40 days after Easter

ascension veilDavid Newbatt

Ascension Thursday 5 May 2016 – Today is the actual Cross-Quarter Day, the half way point between Spring Equinox & Summer Solstice. It is also Cinco de Mayo.

553 Second Council of Constantinople which condemned the pre-existence of the soul

Birthday of Karl Marx

1731 – Death-day of Daniel Defoe, an English trader, writer, journalist, pamphleteer, & spy, most famous for his novel Robinson Crusoe. Defoe one of the earliest founders of the novel, as he helped to popularize the form in Britain. He was a prolific writer, producing more than five hundred books, pamphlets, & journals on various topics, including politics, crime, religion, marriage, psychology, & the supernatural. He was also a pioneer of economic journalism. According to Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual research (Lecture 6 of Inner Impulses of Evolution, GA 171) Daniel Defoe was inspired by Ahriman.

1821 – Death-day of Napoleon. According to Eliza von Moltke he was also incarnated as Aaron, the brother of Moses.

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veil Christopherus by Margarethe HauschkaMargaret Hauschka

~To crawl, to stand,

To walk in uprightness

To speak the word

To think the gods

To become the cosmos

‘Not me, but Christ in me’

In the I of the One


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Ascension temple du pontHermann Linde

Climbing Jacob’s Ladder – A Festival of Ascension, part 5 of a Lecture by ~Hazel ArcherGinsberg

Just as the experience of the Ascension lies between Easter & Whitsun, so between Good Friday & Easter lies the event known as Christ’s Descent into Hell. Both hold the image of Christ disappearing from sight.

By His death Christ opened up the paths of the higher spheres for those exhausted souls trapped in kamaloca, so they could ascend into the upper planetary realms & be renewed.

The Descent into Hell rescued the heavenly forces for humanity; the Ascension rescued the formative forces.

At the Baptism the Christ Being united with the physical body of Jesus of Nazareth & was therefore united with earthly evolution as a whole.

At the Transfiguration Christ permeates the etheric body of Jesus. In the scene of the transfiguration, Christ reveals his higher sun nature, to the 3 chosen disciples, A visionary manifestation of the fully transformed etheric body, which radiates light like a Sun.

These events are mirrored, & transformed by the mystery of Golgotha, Ascension relates to the Transfiguration & Whitsun to the Baptism.

In the Ascension, Christ showed the connection to the spiritual Sun forces which became manifest in the Transfiguration, with the etheric bodies of all human beings.

When Christ entered into Jesus at the Baptism, His Sun-Being took over the ego of Jesus, the Zarathustra soul had to leave the body or be completely overpowered.

After the resurrection the Christ impulse can live within mankind without taking over the ego-consciousness. But in order for this to happen, Christ had to Ascend.  Then after 10 days He sent the Holy Spirit- that divine Being of the Trinity that does not overpower, but enhances the individual ego of human beings. -So now the Christ impulse can enter human souls thru the mediation of the Holy Spirit, so that we can retain our “I” in freedom.

The benevolent Sun, that gives life generating warmth to all existence, is a bridge, connecting the macrocosm with the microcosm.

So besides the imagination of Jacobs’s ladder, we can picture the connection between the descent into Hell on Holy Saturday with the Ascension which is the metamorphosis of the scene of the Transfiguration; & in Whitsun, the transformation of the Baptism.

Tomorrow we explore the ‘Resurrection Body’

To read the entire lecture:  Ascension 2014 Climbing Jacobs Ladder

Until soon

Blessings & Peace –

~hag = Hazel ArcherGinsberg

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2 thoughts on “40 days after Easter

  1. The Descent into Hell rescued the heavenly forces for humanity.

    I am grateful for that descent.

    ‘Not me, but Christ in me’

    In the I of the One

    Thank you Jesus and thank you Hazel for reminding me!

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