Today for the 6th Day: Practice the rhythm of Reflection. What does it mean to Reflect?
How can we take in the impulses that allow us to walk in step with Spirit – echoing thru healthy rhythms, which we can incorporate into our everyday life? My prayer is for the essence of Christ to be active – & rooted in love, in my every thought, word & deed. May we have the strength to comprehend & mirror with all the helpful spirits & Saints what is the breadth & length & height & depth, of our divine humanness – to know & reflect the love of Christ, which in the light of Wisdom, forges knowledge into a healing force.

“Just as in certain circumstances we can become servants of the evil spirits of illness and misfortune, so too we can become the servants of those spiritual beings who promote health and growth, who send down from the spiritual world into our physical world forces that help life to flourish. It is nothing but a materialistic superstition to believe that physical hygiene and external regulations are the sole means of promoting health. Everything that happens in physical life is directed by the beings and powers of higher worlds who are all the time pouring into the physical world forces which in a certain way work freely, upon human or other beings, either promoting or harming health and growth. Certain specific spiritual powers and beings are responsible for these processes in health and illness. In the life between death and rebirth man co-operates with these powers; and if we have prepared ourselves in the right way we can experience the bliss of co-operating in the task of sending the forces which promote health and growth, from the higher worlds into this physical world“. ~Rudolf Steiner – GA 141 – Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture 9 – Berlin, 4th March 1913

22 February 2021 – “Speaking with the Stars”: By the time darkness falls this evening, Orion the Hunter is well above the horizon in the south. Beneath him is Lepus the Hare, a lesser-known constellation with several night-sky treasures to explore.
Have you ever seen Canopus, the second-brightest star after Sirius? In one of the interesting coincidences known to devoted skywatchers, Canopus lies almost due south of Sirius. When to look? Canopus is due south when Beta Canis Majoris — Murzim the Announcer, the star about three finger-widths to the right of Sirius — is at its highest due south over your landscape. That’s probably sometime between7& 8 pm CST. Look straight down from Murzim then.

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day

1632 – Galileo’s Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems is published.
1732 – Birthday of George Washington, American general & politician, 1st President of the United States

1788 – Birthday of Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher & author

1876 – Birthday of Ita Wegman, founder of Anthroposophical medicine & close collaborator of Rudolf Steiner. She also developed a special form of massage therapy, called rhythmical massage, & other therapeutic treatments.

Ita Wegman, as she was known throughout her life, was born as Maria Ita Wegman in Indonesia, the first child of a Dutch colonial family. Around the turn of the century, she returned to Europe (she had visited before) & studied therapeutic gymnastics & massage. In 1902, when she was 26, she met Rudolf Steiner for the first time. Five years later she began medical school at the University of Zurich, where women were not discriminated to study medicine. She was granted a diploma as a medical doctor in 1911 with a specialization in women’s medicine & joined an existing medical practice.

In 1917, having opened an independent practice, she developed a cancer treatment using an extract of mistletoe following indications from Steiner. This first remedy, which she called Iscar, was later developed into Iscador & has become an approved cancer treatment in Germany & a number of other countries.

By 1919 she had a joint practice together with two other doctors, also women. In 1920 she purchased land in Arlesheim, where she opened her own clinic, the Klinisch-Therapeutisches Institut, the first center for anthroposophical medicine. In 1922 she founded a therapeutic home for mentally handicapped children, Haus Sonnenhof, also in Arlesheim, & co-founded a pharmaceutical laboratory, Weleda, that has since grown into a significant producer of medicines & health-care products.

In the following year, Rudolf Steiner asked Wegman to join the Executive Council of the newly reformed Anthroposophical Society at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. She also directed the Medical Section of the research center at the Goetheanum. Together, Wegman & Steiner wrote what was to be Steiner’s last book, Extending Practical Medicine, which gave a theoretical basis to the new medicine they were developing. The book was partly written while Wegman cared for Steiner, who was already terminally ill. Wegman founded a new medical journal, Natura, the following year.

In 1936, the clinic opened a second home in Ascona, Switzerland. Shortly thereafter, difficulties between Wegman & the rest of the Executive Council flared up, & Wegman was asked to leave the Council; in addition, she & a number of supporters had their membership in the Anthroposophical Society itself withdrawn. The medical work flourished, however, & Wegman travelled extensively in support of the rapidly growing movement to extend medicine’s limits; she was especially active in the Netherlands & England during this time. Wegman died in Arlesheim in 1943, at the age of 67.

Ita Wegman is a close collaborator of Rudolf Steiner thruout many incarnations including: Alexander the Great to Steiner’s Aristotle; Gilgamesh & Ebani… On the Work of the Archangel Michael by Ita Wegman

1943 – Deathday of 1943 – Hans & Sophie Scholl, German activists. Sophie a German student along with her brother Hans were anti-Nazi political activists, active within the White Rose non-violent resistance group in Nazi Germany. They were convicted of high treason after distributing anti-war leaflets at the University of Munich (LMU).

In the early summer of 1942, Scholl, his sister Sophie, Willi Graf, Kurt Huber, Christoph Probst, & Alexander Schmorell, co-authored 6 anti-Nazi Third Reich political resistance leaflets. Calling themselves the White Rose, they instructed Germans to practice nonviolent resistance against the Nazis. The group had been horrified by the behavior of some German soldiers on the Eastern Front, where they had witnessed cruelty towards Jews in Poland & Russia.

Hans & Sophie Scholl & Christopher Probst were beheaded by Johann Reichhart in Munich’s Stadelheim Prison. The execution was supervised by Dr. Walter Roemer, the enforcement chief of the Munich district court. Scholl’s last words were “Es lebe die Freiheit!” (“Long live freedom!”). Shortly thereafter, most of the other students involved were arrested & executed as well.

1932 – Birthday of Ted Kennedy, an American politician who served as a United States Senator from Massachusetts for over forty years from 1962 until his death in 2009. A member of the Democratic Party, he was the second most senior member of the Senate when he died & is the fourth-longest-continuously-serving senator in United States history, having served there for almost 47 years.

For many years, Ted Kennedy was the most prominent living member of the Kennedy family, & he was also the last surviving, longest-living, & youngest son of Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. & Rose Kennedy. He was the youngest brother of John F. Kennedy—the 35th President of the United States—& Senator Robert F. Kennedy, both victims of assassination, & the father of Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy.
POD (Poem Of the Day)
Now, looking through
the slanting light
of the morning
window toward
the un-mountained
of everything
that can be,
what urgency
calls you to your
one love? What shape
waits in the seed
of you to grow
and spread
its branches
against a future sky?

The Stone of Love: Speaking Forth as a Gift
You are invited to join in a zoom celebration in honor of the anniversary of Rudolf Steiner’s birth. Over 3 days, we hope to offer our attention and gratitude to Dr Steiner, both as individuals and in community. We’ll come together to warm our hearts and hear the Foundation Stone Meditation spoken so we might carry it into the world. Two zoom meetings will last 20 minutes each, and we will work individually in the day between. The zoom link is the same for both meetings (see link below, following the schedule).
Prelude – Tuesday 23 February 2021 – 9:30 PT/11:30 CT/12:30 ET/
The 1st of a 2 part zoom presentation on the Biography of Rudolf Steiner (15 minute) with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/266986103?pwd=bXU4a0EvMmJkMDZTR0Rqcm0xZ0pUZz09 Meeting ID: 266 986 103 Passcode: 345338
Day 1: Thursday, February 25, 2021
9:30 PT/11:30 CT/12:30 ET/
Rudolf Steiner’s birth, part 2 from Hazel Archer Ginsberg
Short intro from Willem Zeylmans von Emmichoven’s The Foundation Stone, read by Angela Foster
Foundation Stone Meditation, spoken by Christine Burke
Day 2: Friday, February 26, 2021 Please read or speak the Foundation Stone Mediation on your own anytime this day
Day 3: Saturday, February 27, 2021
Foundation Stone Meditation in German, spoken by Margaret Runyon
Foundation Stone Meditation in English, spoken by Hazel Archer Ginsberg, Frank Agrama, Marianne Fieber, Timothy Kennedy, Alex Tuchman
The ARC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Foundation Stone Meditation – For Rudolf Steiner’s Birth Day
Time: Feb 25 & 27, 2021 at 9:30 PT/11:30 CT/12:30 ET/ (25 Feb see separate code)
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81463338523?pwd=UUdBUVBJeFh6eitoWURibzNIREVwQT09 Meeting ID: 814 6333 8523 Passcode: FSM
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kctvcCLHg3 Meeting ID: 814 6333 8523 Passcode: 286512
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Greetings – YIP13 here bringing you some exciting news on the Initiative Forum 2021. We hope you all are finding light during these winter days. Initiative Forum is in less than two weeks, and we want to share the long awaited program and list of contributors with you! Click here to discover it. The schedule is packed full of workshops, lectures and open spaces – we’ve made sure that there are opportunities to participate no matter what time zone you’re in. We are excited to welcome over 15 different contributors to the forum including Orland Bishop, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, Nora Rahimian, Diane Longboat And Helmy Abouleish. Check out the full list on our website’s contributor page! And of course, there will also be time in the mornings for movement workshops, and time in the evening for open mics, pajama parties, and radioshow hangouts. We are so excited to connect with you under the theme “Are you listening” and to co-create this worldwide community with you! For that, our sliding scale tickets are available on our website. See you on March 3rd for day one of “Are You Listening” Initiative Forum 2021. Until then enjoy our pre-forum specials on our social media. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @initiative_forum_2021_. -YIP13 |

Weaving a non-gendered Feminist Reality with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg*
Friday 5 March 2021 – 6:30 am – 8 am Central Time as part of the The International Youth Initiative Program Initiative Forum
What are the qualities of the Divine Feminine? How can we use them to empower an innovative way of thinking, feeling & willing, to create a new world, where the human being is free?
Have paper & colored pencils at the ready for this hands-on workshop.
Here is a link to the full program and the list of contributors
*Hazel Archer-Ginsberg – Founder of Reverse Ritual: Understanding Anthroposophy through the Rhythms of the Year & the ‘I Think Speech’ Podcast. Trans-denominational Minister, Essayist, Lecturer, Poet, Anthroposopher – working as the Festivals Coordinator of the Chicago Rudolf Steiner Branch, & the Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society. Past Video Recordings

Oland Bishop, & Helmy Abouleish
Managing Director of SEKEM
For tickets click here! (it’s only $30 to support these young folks)
To stay updated follow us on Facebook or Instagram.
The International Youth Initiative Program
Hi Hazel,
These comments on the 6th day of Lent seem very important as they come on the birthday of Ita Wegman. She is associated with another figure which you gave note to last June here:
Now, does anyone really believe that IW is the reincarnation of Alexander the Great? She has such a taciturn face that it is impossible to consider such a thing. Yet, this is the anthroposophical dogma we have today.
On the second day of Lent, you acknowledged the landing on Mars of the Perseverance Rover, c. 18 February 2021; another example of science meeting shinola! Yet, you, Hazel
still seem to think that this is a possibility.
Yet, what if it has never been a possibility, ever? We never even sent 12 men to the moon, as much as people would like it. The reason is that the moon was vulcanized in order to be the outer and inner counterweight to the eighth sphere. This is our blessing, regardless of the nonsense that we believe today.
Sounds like an echo, reverberating, doesn’t it? Yet, there is always day 7 with its next revelation. I am compiling a book for the first time with 40 volumes; each day has a revelation since 2/17, and this is coming on board. The book-ends need to be named for these forty volumes, and they are: Ash Wednesday and Lazarus Day, which would be Saturday, March 27th.