28 September 2017 – Astro-weather: Bella Luna waxing now shines above the Teapot’s handle at nightfall.
Uranus reaches opposition three weeks from today, but it already has become a tempting evening luminary. The ice giant world rises before twilight ends & climbs above the eastern horizon by 11 pm CDT in Pisces, northwest of Omicron Piscium
“God is an intelligible sphere whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere”. ~Alanus ab Insulis
Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day
551 BC – Birthday of Confucius, Chinese teacher, editor, politician, & philosopher of the Spring &Autumn period of Chinese history
1203 – Deathday of Alanus ab Insulis, Theologian, poet, teacher at Chartres. Alan’s philosophy was a sort of mixture of Aristotelian logic and Neoplatonic philosophy. The Platonist seemed to outweigh the Aristotelian in Alan, but he felt strongly that the divine is all intelligibility and argued this notion through much Aristotelian logic combined with Pythagorean mathematic
“Do not hold as gold all that shines as gold”
In the Anticlaudianus he sums up as follows: Reason, guided by prudence, can unaided discover most of the truths of the physical order; for the apprehension of religious truths it must trust to faith. This rule is completed in his treatise, Ars catholicae fidei, as follows: Theology itself may be demonstrated by reason. Alainus even ventures an immediate application of this principle, & tries to prove geometrically the dogmas defined in the Creed
Giovanni Segantini, Bagpipers of Brianza
1899 – Deathday of Giovanni Segantini,an Italian painter known for his large pastoral landscapes of the Alps. He was one of the most famous artists in Europe in the late 19th century. In later life he combined a Divisionist painting style with Symbolist images of nature. He was active in Switzerland for most of his life.
1924 – Rudolf Steiner gave his Last Address in Dornach GA 238 The Individuality of Elias, John, Raphael, Novalis with the Michael Meditation:
Springing from Powers of the Sun,
Radiant Spirit-powers, blessing all Worlds!
For Michael’s garment of rays
Ye are predestined by Thought Divine.
He, the Christ-messenger, revealeth in you —
Bearing mankind aloft — the sacred Will of Worlds.
Ye, the radiant Beings of Aether-Worlds,
Bear the Christ-Word to Man.
Thus shall the Heralds of Christ appear
To the thirstily waiting souls,
To whom your Word of Light shines forth
In cosmic age of Spirit-Man.
Ye, the disciples of Spirit-Knowledge,
Take Michael’s Wisdom beckoning,
Take the Word of Love of the Will of Worlds
Into your soul’s aspiring, a c t i v e l y !
1978 – Deathday of Pope John Paul I, born Albino Luciani, served as Pope until his sudden suspicious death 33 days later. His reign is among the shortest in papal history.
~Flowing from the living waters
The cosmic fount foams up
To moisten my mind’s eye with salt & sulphur,
Forming a mercurial lachrymation
Beading brilliant, Mixing & Pooling
The cosmic iron in my blood scintillating slowly
Within the shining spark of thinking
A way to read intrinsic meaning into being…
The writing is on the wall my friend
Add your etching to enhance
The conscious conversation & Be
“Forge me with fire, a sword for my smiting
Fright to my foes and flames for my fighting
Shape me a shield forceful and fierce
Stalwart and shapely to fend against fears
Strike me a spear of speed as a shaft
Fearless to fly as a shot to the start
Staunch be my front against fury assailed
Strong be my soul where the feeble have failed”
Dear Friends –
“We come here
To embrace what is common in each one of us –
Our love for a higher knowledge
Which unites us in understanding.
Let this Light of Knowledge unite
Each and All of us
Making rise in each
The raising of the Other”.
~Rudolf Steiner
On the Autumn Equinox, September 22nd 2017, The Elderberries Three-Fold Café Initiative surpassed their crowdfunding goal, raising $25,690, enabling them to pave the way for a 3-Fold Café in the Heart-land!
Daniel Evaeus came in from LA for the Michaelmas Festival on the 23rd. He also visited CWS & got to know the city a bit.
On Sunday a group of over 35 folks from the various Steiner initiatives in the area including: The Chicago Waldorf School, & The Urban Prairie Waldorf School, The Chicago Christian Community, Arcturus, & the Rudolf Steiner Branch, gathered in the upper room at the branch.
John Bloom, the General Secretary of the Anthroposophical Society, his associate Mark Herrera, from RSF, & Daniel Evaeus from Elderberries 3-Fold Café in LA, met at the Archer-Ginsberg home for a lunch meeting, then over to the branch for the ‘Open Conversation’, exploring how to best serve the ‘Being of Chicago’ at this time in history & talk about the future of anthroposophy.
Eurythmist Mary Ruud got everyone up to do eurythmy, as late comers were bringing in more chairs from downstairs, explaining that it was International Eurythmy Day!
I welcomed all & gave the imagination of The Archangel of Summer taking us to task to ‘make straight the path’ by holding us in 90 degree weather, before handing the seasonal chalice over to Michael. Powerful energies abound during these volatile times of transition; storms arise, as well as opportunities for growth & change. The 100 year anniversary of 3-folding was highlighted.
Branch Council Secretary Elisabeth Swisher recited the ‘Verse for America’*.
Christian Community Priest Ann Burfeind helped chair the meeting; she spoke about how the impetus for gathering was sparked by what was living in a young teacher from Urban Prairie.
Branch Council Treasurer Chuck Ginsberg shared his impressions from the ‘How We Will Forum’ put on by the Elderberries youth over labor day weekend in LA, where he was able to deepen his understanding of 3-Folding & was impressed by how they were able to put on such a successful event with a plethora of guest speakers, gathering over 150 attendees.
Mary Spalding from Urban Prairie spoke about how her 6th grade class, while learning about business math, decided out of themselves to create a ‘3-Fold Café’!
Many folks, including Ultra-Violet Archer, a 12th grader from CWS, spoke about how the youth were wanting to bring these kind of impulses into practice in the world. (see the attachment for the letter sent to the Branch Council from the seniors at CWS)
Eurythmist Johanna Rodhe, Kris Boshell, Educational Support teacher at CWS, & several other people told stories about feeling called to do their work here in the ‘Heart-Land’.
Many people asked Daniel to hold forth about the Elderberries mission. Mary Tom wondered if their social process was primarily geared toward underserved or at-risk youth. Daniel gave examples that featured Waldorf alum, International YIP participants, as well as helping those who were struggling; called as they all are to bring their ’pre-natal’ pictures into focus. Along with Gordon Edwards, Mary Tom questioned whether the branch was the best location. Daniel spoke about how in LA the branch was an hour away, in Pasadena, & that they felt cut off, & so for them it was attractive to be able to have the anthroposophical impulse so close; that many young people were wanting to be able to come to 1st Class & participate in study groups & in the festival Life.
Sheila Donahue spoke about the need for good food, & hoped that perhaps Elderberries could provide a healthy school lunch?
Someone mentioned that Farmer John Peterson from Angelic Organics could be a supplier for the café. A parent from Urban Prairie, after hearing that the Café in LA was vegan & gluten free, jokingly asked if Elderberries would have sausage. And folks wondered if Zinniker, the oldest bio-dynamic farm in America, might be a resource?
Sylvie Desouches, music teacher at CWS, told the story of how her daughter was interested in the future of food, bio-dynamics & sustainability.
Handwork teacher & Renaissance woman Nancy Melvin brought up the fact that the kitchen is an important social gathering place; and also offered to host Lazure painting workshops to help bring in venue & an artistic, educational impulse.
Michael Holdrege, master teacher at CWS & beyond, told stories of holding powerful gatherings in the Cafés of Vienna.
Alex Boshell, the Athletic Director at CWS, spoke about the upcoming 100 year anniversary of the Waldorf School & the need to renew. He also expressed the hope that students could share their artistic offerings to the wider community, bringing their offerings to places like the branch.
Chuck Ginsberg agreed asking why the Branch building is so under used; except for the festivals & a few study groups, it stands empty. And Mary Ruud said because the building is always locked! Others agreed & talked about coming during public hours & that no one was there to let them in. Then Chuck gave an impassioned speech about how ‘institutions are failing us because of a lack of Brotherhood’; asking ‘how can we unlock the branch’ to rousing applause!
Branch Member & Engineer Mihi Rosu gave a succinct definition of how the 3-Fold Social Organism worked. John Bloom filled in the picture of how each sphere needed to mutually support the others, & how the economic realm must be worked in ‘Brotherhood’ not out of the old patterns of fear, scarcity & ‘power over’. He talked about how people sometimes get stuck when it comes to making agreements that serve the highest good. When asked if RSF could help with the lease agreements, he said yes. John talked about how people were waking up to the arrival of various 100 year anniversaries, & that the time for the 3-Fold Social Order is NOW.
Mark Herrera shared that he was a Waldorf graduate, with kids in the San Francisco Waldorf School. He has worked at RSF for over 19 years & is very excited that the Elderberries initiative is coming to Chicago.
Council Member Andrei Onegin said he would be willing to help build out the space with Elderberries, inviting his own crew of young people to help.
Kris Boshell hoped that we could make these kinds of meetings a more regular thing, & asked if we could convene again in a month?
Many were frustrated with the lack of communication between the Mother & Daughter initiatives, asking how they could become members of the branch.
Branch member Deborah Rogers closed the meeting with the ‘Verse for The Michaelic Age’.
Many folks stayed for snacks, social time & further conversation downstairs. Our family hosted Daniel Evaeus & branch member Nick Novak for dinner that night. And the next day Daniel met with Andrei in the branch space, before Chuck drove him to the airport. We now await the drafting of the agreements & the signing of the lease with the Branch Council. If this cannot happen in a timely matter, (they would like to make an official announcement at the AGM in Phoenix in mid-October) then Elderberries will take up residence at another location; options were scouted in Bucktown, East Rogers Park & Uptown.
May this initiative thrive & serve the highest good for all.
May we see past the ‘me’ to meet the ‘we’; rising in our thinking to work with the true Spirit of Chicago, healing the past, unlocking the now, to support the future, as we join our striving with the Being of Anthroposophia.
~yours in service Hazel Archer Ginsberg
THE “AMERICAN” or “THREEFOLD” VERSE by Rudolf Steiner given to Ralph Courtney, a pioneer of Anthroposophy in North America for the Threefold Group.
*May our feeling penetrate to the center of our hearts –
And seek, in love, to unite with those who share our goals,
And with the Spirits who look down benevolently on our hearts earnest strivings. Sending us strength from realms of light, to illuminate our love.
Michaelmas & the Horn of Plenty: Fall Festivals Ancient & New
Saturday September 30th 10:30 am – 4:30pm at the Theosophical Society 1926 N Main St, Wheaton, IL. 60187 – Pre-registration (630) 668-1571
Come join our Experiential Workshop celebrating the Autumnal Equinox to prepare us for the journey into the dark of the year. We will look back to the fruits of the past, & prepare for what is coming toward us from the future. Our ancestors called this Sabbath – Harvest Home or Mabon. The Hebrew folk count this as part of the High Holy Days. In Greece & Rome it is dedicated to The Eleusinian Mysteries of Demeter & Persephone. Today, we are invited to stand with the powerful Archangel Micha-el, in balance, between the light & the dark, as we create the ‘festival of the future’, which we call ‘Michaelmas’. Forging confidence through Heart-Thinking, Michael strengthens our Will & reinforces our higher “I” so that we have the Courage to find the Spirit behind the living cosmos.
10:30am –The Eleusinian Mysteries, Art & Mythos
11 – Group Eurythmy with special guest Mary Ruud – ‘Song of Proserpine’ by Percy Shelley
11:20 – Break
11:40 – The High Holy Days – ‘Atonement’ & a Sweet New Year
12pm – Ho‘oponopono an artistic Forgiveness Exercise
12:30 – 1:30 Picnic Lunch
1:30 – ‘Mabon’ Harvest Home Fest
1:45 – Circle of Intuition: Questions as we go into the Dark of the Year
2:15 – Break
2:30 –Michaelmas, The festival of the future NOW, Art & Leading Thoughts
3:30 – Iron Rod Eurythmy with special guest Mary Ruud
4 – Open Conversation – 4:30 pm – Close
Hazel Archer-Ginsberg – is a Spiritual Midwife, and Trans-denominational Minister, working in an eclectic style that inspires connections – initiating us into the magic, waiting to be revealed, in the cycle of the seasons. Festivals Coordinator & Council Member of the Chicago Rudolf Steiner Branch, and the Central Regional Council of the Anthroposophical Society. Founder of Reverse Ritual – Understanding Anthroposophy Through the Rhythms of the Year