Listen to ‘The Loving Cup on ‘I Think Speech’
Greetings dear friends on this Eve of the Summer Solstice –
Listen – a mysterious chorus is magicing the atmosphere, vibrating in the twilight of this long lingering day. Look – there – as the sapphire sky merges into cobalt blue – there – bright in the West – spreading on the wings of Venus, holding the occult powers of Mercury, we meet the Holy Grail.
Supporting from below, we see The Dioscuri = Castor and Pollux – The Twins of Gemini, showing us our immortal human-ness.
And there – Capping Space – Above the Goddess of Healing Love, stands virile Mars.
Dear Ones, Will you endeavor to read the starry script? – What will come forth with the pronouncing of the secret name inscribed there on the cup?

20 June 2023 – “Speaking with the Stars”

And so it is that for 3 days ‘The Sun Stands Still‘ at Solstice. In our present age, our Day-Star- Sun enters the fixed stars of Gemini, the Twins; which puts Mother-Earth in the opposite stars of the Archer -the constellation connected to the Winter Solstice. This is the vertical axis in the life of Sun & Earth.

The Equinoxes of Spring & Autumn hold the horizontal axis, forming ‘The Great Cross’ of nature – the seasonal life & symbol of Earth.

Upon this cross we have the Christian festivals, with St. John’s & Christmas coinciding with this vertical axis, & Easter & Michaelmas along the horizontal axis.

When thinking about the breathing, living cycle of the Earth, we learn from Spiritual Science, that at Summer Solstice the Soul & Spirit of the Earth, (which is now imbued with the Christ) are fully exhaled out to the periphery of the cosmos, to become intermingled with the grandeur of the highest cosmic mysteries, where the primal forces of life exist amongst the stars.
The soul of the Earth is dreaming now in the heights. The forces which live in the seeds are held now in these Summer dreams of the Earth in union with the hierarchies, & it is this dreaming which is brought back into the Earth to become assessable during the sacred time of the Holy Nights.
The Summertime union between the Sun & Earth is actually a re-union between the spiritual beings of the Sun & their human offspring. Through ‘the great window of heaven’ we experience this interaction which helps us develop an awareness of our higher “I”. We can contemplate this dynamic & bring it to life in our soul most strongly at this time of year.

At Midsummer the Trinity reveals itself out of the heart of this cosmic activity – A sounding in the music of the spheres, that calls us to explore our own inner harmony with the cosmos – an answering echo that unites us to the eternity of the Trinity.
At this time when the ‘Sun Stands Still’ – Can WE learn to be still enough to hear the voice of conscience?

~Kindling Radiance~
A Community Festival Gathering Celebrating St. John’s-Tide
Saturday, June 24, 2023 at Zinniker Farm
5:30 pm – Potluck – Please bring food & drink to share
6 – 7 pm – Artistic Offerings – Poem, Song?… Express yourself!
7 – 9 pm – Bonfire Drum & Song Circle w/ Hazel & Ultra-Violet Archer
Bring lawn chairs & drums if you have them!Show support for Zinniker Farm –
$15 more or less Love Donation
Co-hosted by The Christian Community of Southeast Wisconsin, The Christian Community of Chicago, Mark & Petra Zinniker, Hazel at ReverseRitual.com
Why a St. John’s Festival?
At this time of year, when daylight hours are the longest, “the soul of the earth rises in longing toward the heights, seeking communion with the universe, with the light and warmth of the sun… and the stars.” ~Rudolf Steiner.
Three days after the Summer Solstice, we celebrate St. John the Baptist – a lone voice calling to us from the wilderness to change our hearts and minds – so that we can connect to the ‘True Vine’ & receive the new impulse of Love raditating into the world. Come join us as we come together as a community to support the Farm & celebrate the glories of Summer.
If you are in the area, come join us as we celebrate St. John’s-Tide on the Zinniker Farm.
Can’t make it in person? You can still support the Zinniker Farm and their regenerative work with your good will and contributions.
Regenerative farming is Stewardship that provides true results for the healing of the Earth. It is time to make a lasting investment.
Please contact Mark & Petra Zinniker to find out how to make a direct contribution to their regenerative work or sign up at Patreon.com/Zinnikerfarm