Category Archives: Celestial Event

Harvesting the Sun

This is traditionally the time when the herb St. John’ wort reaches its full potency & since it is a solar herb, it is used as a plant medicine to bring the power of the Sun to people who suffer from depression.

The wise women of old would place St. John’s Wort & other healing herbs around the home for protection as they dried;  They threw the stalks into the Midsummer bonfires, & when the coals had cooled down the ashes were mixed with water & sprinkled on the fields, the 4 corners of the home & the on the head & feet of the children.

Our herbs this year are stellar. I have already harvested tons of basil & sage, catmint & lemon grass, parsley & oregano…

Royal fern seeds gathered at Full Moon are said to make you invisible. Rub the blossoms on your eyelids to see the wee-folk, which will also make you wealthy & wise; but be sure & carry a bit of rue in your pocket or you might be ‘Pixie-led’. Can’t find the rue, then turn your clothes inside out & follow the old ‘Ley-Lines’, which will keep you from getting lost in faeiry land.

The ancient Druids celebrated the Summer-Tide as the Wedding of Heaven & Earth. The Goddess manifests as Mother Earth & the God, as the Sun King.

Can you feel this marriage within your own human/Divine nature?

belden bloxsy

Plant Spirits, Faeiry Folk, thank you for sharing your gifts – Continue to teach us how to live in harmony with the essence of your healing magic.


Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day


28 June 2023 – “Speaking with the Stars”

Feast of Saint Vitus, a Christian saint from Sicily. He died as a martyr during the persecution of Christians by co-ruling Roman Emperors Diocletian & Maximian in 303. Vitus is counted as one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers of medieval Roman Catholicism. Saint Vitus’ Day is celebrated on 28 June on the Gregorian Calendar.

In the late Middle Ages, people in Germany & countries such as Latvia celebrated the feast of Vitus by dancing before his statue. This dancing became popular & the name “Saint Vitus Dance” was given to the neurological disorder Sydenham’s chorea. It also led to Vitus being considered the patron saint of dancers & of actors, comedians, dancers, of entertainers in general a& epileptics. He is also said to protect against lightning strikes, animal attacks & oversleeping.

Jean Jacques Rousseau ~Allan Ramsay

1712 – Birthday of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Swiss philosopher & polymath

1831 – Birthday of Joseph Joachim, Austrian violinist, composer, & conductor; friend of Herman Grimm.

1914 – Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria & his wife Sophie are assassinated in Sarajevo; this is the casus belli of World War I.

“…May I remind you — I have often mentioned it — that the death of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria is one of those concealed events of the present day, despite all that occurred on the external physical plane. I have stressed especially that if the physical and spiritual worlds are taken together, then for them as a totality there was something present before the assassination of Franz Ferdinand that became different after that event. It does not matter in such cases what things look like in external maya! What occurs inwardly is the important thing. As I told you: What rose up as the soul of Franz Ferdinand into the spiritual worlds became a focal point for very strong, powerful forces, and much of what is now happening is connected with the very fact that a unique transition took place between life and so-called death, so that this soul became something quite different from what other souls become…

Seen quite externally, why was Franz Ferdinand rather important? He was important because in his being, in all his inclinations — you must take the external manifestation as a symbol of what lived within — he was the external expression of certain streams. In him there lived something which, if only it had been able to free itself, bore the deepest understanding for the individual development of the Slav peoples. You might indeed call him an intense friend of all that belongs to the Slavs. He understood — or perhaps I should say: something living in him of which he was not fully aware understood — what forms would be necessary for the social life of the Slavs if they were to develop as individual peoples…

There may be men here in Europe who, look upon the outbreak of the present war as being connected with the murder of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Heir Apparent to the Throne. I do not say that this is untrue or that there is no truth in it, but on the basis of this event they can explain certain occurrences that they trace back to this murder of July 1914.

There may also be other persons who stress that, in a Western newspaper of January 1913, the statement appeared that the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was to be murdered in the near future for the well-being of European humanity. What I mean to say is that we may go back as far as the actual murder, but we may also go back to the notice of it that appeared in a Western newspaper in January 1913.

It is also possible to go back to the murder of Jaures on the last evening before the war began — probably never entirely explained, as I recently suggested. But it is equally possible to go back to the same newspaper to which I just referred, which carried the statement in 1913 saying that if conditions in Europe should lead to war, Jaures would be the first to meet his death — You may consult a certain occult almanac that was sold for forty francs and find in the issue for 1913, which was printed, of course, in 1912, the statement that he who was expected to be the ruler in Austria would not be the ruler, but rather a younger man, whom people wouldn’t even now consider as the successor to the old Emperor Franz Josef. That was printed in a so-called occult almanac for 1913; printed, therefore, in the autumn of 1912. Moreover, in the same almanac for 1914, printed in 1913, the same remark was repeated because obviously the attempt on Emperor Franz Josef’s life had miscarried in 1913. When these things are seen more clearly, the connection will someday be discovered that exists between what actually happens externally and what is cooked up by hidden, dark sources. Many will recognize the threads that lead from public life into this or that brotherhood., and how stupid it is for other brotherhoods continually to declare that silence should be maintained regarding certain mystery truths. Such people may be as innocent as children, in spite of the fact that they may be old members of this or that brotherhood of Freemasons which lay claim to secret sources. Nevertheless, they further intensify the obscurity and darkness that is already present among human beings…” ~ Rudolf Steiner, THE KARMA OF VOCATION, GA 172, Lecture VII
19 November 1916, Dornach

1919 – The Treaty of Versailles is signed, ending the state of war between Germany & the Allies of World War I.

“…You all know that Woodrow Wilson’s “fourteen points” arrived at the dreadful chaotic point civilised life had entered. What were these fourteen points actually? They were basically nothing other than abstract principles of an unworldly man, a person who knew little about reality, who appeared in Versailles where he could actually have played an important role. This man who was a stranger to reality wanted to show the world how to get organised according to principles founded on intellectualism. One only had to experience with what inspiration civilised mankind hung on to these fourteen points, however with the exclusion of a large part of the central European population, they unfortunately also fell for these fourteen points after a short period of time…” ~Rudolf Steiner, THE IMPULSE FOR RENEWAL IN CULTURE AND SCIENCE
GA 81, lecture V. Anthroposophy and Social Science, 9 March 1922, Berlin

1950 – Korean War: Suspected sympathizers are executed in the Bodo League massacre.

1950 – Korean War: Packed with its own refugees fleeing Seoul & leaving their 5th Division stranded, South Korean forces blow up the Hangang Bridge in an attempt to slow North Korea’s offensive. The city falls later that day.

1950 –North Korean Army conducts the Seoul National University Hospital massacre. Over 900 doctors, nurses, patients & wounded soldiers, were killed. The Korean People’s Army shot or buried the people alive. The civilian victims alone numbered 1900.

1964 – Malcolm X forms the Organization of Afro-American Unity.

1969 – Stonewall riots begin in New York City, marking the start of the Gay Rights Movement.

~I am leaping forth
Ripping veils
Making naked the essential
Streaking light with sound
Tamping down the dirt
To make the circle round
& the Earth glad.
The Stars notice
When I sing


One in the Sun

Hilma af Klint

POD (Poem Of the Day)

Sun your number is One
Multiplied by Billions
I am One too
With a thousand longings for unity
Before the after
An exaltation of now
In the timelessness of many
I walk in uprightness
Thru the burning cathedral of the Summer-Tide –
My bank of wild grass
Ever majestic & full of music
An eternal flame of renewal, pressing life
Against my skin to open soul to spirit


Art by Hilma af Klint

22 June 2023 – “Speaking with the Stars”: The waxing crescent moon will glow near the planets Venus and Mars, plus the bright star Regulus in Leo the Lion, this evening and tomorrow evening. It will also be speaking to the star pattern known as the Sickle. You can catch Bella Luna and the Sickle from twilight until around midnight. Chart by John Jardine Goss/ EarthSky.

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day(RSarchives) 

ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY (Rudolf Steiner’s original Calendar of the Soul, Anthrowiki, Wikipedia Commons, Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia)

Feast of St. Thomas More, “a man for all seasons.” From Rudolf Steiner: Things in Past and Present in the Spirit of Man, Lecture VIII – THOMAS MORE’S “UTOPIA” …”Thomas More was really fortune’s favourite. He advanced from various state offices, became a member of Parliment, and finally High Chancellor for Henry VIII who had him executed because he would not agree to the Succession Act. This was a sin against the new institution of the English Church. Then the enlightened Lord Justices had to decide what sort of judgement should be meted out to Thomas More. The following is the decision which these enlightened justices reached as the price Thomas More had to pay for his so-called treason of not going along with Henry VIII. He was to be condemned and brought to the Tower by Sheriff William Pinkston and then put in a braided basket and dragged through the City of London to Tiburn. In Tiburn he was to be hanged only until he was half dead, then he was to be taken down form the scaffold and certain of his limbs would be cut off; his body torn open and the entrails burned. Then his body with the exception of the head would be divided into four portions and each would be placed on a pike and set at the four ends of the City of London. His head, however would be put on a high spear and placed on London Bridge in order to serve as a warning for people to go along with the King. This was the sort of judgement that these enlightened lords issued. This was not carried out, however, he was beheaded and the head was placed upon a spear on London Bridge.”

Mental Floss

1527 Deathday of Niccolo Macchiavelli – “The Prince”

1633 – The Holy Office in Rome forces Galileo Galilei to recant his view that the Sun, not the Earth, is the center of the Universe.

1805 – Birthday of Giuseppe Mazzini, an Italian politician, journalist & activist for the unification of Italy spearheading the Italian revolutionary movement. Freemason – Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy. Rudolf Steiner speaks of him as a Hibernian initiate with Garibaldi & Cavour in Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies – Volume V

1839 – Cherokee leaders Major Ridge, John Ridge, & Elias Boudinot are assassinated for signing the Treaty of New Echota, which had resulted in the Trail of Tears

1892 – Birthday of Maria Darmstädter – a German religious scholar and Holocaust victim. Born to a prominent Jewish family from Mannheim, she was baptised in the Lutheran church as an adult and shortly after joined the newly established Christian Community in the early 1920s. She was one of the community’s first and most influential members, and contributed greatly to its liturgy. She was deported to Gurs internment camp by the Nazis in October 1940 and murdered in Auschwitz. Her letters from Nazi concentration camps were published in 1970. ~ Peter Selg, ‘From Gurs to Auschwitz: The Inner Journey of Maria Krehbiel-Darmstädter’, Great Barrington, 2013

1941 –Hitler invades the Russia in Operation Barbarossa

1942 – Pledge of Allegiance formally adopted by Congress

1969 – The Cuyahoga River catches fire in Cleveland, Ohio, drawing national attention to water pollution, & spurring the passing of the Clean Water Act & the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency

1978 – Charon, a satellite of the dwarf planet Pluto, is discovered by American astronomer James W. Christy

1990 – Checkpoint Charlie is dismantled in Berlin.

2002 – An earthquake measuring 6.5 Mw strikes northwestern Iran killing 261 people & injuring 1,300 others

2010 – Deathday of Ekkehard Meffert anthroposophist who studied geology, geography, philosophy (with a thesis on Cusa), Education, politics & history. Best known for his biography of Mathilde Scholl, one of the first esoteric students of Rudolf Steiner

~Kindling Radiance~
A Community Festival Gathering Celebrating St. John’s-Tide
Saturday, June 24, 2023 at Zinniker Farm

We have reached capcity! You can still support the Zinniker Farm and their regenerative work with your good will and contributions.Regenerative farming is Stewardship that provides true results for the healing of the Earth. It is time to make a lasting investment.

Please contact  Mark & Petra Zinniker to find out how to make a direct contribution to their regenerative work or sign up at

Open the Window

YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE on the ‘I think Speech’ Podcast

Dear Friends – The Solstice is a heavenly window that stands open for 3 days – Giving us time & space to celebrate the Sun as giver of life – We can live into how in every second, our Day-Star-Sun transforms itself into light – giving itself over – transmitting cosmic energy, which we take in with every sense impression, every meal. All life, has been feasting on the Sun’s energy stored in the form of wheat or meat. And each day the Sun appears to rise, dies, & is reborn, as the vitality of Earth.

We can celebrate this simple truth: We embody the strength of the Sun! And it’s our responsibility to organize our bodies on Earth, to recognize & realize – that every face, from the stone to the Angel, is meant to shine with radiant de-light.

Can we as human beings learn that generosity is not only possible, but required?

We can Look to the center of the solar system for our role model, a magnificent stellar bounteousness, pouring forth free energy, every day, without the slightest hesitation – without complaint. This is the way of the universe. This is the way of life. And this is the way in which each of us can join the cosmic lineage, receiving the Sun’s gift of energy, & then transforming it into creative action that will enable society & all life on Earth to flourish.

Thruout time, the Solstices have been honored as power points. Twice each year we move into a window within space-time when Sun & Earth communicate in their extremes. A Tipping Point in consciousness, working in service of our highest evolution can be experienced. Unlike the Equinoxes which are all about perfect balance, the Solstices are a Tipping Point – toward, or away from The Light. The Summer & Winter Solstices are key reference points in our solar year, marking this exchange.

What would it be like to pay attention to where the light comes into your home everyday – So bright & early now, & then watching its changing position thru-out the year?

Where do the rays glance at Michaelmas time? At the Winter Solstice…? Now…?

The point on the horizon where the Sun appears to rise & set, stops & reverses direction after this day. Interesting that on the Solstice, the Sun does not rise exactly in the East, but comes up in the North of East, & sets to the North of West, making it visible in the sky for a longer period of time.

This is also the time when the midday Sun passes the closest to being straight overhead, so our shadow becomes the closest to us. A perfect opportunity to examine & embrace that shadow, now, at this time of the zenith, for the brightest light illuminates the shadow.

So dearly beloved – take a moment in the next few days to Stop…with the Sun…Close your eyes…& Look Up… consciously absorbing the photonic energy generously generated by the loving heart of our central star – Tiny rays of intelligence from the Mind of the Divine, translated thru the Sun Beings beaming all around us, especially during this Summer-Tide.

At our current point in the long cycles of Earth-time, the Summer Solstice aligns with THE GALACTIC EDGE…of our known world…it is a time when we can tune into inspiration ‘from a galaxy far, far away’… Could this Edge be the source of new ideas for changing life on Earth for the better…? Here we can pause, with the Sun, to open that Heavenly Window into this expanded consciousness…

Will you part the curtain with me…?


21 June 2023 – “Speaking with the Stars”: On this June solstice 2023, there’s a special treat waiting for you in the west after sunset. The 3 worlds closest to Earth – the moon, Venus and Mars – are gathered together in the evening twilight sky. Watch for them in the darkening twilight, soon after the sun goes down. The solstice arrives at 8:58 am CDT.

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day 

At Midsummer the earth’s soul becomes pious. The warmth that flames through the atmosphere is like a mighty sacrificial fire on the wings of which the soul soars upwards towards the sun…” ~Emil Bock

~Kindling Radiance~
A Community Festival Gathering Celebrating St. John’s-Tide
Saturday, June 24, 2023 at Zinniker Farm

We have reached capcity! You can still support the Zinniker Farm and their regenerative work with your good will and contributions.Regenerative farming is Stewardship that provides true results for the healing of the Earth. It is time to make a lasting investment.

Please contact  Mark & Petra Zinniker to find out how to make a direct contribution to their regenerative work or sign up at

Loving Cup

Listen to ‘The Loving Cup on ‘I Think Speech’

Greetings dear friends on this Eve of the Summer Solstice –

Listen – a mysterious chorus is magicing the atmosphere, vibrating in the twilight of this long lingering day. Look – there – as the sapphire sky merges into cobalt blue – there – bright in the West – spreading on the wings of Venus, holding the occult powers of Mercury, we meet the Holy Grail.

Supporting from below, we see The Dioscuri = Castor and Pollux  – The Twins of Gemini, showing us our immortal human-ness.

And there – Capping Space – Above the Goddess of Healing Love, stands virile Mars.

Dear Ones, Will you endeavor to read the starry script? – What will come forth with the pronouncing of the secret name inscribed there on the cup?

20 June 2023 – “Speaking with the Stars”

Image result for summer solstice winter solstice cross

And so it is that for 3 days ‘The Sun Stands Still‘ at Solstice. In our present age, our Day-Star- Sun enters the fixed stars of Geminithe Twins; which puts Mother-Earth in the opposite stars of the Archer -the constellation connected to the Winter Solstice. This is the vertical axis in the life of Sun & Earth.

The Equinoxes of Spring & Autumn hold the horizontal axis, forming ‘The Great Cross’ of nature – the seasonal life & symbol of Earth. 

Upon this cross we have the Christian festivals, with St. John’s & Christmas coinciding with this vertical axis, & Easter & Michaelmas along the horizontal axis.

Judith Pillar

When thinking about the breathing, living cycle of the Earth, we learn from Spiritual Science, that at Summer Solstice the Soul & Spirit of the Earth, (which is now imbued with the Christ) are fully exhaled out to the periphery of the cosmos, to become intermingled with the grandeur of the highest cosmic mysteries, where the primal forces of life exist amongst the stars.

The soul of the Earth is dreaming now in the heights. The forces which live in the seeds are held now in these Summer dreams of the Earth in union with the hierarchies, & it is this dreaming which is brought back into the Earth to become assessable during the sacred time of the Holy Nights.

The Summertime union between the Sun & Earth is actually a re-union between the spiritual beings of the Sun & their human offspring. Through ‘the great window of heaven’ we experience this interaction which helps us develop an awareness of our higher “I”. We can contemplate this dynamic & bring it to life in our soul most strongly at this time of year.

~Father Tambera

At Midsummer the Trinity reveals itself out of the heart of this cosmic activity – A sounding in the music of the spheres, that calls us to explore our own inner harmony with the cosmos – an answering echo that unites us to the eternity of the Trinity.

At this time when the ‘Sun Stands Still’ – Can WE learn to be still enough to hear the voice of conscience?


~Kindling Radiance~
A Community Festival Gathering Celebrating St. John’s-Tide
Saturday, June 24, 2023 at Zinniker Farm
5:30 pm – Potluck – Please bring food & drink to share
6 – 7 pm – Artistic Offerings – Poem, Song?… Express yourself!
7 – 9 pm – Bonfire Drum & Song Circle w/ Hazel & Ultra-Violet Archer

Bring lawn chairs & drums if you have them!Show support for Zinniker Farm –
$15 more or less Love Donation
Co-hosted by The Christian Community of Southeast WisconsinThe Christian Community of ChicagoMark & Petra ZinnikerHazel at 

Why a St. John’s Festival?
At this time of year, when daylight hours are the longest, “the soul of the earth rises in longing toward the heights, seeking communion with the universe, with the light and warmth of the sun… and the stars.” ~Rudolf Steiner.

Three days after the Summer Solstice, we celebrate St. John the Baptist – a lone voice calling to us from the wilderness to change our hearts and minds – so that we can connect to the ‘True Vine’ & receive the new impulse of Love raditating into the world. Come join us as we come together as a community to support the Farm & celebrate the glories of Summer.

If you are in the area, come join us as we celebrate St. John’s-Tide on the Zinniker Farm.
Can’t make it in person? You can still support the Zinniker Farm and their regenerative work with your good will and contributions.

Regenerative farming is Stewardship that provides true results for the healing of the Earth. It is time to make a lasting investment.

Please contact  Mark & Petra Zinniker to find out how to make a direct contribution to their regenerative work or sign up at

Intelligent Will

Don DePolao

Greetings Freinds – When we look up to the heavens around the time of MidSummer, we gain the impression that cosmic Intelligence is alive everywhere , an impression of many beings living within each other, interwoven with light. Up above we feel — everything we perceive is illumined, permeated, with a feeling of intelligence.

Yet down below, deep within the Earth, we feel —that in the blue darkness everything is experienced as will forces.  

Iris Sullivan

Within this radiant activity there appears the extremely earnest countenance of the Archangel Uriel, which arises – glowing warmly out of the pervading radiant Intelligence. We have the impression that this Being forms its body of light, out of the radiant Intelligence. And for this to happen at the height of Summer, the elemental spirits of the Earth must soar upwards. And as they do, they weave themselves into the shining Intelligence up above, & the shining Intelligence receives them into itself. And out of that gleaming radiance Uriel takes form.

Daniel Moreau rendition of a drawing by Rudolf Steiner

It is with great earnestness that this representative of the weaving cosmic forces, seeking to embody himself in a vesture of light, appears in the time of Summer. The intelligence of Uriel arises from the working together of the planetary forces, supported by the working of the fixed stars of the Zodiac. The deeds accomplished by Uriel in the radiant light, preserves the thoughts of the cosmos, in his thoughts.

The feeling comes: “You clouds of summer, radiant with Intelligence, in which are reflected up above the blue crystal-formations of the earth below, just as these blue crystal-formations mirror in turn the shining Intelligence of the summer clouds — out of your shining there appears in high summer, with earnest countenance, a concentrated Imagination of Cosmic Understanding…Through the power of attraction residing in the concentrated cosmic Intelligence of Uriel, the silver forces (white) are drawn upwards, and in the light of this inwardly shining Intelligence, as seen from the Earth, they appear as radiant sunlight, densifying into a glory of gold. One has the immediate feeling that the gleaming silver, streaming up from below, is received by the sunlit radiance above. And the earth-silver — the phrase is quite correct — is changed by cosmic alchemy into the cosmic gold which lives and weaves in the heights.”

With the sprouting, springing life, we can no longer speak of matter permeated by spirit, as it is in winter. We have to speak of spirit woven through with matter – with silver and gold.

~A Summary of THE ST. JOHN IMAGINATION, from ~the Four Seasons and the Archangels, Lecture 4, by Rudolf Steiner

How can we apply these spiritual insights in our everyday life…?


17 June 2023 – ‘Speaking with the Stars: The stars’ places before sunrise and after sundown are signals that the season is changing. Jupiter and Saturn are visible before sunrise, while brilliant Venus and Mars are in the west after sundown.

Chicago, IL. Sunrise, 5:15 a.m. CDT; Sunset, 8:28 p.m. CDT.

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day(RSarchives) 

ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY (Rudolf Steiner’s original Calendar of the Soul, Anthrowiki, Wikipedia Commons, Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia)

Laia Nägeli Juan

International World Day to Combat Desertification & Drought.

1462 – Vlad Dracula (the Impaler) attempts to assassinate Mehmed II an Ottoman sultan forcing him to retreat from Wallachia

1631 – Mumtaz Mahal dies during childbirth. Her husband, Mughal emperor Shah Jahan I, will spend the next 17 years building her mausoleum, the Taj Mahal.

1885 – The Statue of Liberty arrives in New York Harbor

1928 – Amelia Earhart began the flight that made her the first woman to successfully fly across the Atlantic Ocean

1972 – Watergate scandal begins: Five White House operatives are arrested for burgling the offices of the Democratic National Committee, in an attempt by some members of the Republican party to illegally wiretap the opposition

1987 – With the death of the last individual of the species, the dusky seaside sparrow becomes extinct

1603 – Feast day of Joseph of Cupertino, Italian Franciscan friar who is honored as a Christian mystic & saint. He was said to have been remarkably unclever, but prone to miraculous levitation & intense ecstatic visions. He is the patron saint of air travelers, aviators, astronauts, people with a mental handicap, test takers & poor students.

1882 – Birthday of Igor Stravinsky, Russian pianist, composer, & conductor

~Kindling Radiance~
A Community Festival Gathering Celebrating St. John’s-Tide
Saturday, June 24, 2023 at Zinniker Farm
5:30 pm – Potluck – Please bring food & drink to share
6 – 7 pm – Artistic Offerings – Poem, Song?… Express yourself!
7 – 9 pm – Bonfire Drum & Song Circle w/ Hazel & Ultra-Violet Archer

Bring lawn chairs & drums if you have them!Show support for Zinniker Farm –
$15 more or less Love Donation
Co-hosted by The Christian Community of Southeast WisconsinThe Christian Community of ChicagoMark & Petra ZinnikerHazel at 

Why a St. John’s Festival?
At this time of year, when daylight hours are the longest, “the soul of the earth rises in longing toward the heights, seeking communion with the universe, with the light and warmth of the sun… and the stars.” ~Rudolf Steiner.

Three days after the Summer Solstice, we celebrate St. John the Baptist – a lone voice calling to us from the wilderness to change our hearts and minds – so that we can connect to the ‘True Vine’ & receive the new impulse of Love raditating into the world. Come join us as we come together as a community to support the Farm & celebrate the glories of Summer.

Interested? Please…
RSVP to Subject: St. John’s
Let us know the number of people you are RSVPing for
And if someone in your group would like to offer a poem, song, story, etc. on the theme
Bring food & drink to share (plates and utensils provided)
Bring a friend, lawn chairs, drums, clothes and shoes for a working farm
All are welcome, but please keep your pets at home.
You can visit the pigs and chickens on the farm, but please remember these are farm animals and not pets. Please just look and say hello quietly and respectfully, with reverence and gratitude for their service.

Zinniker Farm is located at N7399 Bowers Rd., Elkhorn, WI 53121If you are in the area, come join us as we celebrate St. John’s-Tide on the Zinniker Farm.

Can’t make it in person? You can still support the Zinniker Farm and their regenerative work with your good will and contributions.

Regenerative farming is Stewardship that provides true results for the healing of the Earth. It is time to make a lasting investment.
Please contact  Mark & Petra Zinniker to find out how to make a direct contribution to their regenerative work or sign up at