Full Buddha Moon

sun bw Odilon RedonOdilon Redon

On this Day April 22:

Born- 1724 philosopher Immanuel Kant

1840 painter Odilon Redon

1904 physicist J.R. Oppenheimer

Died- 254 Origen (which means *child of Horus* -his nickname was  Adamantios which means *unconquerable*, *diamond*) – Church father considered a heretic because of his belief in reincarnation.

earth dayRosy Lupeen

1970- 1st Earth Day  “There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.” ~Marshall McLuhan

“We can speak of Karma not only in the case of individual persons, for man should not consider himself as a single being. If the individual were to rise even a few miles above the earth, the result would be the same as if the finger severed itself from the body.

If we penetrate into spiritual science we are literally forced to admit through this knowledge that we should not delude ourselves to the extent of insisting that we are single beings. This applies to the physical world and even more to the spiritual world. Man belongs to the whole world and his destiny is involved with that of the entire world. Karma touches not only the individual, but also the life of whole nations.”

Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 100 – Theosophy and Rosicrucianism: Lecture VII: The Law of Karma – Kassel, 22nd June 1907

passoverBarb Stein

1st night of Passover:

Mah nishtanah halailah hazeh mikol haleilot?
How is this night different from all other nights?

  1. Sheb’chol haleilot anu ochlin chametz umatzah, halailah hazeh, kuloh matzah.
    On all other nights, we eat chameitz and matzah. Why on this night, only matzah?
  1. Sheb’chol haleilot anu ochlin sh’ar y’rakot, halailah hazeh, maror.
    On all other nights, we eat all vegetables. Why, on this night, maror?
  1. Sheb’chol haleilot ein anu matbilin afilu pa’am echat; halailah hazeh, sh’tei f’amim.
    On all other nights, we don’t dip even once. Why on this night do we dip twice?
  1. Sheb’chol haleilot anu ochlin bein yoshvin uvein m’subin; halailah hazeh, kulanu m’subin. On all other nights, we eat either sitting upright or reclining. Why on this night do we all recline?

buddhabreathepeaceEdward Limton

Full BUDDHA Moon – Sun in Taurus, Moon in Scorpio

The Buddha (whose name means: *The Awakened One* or *One who Knows*) is regarded as the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He was born in 563 BC.

Traditionally, Buddha’s Birthday is known as Wesak or Visakah Puja (Buddhas Day).

Wesak, the major Buddhist festival of the year, celebrates the birth, enlightenment & death of the Buddha on one and the same day, when the Sun is in Taurus, & the Moon is in Scorpio.

This ‘Buddha Moon’ is a mystically auspicious time – it is considered to be the greatest moment of spiritual contact for the entire year. Great polarities are said to be synthesized & consequently united at this festival. Hope is revived in the world, & great seeds of beauty, truth, & goodness are planted within us — qualities needed for the unity of humankind.

Ancient Wisdom asserts that there will be a new coming of the World Avatar & those beings who assist them. But the reality set forth & embedded within this festival, is that WE, as a living unit called humanity, are to be that World Avatar, when we can live as “Christ in me”…

The Wesak Festival provides us each year with a reception of the tools of love & wisdom, to fulfill this ancient prophecy. What all the higher beings have done, we can do also, taking up our responsibility as the 10th hierarchy to radiate the Christ Impulse out to all the kingdoms of Earth -becoming like little suns – emanating rays from the very core of our “I”, through the vehicle of our bodies, from our purified hearts, & specifically from our forehead, where our third eye is located. This is the Bulls Eye of Taurus – the Sun – & the mystery of the transformative Scorpio Moon.

The Full Buddha Moon was exact at 12:23am CST. We will see it rise over the Great Inland Sea of Chicago at 8:12pm tonight. & it will set on April 23 at 6:28am.

~   ~   ~

buddhabackmoonJames kinder

2 Haiku’s for the Buddha in you:

Haiku’s, ants & worms

Buddha-like the Moon sitting

All have the same face.


On Buddha’s birthday

Spring rain beneath a full moon,

On Buddha’s deathday

Enlightenment in the Lake

Another sunset


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