake in 1314. Fifty-four souls went up into the spiritual worlds. And from that time on, supersensibly and invisibly, without its being outwardly perceptible to the facts of history, there began in European humanity a spiritual development that owed its origin to the fact that individual souls were continually being inspired from the spiritual world with what these fifty-four souls carried through the gate of death into the spiritual world…” ~Rudolf Steiner The Templars, Dornach, 2nd October 1916, GA 171
1846 – Mexican–American War: The United States declares war on Mexico.
1880 – In Menlo Park, New Jersey, Thomas Edison performs the first test of his electric railway.
1917 – Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima. Three children report the first apparition in Fátima, Portugal.
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Friday the 13th
What is at the root of “triskadekaphobia” ? (the fear of the number 13) All numbers have their own cosmic vibration and “13” is considered an unstable number. From the time when humans first used numbers to measure things, the number 12 has represented a common cosmic standard. There are 12 months of the year, 12 hours on the clock, 12 signs of the Zodiac, 12 Tribes of Israel, 12 Apostles, 12 Knights of the Round Table and so on. The number 13 represents disruption to the established order.
The modern basis for the aura that surrounds Friday the 13th stems from Friday May the 13th, 1314. On this date, the Pope of the church in Rome, in Conjunction with the King of France, carried out a secret death warrant Against “the Knights Templar”. The Templars were terminated as heretics, never again to hold the power that they had wielded for so long. On this date their Grand Master, Jacques DeMolay, along with 54 other Templars, were arrested and killed; and so began the antipathy to Friday the 13th.
But In pre-Christian societies, reliance on a lunar calendar meant that Friday the 13th could coincide with the Full Moon or New Moon. It was a day to honor the goddess Freya, which is where we get the name for Friday, ruler of the planet Venus, in a day-long love-fest! Friday the 13th symbolized a day for everyone to let go, party, and sacrifice routine. Such breaks in the usual order allowed for the restoration of balance and harmony.
The Scandinavian belief that the number 13 signified bad luck sprang from their mythological 12 demigods, who were joined by a 13th -Loki, a cruel trickster god who often brought great misfortune upon humans .
The number 13, in the Christian faith, is the number of people at the Last Supper, with the 13th guest at the table being the traitor, Judas.
Whether or not a person considers Friday the 13th as unlucky, belief in superstitions offers a sense of control in stressful situations. Today’s beliefs may very well be tomorrows superstitions.
Until then, however, don’t step on a crack!
Take a cue from our forebears. They saw the number 13 as a lucky omen, a time to make a new beginning and seek new roads to success and satisfaction as we open our heart and mind to new opportunities, luck and love!
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Dear Friends –
During our time together on this Whitsun day, we will creatively explore ‘Biography work’ which teaches us to approach the exploration of our life experience with the objectivity of a scientist and the soulfulness of an artist. Questions can act as catalysts for a new way of seeing each other, a new quality of interacting to arise.
As Steiner’s Whitsun verse states: “This portal’s key the Soul may fashion, If she herself grow strong within the strife”
Whitsun-Day, 15 May 2016, 2pm -4pm ~Festival of United Soul Endeavor, A Biography Atelier with Leah Walker
$10 includes all artistic materials
Warmth: Contraction/Expansion –
The Pulse of Me & We – AUM = A – I stand for myself, U – I stand for humanity, M – I stand for Life
Welcome Circle
What is Whitsun?
What is Biography Work?
It is good to remember that biography work (just like Whitsun) is really for the future–a more human and moral future. It is an antidote to our increasing individuality, a remedy for the isolation so many of us feel deeply, painfully. It is a new art form. In this, our current time, we may simply take small steps with and through biography–we may strive to develop this potentially great work. ~Leah Walker
Exploring Ourselves as ‘Social Artist’:
‘Postcards’ – Imaginations that deepen our inner feeling for the role others play in creating who we are.
‘Life Triptych’ – Spontaneous Sketches, that open us to real moments from our lives; revealing the nature of our Spirit Self-hood.
We may therefore picture to ourselves that, by uniting in brotherliness in working groups, something hovers invisibly over our work, something like the child of the forces of the spirit self– the spirit self that is nurtured by the beings of the higher hierarchies in order that it may stream down into our souls…In our groups we perform work that streams upward to those forces that are being prepared for the spirit self. ~Rudolf Steiner, Preparing for the Sixth Epoch, Dusseldorf, June 15, 1915
Spirit Recalling, Spirit Sensing, Spirit Beholding
Light divine,
Warm Our hearts;
Enlighten Our heads;
That good may become
What from our hearts, We are founding,
What from our heads, We direct,
With focused will.
~Rudolf Steiner, The foundation Stone Mediation
Snacks to Share encouraged !
For more info. Contact ~Hazel Archer Ginsberg
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Lemniscate Arts presents: Opening the Realm of New Mystery Drama –
“The Working of the Spirit” –
Saturday May 21 and Sunday May 22, 2016.
10:30am to 6:30pm – Each day is a staged reading in full with breaks, of the new drama.
Contribution $15.00 – $45.00 per presentation – Get your tickets now at
A Mystery Play is a dramatic form that has been passed down through the ages. It differs from other plays by showing on stage the connection between the spiritual world and the earth; it reveals the activity of the spiritual beings who work from the heavens to help or hinder human beings in their earthly lives.
The troupe of actors will arrive in Chicago to rehearse May 18, 19, & 20 with the readings happening May 21 & 22.
They are looking for housing in Chicago. If you have space for an actor to stay in your home contact Barbara Richardson
They are also filling in some of the parts with local actors. If you would like to read a part contact director Marke Levene 707-695-2969
Lemniscate Arts, One International Blvd, Suite 400, Mahwah, NJ 07495 registered 501(c)3
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Rudolf Steiner Branch of The Anthroposophical Society, 4249 North Lincoln Avenue. Chicago, IL 60618
Dear Hazel, your blog is so inspiring… Especially living in Singapore as I do where we do not have such a circle of devoted anthroposophists, our group here is working more practically with the school.. Is there a possibility to tune in to some of your lectures/ talks/ study circles from here, provided the timing can be worked out… ?
Greetings Brother R –
Thanks for the feedback, so glad you are tuning in. Working with the Class lessons is very important. It’s always a challenge to work within a group, we all have our karmic knots.
So far i haven’t recorded any of our events, although we have had requests. I’m simply not a very tech oriented type person, but i would like to archive these amazing experiences,
so perhaps sometime, if i get some help, i’ll be able to provide a link or a webinar or something. Thanks for bringing that idea. Blessings to you in Singapore. xox
“…With a mysticism such as was unfolded by the Knights Templar, something spiritual is added to the spiritual “effects” of the world.
I always celebrated this day along with my girlfriends and horses. We would take a moonlight ride bareback and laugh when we fell off (pretending we were Templars and at war)
What unfolded then…is what I am searching now.
Someone on FB also mentioned that perhaps all the lives lost to the witch burnings might have the same fructifying effect…?
heada get bedder