Daily Archives: June 30, 2023

Coalescing Imaginations

~Nadezhda Deineka

Dear Friends – The Summer-Tide Season is a time of opening. With the longer days our pineal gland receives more light, & we sense the forces of creative power shining in us.

We can linger – & connect – to the Breath of Life, gently moving thru & between us…

How does it feel to: Make all our impressions alert to this breathing…Enjoy its rhythm…Feel the sustaining vitality…Tune into the life force coursing thru every cell – coalescing imaginations in the minds eye…

Shall we – Direct – our inner vision, if it is your will, to a pasture..See a field of burgeoning sunflowers…It is the dawning of a new day…a perfect Summer morning, with a white-cloud-dotted clear sky – the bright Sun streaming – dazzling the Universe with its light…The sunflowers are tall & abundant, swaying in the hazy breeze rippling across the field…Listen – to the rustle of their music, calling you to dance in the harmony of the moment…Soak up all the rich color – casting a golden glow the ethers round…

There is a path ahead, do you see it meandering through the towering flowers..? A canopy much taller than you are, magnificently following the Sun-Orb – absorbing its potent rays…

Will you follow this path..? Thoughtfully terrying – Taking time – to feel – every part of your foot – making contact with the fertile Earth…

The heliotropic flares lining the path acknowledge you, every step of the way, whispering of riches – of spiritual abundance – the golden prosperity of your soul…

Image result for st john's wort painting
 Eugeny Khara

Go on, look down to your right, O yes, there – See – a large patch of St. John’s Wort in full glory…Receiving permission from the plant spirit, you begin to harvest the bright yellow blossoms, putting them reverently into the pouch at your hip…

Thanking the regal medicine of this spirit, you move on down the narrow path, feeling the heat rising with the Sun, inflaming your souls purpose…

Image result for pennyroyal flower painting

Please do stop to drink from the clear stream…& as you begin to stand, notice – a patch of pennyroyal…You commune with its magic, gathering the fragrant leaves into your pouch…

Feeling enlivened & in rhythm with the course of Summer, you are lead to Wisteria & wild Rose…Fields of Thyme & Chamomile…

You know without doubt – This is where the plant fairies dance & play in the lengthening shadows – And when you look up to the sky, you see the first pink traces of dusk approaching…

As you come to the end of this path, your heart is swelling with tranquil concord…

A little way ahead there is an opening…There is always an opening – You make your way to where a small mound is lined with magnificent oaks; & below – a pristine pond… Under one of the oakens, on the edge of the glistening water, there is a blazing bonfire crackling as the sky turns orange-crimson…You are at home here…

Your fire is born of hard wood, & fat fir branches that have fallen near the shore to the nourish the boundary between Earth & Water…The waving flames divulge your secret name…

Will you offer up your harvest pouch – filled with Summer’s herbs..? Cast them with reverence into the blue core of the flame…

Along with the medicine, throw in all thoughts of negativity…all obstacles…all pain…all worries – Toss them into the hot fire of transformation…?

& as it burns – free – take in the rising fragrance of your healing harvest…feeling cleansed…& energized.

Yes, the twilight lingers. Our Day Star-Sun Takes its time to set triumphantly in the West…The sky is a canvas, & Mother Nature is emblazing on the ether rays – the reflection of her innermost soul – its grand design undulates on the still pond at your feet…

When you look at the water, you see that it is a perfect portriat of your life…On its surface you are able to experience what is deep below – All parts of who you are…What you are…What you will to become…

Your soul’s eternal beauty – its vastness – its great love – blend – with the sunset colors, & the pond’s liquid shimmer…

As the light fades, a knowing current ripples across the pond, & the colors are set into motion. There is a sweet music in the air…Is it a flute – harp, bells, drums – voices – ancient & new…?

A light begins to surface from the pond…& you see a geometry crystallizing…You recognize this as the spirit of Mother Earth – come to dance with you…She hovers over the pond like a humid mist, & in a sublime voice speaks to you…

“I have come, for you have honored me, by honoring yourself…I have come, for many do not know Me – I have come – thru you…Your life & mine are the same…Your welfare & mine are One…What is good for you is good for me…When you feel love, I feel love…So won’t you share your vision of Goodwill with others? Won’t you share your Beauty with the evolving Earth? Won’t you share your Truth with yourSelf? I ask, for I see you are able…Are you willing?

I see you are a bright power – like the Summer Sun…You are full of courage & light…You are a transformer of reality…So begin – yes begin again & then again – Transform the reality that no longer serves you…& as you do, link with others who know Me, & recognize the family of Life…When you perceive in someone, what you know inside to be true, seek to expand that truth…for as light is shared & love is grown, so shall the world change…

You do not live alone…You are my heart & hands, my eyes & voice…& The world is yours to craft as you choose…Choose freedom…Choose the way of Love – I gift you with Life & the ability to care for it…Embrace this gift.”

Image result for prayer

Dear One, will you take a moment now to renew your contract with The Mother, now at this Summer-Tide Time of ripening..?

What is it that you are meant to do – How will you use your gifts to cultivate all worlds – every elemental realm – each phase of human evolution – to heal your past, present & future Self…?

Advance the vision of your Divine-Self, by consciously imprinting these sense impressions into your heart-soul, to catalyse the mysterious release of magic secretions from the pineal gland – Resolve to act on your life-purpose dear Friends, by being awake to the multidimentional reality seen by means of our ‘Third Eye’ – amidst the field of Summer dreaming – to make it real.

Blessed be…


30 June 2023 “Speaking with the Stars”


Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day (RSarchives) 

ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY (Rudolf Steiner’s original Calendar of the Soul; The Present Age,)

1924 – First World Power Conference conceived & founded by Scotsman Daniel Nicol Dunlop, a entrepreneur & Theosophist who later joined Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophical Society. He organized the first meeting which took place in London on 30 June 1924 & attracted 1,700 attendees from 40 nations. It was deemed so successful that the conference was established as a recurring event. In the beginning, the World Power Conference convened on a regular schedule every six years.

D.N. Dunlop was a pioneer of modern community building—in two areas in particular: industry & economics, & the sphere of the free spiritual life. In 1924 he founded the World Power Conferenceopened by the Prince of Wales in London that year. This was the first international conference to invite engineers & industrialists from all over the world (including Germany & Russia, two former World War adversaries), with the purpose of establishing a basis for co-operation & co-ordination in the production & technological use of energy resources within a modern world economy.

In 1929 a worldwide assessment of raw materials & energy resources was published in book-form with the title Power Resources of the World. The WPC gave birth to a permanent institution—the World Energy Council—that has its headquarters in London & has since held regular congresses in different capital cities throughout the world. The website of this private international organization records a short history of the institution which focuses on the profiles of five leading figures, beginning with Dunlop: ‘Shortly after World War I, Scotsman Daniel Dunlop, a visionary working in the British electricity industry, decided to bring together leading energy experts for a World Power Conference to discuss current and emerging energy issues. In 1923, he began working with countries around the globe to establish national committees that would stimulate attendance and prepare for technical participation at such a conference. The First World Power Conference was held the next year, 1924, in London and attracted 1,700 delegates from 40 countries. The meeting was so successful that those attending decided to establish a permanent organisation to continue the dialogue begun at the conference.

Within the spiritual-cultural sphere, Dunlop was a pioneer of the ‘summer school’—an idea which he actively pursued and brought to practical realization during his theosophical phase. Dunlop maintained that the ‘summer school’ was not in conflict with pure individual striving, but could potentize it— offer it fulfillment. For true individualism, if developed far enough, is exactly what socially conscious communities need if they are to progress.

The Present Age – Perseus Verlag

To a large extent these summer schools were gatherings of ‘communities of free spirits’. Following his encounter with Rudolf Steiner in 1922, Dunlop organized the great summer schools of Penmaenmawr &Torquay. According to Rudolf Steiner, these were ‘recorded in the Golden Book of the Anthroposophical Movement’. Steiner himself characterized Dunlop as a ‘far-seeing’ anthroposophist with visionary goals, endowed with clear and delicate perception, and remarkable human sensitivity & tact’. Despite Steiner’s very high public regard for him—Dunlop chose to remain in the background of events.

Daniel Nicol Dunlop met Rudolf Steiner in person in 1922. It was the Dutch manager Joseph van Leer who brought them together. They sat at the table together – Rudolf Steiner who spoke no English & Daniel N. Dunlop who spoke no German. Joseph van Leer stepped in as translator but what he didn’t see was that Rudolf Steiner took the hand of Daniel Dunlop & held it, under the table, during the whole of the conversationIn 1934, during one of his famous summer schools, Dunlop shared the memory of this with his friend Walter Johannes Stein. He made an even more interesting statement, that Rudolf Steiner on this occasion said to him, ‘We are brothers.’

Eleanor Merry, also an active member of the early British Anthroposophical Society, worked intensively with Dunlop for the last 14 years of his life during which time he told her that Rudolf Steiner gave him an insight into a former life of his where he, Dunlop, had been a member of the innermost circle of the Order of the Knights Templar ‘connected to all the ancient mysteries’ and had also worked within a secret society among the Templars’. Dunlop’s most deeply rooted intention was to serve the supra-personal goals of humanity, thereby sacrificing all personal & trivial motives & deeds.

Nature spirits by D.N. Dunlop

My Summer Conference schedule:

I will be heading out for our next training 1-7 August 2023

Here is a newsletter with an article I wrote about my expereince working with Steiner’s Inner Realities of Evoultion