Behold our Weaving

15 June 2016 –

sky 2016-june-16-17-18-moon-mars-saturn-antaressky 2016-june-planets-stars

Look for Mars & Saturn near Antares, the brightest star in the constellation Scorpius the Scorpion. They make a noticeable triangle on the sky’s dome. Let the moon help guide your eye to Mars & the bright star Spica for the next several evenings. Then watch for the moon to swing away from Spica & more closely with Mars on June 16 & June 17. Then by June 18, the moon will move away from Mars to pair up with Saturn.

St. Vitus_CXXVr

303 – St. Vitus Day. In the late Middle Ages, people in Germany & countries such as Latvia celebrated the feast of Vitus by dancing before his statue. This dancing became popular & the name “Saint Vitus Dance” was given to the neurological disorder Sydenham’s chorea. It also led to Vitus being considered the patron saint of dancers, actors, comedians, & epileptics. He is also said to protect against lightning strikes, animal attacks & oversleeping

763 BC – Assyrians record a solar eclipse that is later used to fix the chronology of Mesopotamian history

991 – Deathday of Theophanu, Byzantine Empress of the Holy Roman Empire

1215 –Magna Carta sealed by King John of England & barons. First drafted by the Archbishop of Canterbury to make peace between the unpopular King & a group of rebel barons, it promised the protection of church rights, protection for the barons from illegal imprisonment, access to swift justice, & limitations on feudal payments to the Crown, to be implemented through a council of 25 barons.

1648 – Margaret Jones is hanged in Boston for witchcraft

1667 – The first human blood transfusion is administered by Dr. Jean-Baptiste Denys


1752 – Benjamin Franklin proves that lightning is electricity

1775 –George Washington is appointed commander-in-chief of the Continental Army

1816 – At the Villa Diodati in the village of Cologny, Switzerland, Lord Byron reads Fantasmagoriana to his four house guests — Percy Shelley, Mary Shelley, Claire Clairmont, & John Polidori — & challenges each guest to write a ghost story, which culminates in Mary Shelley writing the novel Frankenstein, John Polidori The Vampyre, & Byron the poem Darkness.

1896 – The deadliest tsunami in Japan’s history kills more than 22,000 people

1904 – A fire aboard the steamboat SS General Slocum in New York City’s East River kills 1,000

Rembrandt Danaë

1985 – Rembrandt’s painting Danaë is attacked by Bronius Maigys, a Soviet national, later judged insane, who throws sulfuric acid on the canvas & cuts it twice with a knife

1991 – In the Philippines, Mount Pinatubo erupts in the second largest volcanic eruption of the 20th Century. In the end, over 800 people die

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death plus cardplaying


Death always comes in 3’s

Yet Life is…a singular breath

Time is…a passive eye

O justice

When will truth be law?


~   ~   ~

St. John's RS GA 229 Plate V

Part 5 in: A Summary of THE ST. JOHN IMAGINATION, from ~the Four Seasons and the Archangels, Lecture 4, by Rudolf Steiner

“…The Heights become Mysteries, the Depths become Mysteries, and man himself becomes a Mystery within the Mysteries of the Cosmos. Right into his bony system he feels the crystal-forming power. But he feels also how this same power is in cosmic union with the living power of light in the heavens above. He feels how all that comes about through mankind as morality in these Mysteries of the Heights lives and weaves in these Mysteries of the Depths, and in the conjunction between the two. He feels himself no longer sundered from the world around him, but placed within it, united above with the shining Intelligence, in which he experiences, as in the womb of worlds, his own best thoughts.

All this, too, would have to sound forth in musical tones — tones which carry these motifs on their wings and make them part of human experience. For these motifs are there. They do not have to be sought out; they can be read from the cosmic activity of Uriel. Here it is that Imagination passes over into Inspiration.

Man, however, lives in a certain sense as an embodied Inspiration, as a being brought into existence by Inspiration, in the Mysteries of the heights and depths and in the Mysteries of their conjunction. He lives in the Mysteries to which the Spirit-Father points upward; the Mysteries to which the Spirit-Mother points downwards, the Mysteries which are united by the fact that the Christ, though the working together of the Spirit-Father and the Spirit-Mother, stands directly before the human soul as the sustaining Cosmic Spirit.

That which is woven out of all these cosmic secrets I may put before you somewhat in the following way. It is as though the human being, placed in the midst of all that goes on in high summer, were to feel something like this. The first words endeavour to represent how the gaze of Uriel concentrates itself into Inspiration, united with the Spirit-tones of the whole choir:

Schaue unser Weben
Das leuchtende Erregen
Das warmende Leben
} The Heights
Lebe irdisch Erhaltendes
Und atmend Gestaltetes —
Als wesenhaft Waltendes
} The Depths
Fühle dein Menschengebeine
Mit himmlischen Scheine
Im waltenden Weltenvereine
} The Midst
The inner being of Man.

Here in these nine lines are the Mysteries of the Heights, the Mysteries of the Depths, and the Mysteries of the Midst, which are also those of the inner being of man. And then we have the whole gathered up as a cosmic statement of these Mysteries of the Heights, the Depths and the Midst, sounding out as though with organ and trumpet tones:

Es werden Stoffe verdichtet
Es werden Fehler gerichtet
Es werden Herzen gesichtet.

Here you have that which can permeate the human being at midsummer, supporting him, exalting him, confirming him — the St. John Imagination filled with Inspiration, the St. John Inspiration filled with Imagination — in these words:

Schaue unser Weben
Das leuchtende Erregen
Das warmende Leben
} The Heights
Lebe irdisch Erhaltendes
Und atmend Gestaltetes —
Als wesenhaft Waltendes
} The Depths
Fühle dein Menschengebeine
Mit himmlischen Scheine
Im waltenden Weltenvereine
} The Midst
The inner being of Man.
Es werden Stoffe verdichtet
Es werden Fehler gerichtet
Es werden Herzen gesichtet.

Behold our weaving, the kindling radiance, the warming life.
Live in the earth’s sustaining, and in the form-giving breathing,
with the power of true being.

Feel your very bones suffused with heavenly glory
in the presiding yoga of the worlds.

Substances are densified, errors are judged and rectified,
Hearts are sifted – Receive the light

~Rudolf SteinerTomorrow: A look into the Will

Until soon

Blessings and Peace ~Hazel Archer Ginsberg

~   ~   ~

Moonday June 20, 2016 – It’s Summer Solstice & The Full Honey-Moon!!!

So come join our : St. John’s Tide Bon-Fire 

7pm – 9pm

Pot-Luck Dinner & Social Gathering in the backyard of Hazel & Chuck Ginsberg

Please Bring Food & Drink to Share in Community

RSVP by June 17 for address & directions  

PS. there’s a Cub Game that night so be sure to come in for a sticker to put in your car.

4 thoughts on “Behold our Weaving

    1. Behold our weaving, the kindling radiance, the warming life.
      Live in the earth’s sustaining, and in the form-giving breathing,
      with the power of true being.

      Feel your very bones suffused with heavenly glory
      in the presiding yoga of the worlds.

      Substances are densified, errors are judged and rectified,
      Hearts are sifted – Receive the light

    2. Behold our weaving, the kindling radiance, the warming life.
      Live in the earth’s sustaining, and in the form-giving breathing,
      with the power of true being.

      Feel your very bones suffused with heavenly glory
      in the presiding yoga of the worlds.

      Substances are densified, errors are judged and rectified,
      Hearts are sifted – Receive the light

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