Monthly Archives: June 2021

Thought Crystals

Mineral World; Plant World, by ARILD ROSENKRANTZ

You are welcome to freely view Video’s of past presentations

Listen on the ‘I Think Speech’ podcast

In the sense world we see the being of Nature sprouting, budding —from the powers of sleep the forces of vegetative growth, are given form. But in this sleeping Nature, the spiritual which animates & weaves thru everything in Nature is revealed. May we be awake to this spirit. As human beings we must not become blinded by the light, falling into a trance – drifting off into the rising warmth.

In summer humanity is bound up with Nature, but, if we have right feeling & perception for it, objective spirituality comes towards us from out of Nature’s interweaving life. And so, to find the essential human being during the St. John’s tide, we must turn to the essential spirituality within the outer world – present behind everything in Nature.

Marie Wilnsdorf

If we follow Natura in high summer with deepened spiritual insight & with perceptive eyes, we discover the Archangel of Summer Uriel, who directs our gaze into the depths of the Earth itself. We find that the minerals down there send their inner crystal-forming process towards us more vividly than at any other time of the year; shaping itself into lines, angles & surfaces. “If we are to have an impression of it as a whole, we must picture this crystallizing process as an interweaving activity, colored throughout with deep blue”.*

We can feel our human thinking, feeling & willing creating forms in the blue depths of the earth’s crust; permeated with force by the silver-gleaming crystal lines of the mineral world which holds the imprint of highest spiritual realms.

Using our imaginative thinking, we can ask: “How is it that these silver-sparkling crystal lines & waves are working within me? What is it that lives & works there, silver-gleaming in the blue of the Earth? — then one knows: That is cosmic Will. And one has the feeling of standing upon cosmic Will”.*


~hag, Robert Wallace

*THE ST. JOHN IMAGINATION, by Rudolf Steiner ~from the Four Seasons and the Archangels Lecture 4

Elihu Vedder

30 June 2021 – “Speaking with the Stars:” The planet Uranus stands about high two hours before sunrise. You’ll find it in the east, glowing a faint in a sparse region of Aries the Ram.

Consider swinging your gaze to nearby Taurus, where the Pleiades are rising.

Bella Luna passes south of Neptune before sunrise, in Aquarius, which sits above the southeastern horizon.

Sunrise: 5:35 A.M.
Sunset: 8:33 P.M.
Moonrise: 12:26 A.M.
Moonset: 11:54 A.M.
Moon Phase: Waning gibbous (62%)


Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day (RSarchives) 

ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY (Rudolf Steiner’s original Calendar of the Soul; The Present Age,)

1924 – First World Power Conference founded by D.N. Dunlop

The World Power Conference was conceived by the Scotsman Daniel Nicol Dunlop, a entrepreneur & Theosophist who later joined Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophical Society. He organized the first meeting which took place in London on 30 June 1924 & attracted 1,700 attendees from 40 nations. It was deemed so successful that the conference was established as a recurring event. In the beginning, the World Power Conference convened on a regular schedule every six years.

D.N. Dunlop was a pioneer of modern community building—in two areas in particular: industry & economics, & the sphere of the free spiritual life. In 1924 he founded the World Power Conferenceopened by the Prince of Wales in London that year. This was the first international conference to invite engineers & industrialists from all over the world (including Germany & Russia, two former World War adversaries), with the purpose of establishing a basis for co-operation & co-ordination in the production & technological use of energy resources within a modern world economy.

In 1929 a worldwide assessment of raw materials & energy resources was published in book-form with the title Power Resources of the World. The WPC gave birth to a permanent institution—the World Energy Council—that has its headquarters in London & has since held regular congresses in different capital cities throughout the world. The website of this private international organization records a short history of the institution which focuses on the profiles of five leading figures, beginning with Dunlop: ‘Shortly after World War I, Scotsman Daniel Dunlop, a visionary working in the British electricity industry, decided to bring together leading energy experts for a World Power Conference to discuss current and emerging energy issues. In 1923, he began working with countries around the globe to establish national committees that would stimulate attendance and prepare for technical participation at such a conference. The First World Power Conference was held the next year, 1924, in London and attracted 1,700 delegates from 40 countries. The meeting was so successful that those attending decided to establish a permanent organisation to continue the dialogue begun at the conference.

Within the spiritual-cultural sphere, Dunlop was a pioneer of the ‘summer school’—an idea which he actively pursued and brought to practical realization during his theosophical phase. Dunlop maintained that the ‘summer school’ was not in conflict with pure individual striving, but could potentize it— offer it fulfillment. For true individualism, if developed far enough, is exactly what socially conscious communities need if they are to progress.

The Present Age – Perseus Verlag

To a large extent these summer schools were gatherings of ‘communities of free spirits’. Following his encounter with Rudolf Steiner in 1922, Dunlop organized the great summer schools of Penmaenmawr &Torquay. According to Rudolf Steiner, these were ‘recorded in the Golden Book of the Anthroposophical Movement’. Steiner himself characterized Dunlop as a ‘far-seeing’ anthroposophist with visionary goals, endowed with clear and delicate perception, and remarkable human sensitivity & tact’. Despite Steiner’s very high public regard for him—Dunlop chose to remain in the background of events.

Daniel Nicol Dunlop met Rudolf Steiner in person in 1922. It was the Dutch manager Joseph van Leer who brought them together. They sat at the table together – Rudolf Steiner who spoke no English & Daniel N. Dunlop who spoke no German. Joseph van Leer stepped in as translator but what he didn’t see was that Rudolf Steiner took the hand of Daniel Dunlop & held it, under the table, during the whole of the conversationIn 1934, during one of his famous summer schools, Dunlop shared the memory of this with his friend Walter Johannes Stein. He made an even more interesting statement, that Rudolf Steiner on this occasion said to him, ‘We are brothers.’

Eleanor Merry, also an active member of the early British Anthroposophical Society, worked intensively with Dunlop for the last 14 years of his life during which time he told her that Rudolf Steiner gave him an insight into a former life of his where he, Dunlop, had been a member of the innermost circle of the Order of the Knights Templar ‘connected to all the ancient mysteries’ and had also worked within a secret society among the Templars’. Dunlop’s most deeply rooted intention was to serve the supra-personal goals of humanity, thereby sacrificing all personal & trivial motives & deeds.

Nature spirits by D.N. Dunlop

Summer walk-about

Diane Leonard

Video’s of past presentations

Listen on the ‘I Think Speech’ podcast

Summer-Tide is a time of relationships & harmony…Showing us how we are connected to the cosmos, to nature & its rhythms…with the longer days the pineal gland receives more light & we feel creative power shining in on us.

Here is a little guided meditation for this time of year: Make yourself comfortable…as we share the air…taking a deep breath… filling your belly…thrilling your lungs…Let your body sink deep & Relax…

As your awareness is internalized, connect with the Breath of Life, gently moving through you…Make all your senses alert to the breath…Enjoy its power & simplicity…Feel the sustaining energy behind the breath…Feel the life force coursing through your cells & thoughts…

Direct your inner vision to a large field, a field of glorious, full, sunflowers…It the dawning of a new day…a perfect Summer morning, with a white-cloud-dotted clear sky,& a warm sun beginning to dazzle the world with its light…The sunflowers are tall & abundant, swaying in the warming breeze blowing across the field…Listen to the rustle of their music, dancing in the harmony of the elements together…Their beautiful, rich color casting a golden glow all around you…

There is a path ahead, meandering through the flowers, many much taller than you are, magnificently facing the sun absorbing its rays…You follow this path, slowly & leisurely, feeling every part of your feet making contact with the fertile earth…The sunflowers lining the path acknowledge you, every step of the way, whispering of riches & abundance, of the golden prosperity of your soul…

You look down to your right & see a large patch of St. John’s Wort in full bloom…Receiving permission from the plant spirit, you begin to harvest the bright yellow blossoms, putting them reverently into the pouch at your hip…Thanking the glorious medicine of this spirit you move on down the path, feeling the heat rising with the sun, enflaming your souls purpose…

You stop to drink from a clear stream…& as you begin to stand, you notice a patch of pennyroyal…You commune with its magic, gathering the fragrant leaves into your pouch…Feeling enlivened & in rhythm with the height of summer, you are lead to wisteria & roses…Fields of thyme & mugwort & chamomile…

This is where the plant fairies dance & play in the lengthening shadows…You are called to look up to the sky, & you see the first pink traces of dusk approaching… As you come to the end of this path, your heart is at peace…

A little way ahead there is an opening…You make your way there, seeing that it is a small mound with magnificent oaks & a pristine pond… Under one of the oak trees, on the edge of the pond there is a blazing campfire crackling as the sky turns orange-crimson…You are at home here…Your fire is born of oak & fir tree branches…The flames call out to you, whispering your secret name…You offer up the harvest pouch you filled with love & summer herbs, casting it into the blue core of the flames…throwing in with it all thoughts of negativity…all obstacles…all pain…all worries, into its hot light of transformation…& as it burns free…take in the rising fragrance of your healing harvest…feeling cleansed…& energized

The twilight lingers, Our Day Star-Sun Takes its time to set triumphantly in the west…The sky is a canvas, & Mother Nature is expressing all her creativity…Her grand design is reflected on the still pond at your feet…When you look at the pond, you see that it is a perfect reflection of your life, & on its surface you are able to see or experience all parts of who you are…What you are…What you will to become…

Your soul’s beauty, vastness & great love blend, with the sunset colors, & the pond’s liquid shimmer…As the light fades, a soft breeze ripples across the pond, & the colors are set into motion. There is a sweet music in the air of flutes, & harps, bells & drums…a light begins to surface from the pond…you see a form crystallizing…You realize this is the spirit of Mother Earth come to dance with you…She hovers over the pond & in a sublime voice speaks to you…

“I have come, for you have honored me, by honoring yourself…I have come, for many do not know of Me…I have come thru you…Your life & mine are the same…Your welfare & mine are the same…What is good for you is good for me…When you feel love, I feel love…So won’t you share your goodwill with others? Won’t you share your goodwill with the planet?

Won’t you share your goodwill with yourself? I ask, for I see you are willing & able…I see you are a bright power…You are full of courage & light…You are a transformer of reality…Transform the reality that no longer serves you…& as you do, link with others who know Me, & recognize the family of Life…When you recognize in someone, what you know inside to be true, seek to expand that truth…for as light is shared & love is grown, so shall the world change…You are my feet & hands, my eyes & voice…You do not live alone…The world is yours to craft as you choose…Choose freedom…Choose the way that creates the best for all; children, women, men, bodies of water, mountains, the land, all life…I gift you with Life & the ability to care for it…Embrace this gift.”

Take a moment now & pledge to the Mother what you will do to help the world, the environment; to help others; & to help yourself.

Cultivate the blessings received & the vision of your Divine-self in your heart-soul…Resolve to act on your life-purpose & make it real…

Gradually bring your experience to the present once again, to the here & now…Feel your body refreshed & renewed, here & now, in time & space, in your own sacred space…know you are sacred… know you are here…& Gently, joyfully, when you are ready, open your eyes…to see the unity of the cosmic community to which you belong…& say – Blessed be…


Bettina Madini

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day(RSarchives) 

ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY (Rudolf Steiner’s original Calendar of the Soul; The Present Age, Wikipedia)

4 positions of moon, plus Jupiter, and Saturn, with locations of Neptune and Pluto marked.

29 June 2021 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Before dawn on Wednesday morning, watch for Jupiter near Bella Luna. Saturn is also nearby. By early August, Saturn will be opposite the sun, rising in the east when the sun sets in the west. Saturn’s opposition comes on August 2, and Jupiter’s opposition comes on August 20.

Readings & Reflections: Memorial of Saint Martha, July 29,2015 |

Feast Day of Martha, named in the Gospels of St. Luke & St. John, as the sister of Lazarus, the rich friend of Jesus who the Lord resurrected. She was also the sister of Mary Magdalen. They lived in Bethany. The Gospels speak of Martha as a dutiful housekeeper, serving the Lord hospitably when He visited: “but Martha was busy about much serving…” (Luke 10:40)

Complaining that her sister Mary was listening to Him instead of helping, Our Lord sweetly rebuked: “Martha, Martha, thou art careful, and art troubled about many things: But one thing is necessary. Mary hath chosen the best part, which shall not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:41-42)

When her brother, Lazarus, fell ill, she sent for the Lord; when He arrived, Lazarus had been four days in the tomb. She cried to Jesus about His delay, but He assured her: “I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, although he be dead, shall live.” (John 11:25) And he proceeded to call Lazarus forth from the tomb before a crowd of astonished witnesses.

After the martyrdom of St. James in Jerusalem, as persecution intensified, tradition says that Lazarus & his two sisters, along with others, were placed in a boat & set out to sea. This boat landed on the southern shore of France. While Lazarus & Martha went on to evangelize Provence, a fact recorded in French history, Mary retired to a cave in a mountain, to do penance for the rest of her life.

“...A legend relates that Martha then went to Tarascon, France, where a monster, the Tarasque, was a constant threat to the population. The Golden Legend describes it as a beast from Galicia; a great dragon, half beast and half fish, greater than an ox, longer than an horse, having teeth sharp as a sword, and horned on either side, head like a lion, tail like a serpent, that dwelt in a certain wood between Arles and Avignon. Holding a cross in her hand, Martha sprinkled the beast with holy water. Placing her sash around its neck, she led the tamed dragon through the village. There Martha lived, daily occupied in prayers and in fastings. Martha eventually died in Tarascon, where she was buried. Her tomb is located in the crypt of the local Collegiate Church.” — CATHOLIC ONLINE

1613 – The Globe Theatre in London burns to the ground

1888 – George Edward Gouraud records Handel’s Israel in Egypt onto a phonograph cylinder, thought for many years to be the oldest known recording of music.

Exhibition: Antoine de Saint Exupéry: A Little Prince among Men, Cité de  l'Espace |

1900 – Birthday of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, French poet & pilot – “The Little Prince”.

1974 – Mikhail Baryshnikov defects from the Soviet Union to Canada while on tour with the Kirov Ballet.

1975 – Steve Wozniak tested his first prototype of Apple I computer

2007 – Apple Inc. releases its first mobile phone, the iPhone.

Allie Hanlon

POD (Poem Of the Day)
~From our own
Bodies we give
Birth to all time
In its season…
Look now
With new eyes
& see the wise star within…

art by Zosia Nowak

The Rudolf Steiner Branch in Chicago will be one of 6 Hybrid Host Centers
for this years AGM & Conference of the Anthroposophical Society in America!*

There will be a meeting for those who would like to be part of
the Hospitality Committee on Tuesday 29 June 2021,
potluck at 5:30pm – meeting 6:30 – 7:30pm CDT.

Live in the area? Come on by in person 4249 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL. 60618

Think you might want to come in for the confernece & want to help?
Join us on zoom for the meeting

Jenny Doty is the Chair of the Chicago Hosting Committee. You can reach her at

Hazel Archer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: AGM Hosting Meeting
Time: Jun 29, 2021 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 705 293 1041 – Passcode: Temple

Or Dial by your location – Meeting ID: 705 293 1041 – Passcode: 767319
Find your local number:

*The AGM & Conference for the Anthroposophical Society in America has traditionally been hosted by the various regions in one place. Last year it was completely vitual. The Central Regional Council has the honor of planning for this year, & we are going to create a hybrid event with the theme:
Building the Temple of the Heart” 7-10 October 2021
There will be 6 HUBS from the Central Region bringing in Rudolf Steiner’s 6 Basic Excersies, as the foundation for our Temple; as well as 6 Hybrid Host Centers around the country to make participation & travel more convenient.


  • NOLA – Thinking
  • Austin – Will 
  • Twin Cities- Equanimity/Feeling
  • Northern Michigan – Positivity
  • Ann Arbor- Open-Mindedness
  • Chicago/Youth- Harmony

 6 Hybrid HOST Centers (in person & on-line):

  • TBA

Key-note speakers include: Dr. Michaela Glockler, Michael Lipson, and Brian Gray. Featuring Biography Art, Eurythmy, Speech, Singing…Class Lesson #11, & a grand ‘Pageant’ on Sunday.

More info. coming soon


Always Free:

Here is the recording of our Experiential Festival for St. John’s Tide: ‘The Forerunner & Uriel’

Listen on the ‘I Think Speech’ podcast

Who is this John the Baptist? (continued)

Before JB baptizes Jesus, opening the way for the cosmic Christ, he brings about an opening for many people, preparing them for their roles as disciples of Christ. By baptizing with water, JB brought about an initiatory near death experience, loosening the etheric body, so they could remember their life as a spiritual being. Into this experience of the past, John spoke his mighty admonition:Change your hearts and minds!”

After the dove descended on Jesus & He became the Christ, & John the Baptist said, “He must increase and I must decrease’” JB was in prison until his beheading. Then his role changed from that of the “voice of one calling in the wilderness“, to a more inward voice, heard in the stillness of the soul.

Herod who had made him prisoner is haunted by this inner voice. Herod’s wife is also affected & wants to silence this uncomfortable voice, so she has John the Baptist beheaded.

The spirit, or angel, of John the Baptist, becomes the guardian of the apostles, appearing especially in the “rich young man”, Lazarus continuing his mighty task thru him. It is Lazarus, who undergoes the first initiation in the ‘New Mysteries’, accomplished thru Christ Jesus, achieving the name John. But Instead of being performed in the secret inner sanctum of the temple, as it was in the past, this new initiation was done as an example, out in plain sight. It is not coincidence that they both take on the name John, because Johannes E-O-Ah is a powerful title sounding a high stage of initiation.

Lazarus John, ‘the disciple whom Jesus loved’, is the only one who is able to remain mindful thru the events of Passion Week. He is there in full consciousness on Golgotha at the “Turning Point of Time” with Mary the Mother. And, along with Mary Magdalene, he is able to behold the Risen Christ on Easter Sunday.

Will Corderio

Lazarus John, who we now call St. John the Divine, becomes the writer of the Gospel of St. John, the most spiritual book in the New Testament. He lives a long life, taking Mother Mary with him to the island of Patmos in Greece, where he is able to receive the prophetic vision of the Book of Revelation, with help from John the Baptist & other heavenly sources, bringing us a vision of the future destiny of humankind.

And the voice of John the Baptist can still be heard today, reminding us to, ‘Make Straight the path’.


28 June 2021– “Speaking with the Stars”: After nightfall, look for the Big Dipper hanging straight down high in the northwest. Its bottom two stars, the Pointers, point lower right toward modest Polaris, the end of the Little Dipper’s handle. ~EarthSky

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day(RSarchives) 

ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY (Rudolf Steiner’s original Calendar of the Soul; The Present Age, Wikipedia)

The Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Latin: Sollemnitas Sacratissimi Cordis Iesu) is a solemnity in the liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church. In the Catholic Church, the month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This great feast in the Church is always celebrated on the octave day of Corpus Christi, the feast which celebrates the Body & Blood of Christ. Corpus Christi falls on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday (which itself falls on the Sunday after Pentecost). The following day is the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so these two devotions to the hearts of Jesus and Mary are side-by-side on the liturgical calendar.

Feast of Saint Vitus, a Christian saint from Sicily. He died as a martyr during the persecution of Christians by co-ruling Roman Emperors Diocletian & Maximian in 303. Vitus is counted as one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers of medieval Roman Catholicism. Saint Vitus’ Day is celebrated on 28 June on the Gregorian Calendar.

In the late Middle Ages, people in Germany & countries such as Latvia celebrated the feast of Vitus by dancing before his statue. This dancing became popular & the name “Saint Vitus Dance” was given to the neurological disorder Sydenham’s chorea. It also led to Vitus being considered the patron saint of dancers & of actors, comedians, dancers, of entertainers in general a& epileptics. He is also said to protect against lightning strikes, animal attacks & oversleeping.

1712 – Birthday of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Swiss philosopher & polymath

1914 – Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria & his wife Sophie are assassinated in Sarajevo; this is the casus belli of World War I. “…in a Western newspaper of January 1913, the statement appeared that the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was to be murdered in the near future for the well-being of European humanity. What I mean to say is that we may go back as far as the actual murder, but we may also go back to the notice of it that appeared in a Western newspaper in January 1913…That was printed in a so-called occult almanac for 1913; printed, therefore, in the autumn of 1912. Moreover, in the same almanac for 1914, printed in 1913, the same remark was repeated (Note 96) because obviously the attempt on Emperor Franz Josef’s life had miscarried in 1913. When these things are seen more clearly, the connection will someday be discovered that exists between what actually happens externally and what is cooked up by hidden, dark sources. Many will recognize the threads that lead from public life into this or that brotherhood, and how stupid it is for other brotherhoods continually to declare that silence should be maintained regarding certain mystery truths. Such people may be as innocent as children, in spite of the fact that they may be old members of this or that brotherhood of Freemasons which lay claim to secret sources. Nevertheless, they further intensify the obscurity and darkness that is already present among human beings.” ~Rudolf Steiner, The Karma of Vocation

1919 – The Treaty of Versailles is signed, ending the state of war between Germany & the Allies of World War I.

1950 – Korean War: Suspected sympathizers (between as many as 100,000 to 200,000) are executed in the Bodo League massacre.

1950 – Korean War: Packed with its own refugees fleeing Seoul & leaving their 5th Division stranded, South Korean forces blow up the Hangang Bridge in an attempt to slow North Korea’s offensive. The city falls later that day.

1950 – Korean War: North Korean Army conducts the Seoul National University Hospital massacre. Over 900 doctors, nurses, patients & wounded soldiers, were killed. The Korean People’s Army shot or buried the people alive. The civilian victims alone numbered 1900.

1964 – Malcolm X forms the Organization of Afro-American Unity.

1969 – Stonewall riots begin in New York City, marking the start of the Gay Rights Movement.

1973 – Elections are held for the Northern Ireland Assembly, which will lead to power-sharing between unionists & nationalists in Northern Ireland for the first time.

Samantha Vance

POD (Poem Of the day)

~I am the mud
Between the toes of the Beloved…
Make of me a poultice for the healing,
That from our commingling
The lotus may take root –
A strong foundation
For the blossoming…

art by Zosia Nowak

                                                               Exciting news!
The Rudolf Steiner Branch in Chicago will be one of 6 Hybrid Host Centers
for this years AGM & Conference of the Anthroposophical Society in America!*

There will be a meeting for those who would like to be part of
the Hospitality Committee on Tuesday 29 June 2021,
potluck at 5:30pm – meeting 6:30 – 7:30pm CDT.

Live in the area? Come on by in person 4249 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL. 60618

Think you might want to come in for the confernece & want to help?
Join us on zoom for the meeting

Jenny Doty is the Chair of the Chicago Hosting Committee. You can reach her at

Hazel Archer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: AGM Hosting Meeting
Time: Jun 29, 2021 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 705 293 1041 – Passcode: Temple

Or Dial by your location – Meeting ID: 705 293 1041 – Passcode: 767319
Find your local number:

*The AGM & Conference for the Anthroposophical Society in America has traditionally been hosted by the various regions in one place. Last year it was completely vitual. The Central Regional Council has the honor of planning for this year, & we are going to create a hybrid event with the theme:
Building the Temple of the Heart” 7-10 October 2021
There will be 6 HUBS from the Central Region bringing in Rudolf Steiner’s 6 Basic Excersies, as the foundation for our Temple; as well as 6 Hybrid Host Centers around the country to make participation & travel more convenient.


  • NOLA – Thinking
  • Austin – Will 
  • Twin Cities- Equanimity/Feeling
  • Northern Michigan – Positivity
  • Ann Arbor- Open-Mindedness
  • Chicago/Youth- Harmony

 6 Hybrid HOST Centers (in person & on-line):

  • North Carolina
  • Portland
  • Sacramento
  • LA
  • NY
  • Chicago

Key-note speakers include: Dr. Michaela Glockler, Michael Lipson, and Brian Gray. Featuring Biography Art, Eurythmy, Speech, Singing…Class Lesson #11, & a grand ‘Pageant’ on Sunday.

More info. coming soon

True Word’s Fire

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Here is an interesting painting: ‘John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene’ by Angelo Puccinelli, bringing these 2 important individualities working with Christ on earth, together. Just as the Baptizer prepared the way for the arrival of the Messiah, Mary Magdalene was chosen to prepare the hearts of the apostles for the visitation of the Resurrected Christ. And in her connection to The Sophia, in our time now, she works to prepare the way for us to receive the Christ in the etheric.

St. John the Baptist and St. Mary Magdalene. Triptych Side Sash by Hans  Memling ❤️ - Memling Hans
John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene ~Hans Memling

translated (with added titles) by Roy Sadler
God’s True Word’s Fire

And when I am in senses’ heights
the gods’ true Word from spirit fire-worlds
is flaming in my depths of soul:
Foreseeing, seek your vision, find your star,
divine in spirit ground
the spirit bond with who you are.

A key word here in the German is ahnend, often translated as ‘divining’
or ‘dawning vision’. It’s the only word whose sound I also bring into English.
The ‘ah’ opens our feeling for the future. Last week’s verse asks us to seek
our true self ‘in cosmic warmth and light’ – for our higher self, our star, to shine in us.

Karl König describes the Soul Calendar as having 4 voices.
This is the last verse of the first movement, the voice of the Tenor,
uniting with the spirit through the senses. Next week will be the first
verse of the Baritone, incarnating spirit with imaginative insight.

Moon with Jupiter and Saturn at dawn, June 27-28, 2021

26 June 2021 – “Speaking with the Stars”: Very early risers on Sunday morning June 27th will find Saturn over the waning gibbous Moon, with Jupiter off to their upper left.

Painting of St Mary Magdalene and St John the Baptist on the tomb of Alice  de la Pole, Church of St Mary, Ewelme, Oxfordshire Stock Photo - Alamy
St Mary Magdalene and St John the Baptist on the tomb of Alice de la Pole, Church of St Mary, Ewelme, Oxfordshire

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day(RSarchives) 

ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY (Rudolf Steiner’s original Calendar of the Soul; The Present Age)

Hypatia | Death, Facts, & Biography | Britannica

444- Deathday of Cyril of Alexandria, early Church father, prompted the murder of Hypatia

The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz: Johann Valentin Andreae,  Johannes Valentinus Andreae, Jason Augustus Newcomb: 9781631189883: Books

1654 – Deathday of Johann Valentin Andreae – writer of “The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz

Joseph Smith - Wikipedia

1844 – Deathday of Joseph Smith – Founder of Mormonism

1880 – Birthday of Helen Keller – deaf-blind author & activist. Read her Biography from AFB

TODAY!!! The Forerunner & and the Archangel of Summer, Uriel
An Experiential online Festival 
Sunday 27 June 2021 on Zoom:

Noon – 1:30 pm PT / 1 – 2:30 pm MT / 2 pm – 3:30 pm CT / 3 – 4:30 pm ET /
8 – 9:30 pm London Time / 9 – 10:30 pm CET

If we strive to understand the connection of human morality with the crystalline element in the depths of the Earth; and of human virtues living in the shining beauty above in the Sun imbued sky; and if we take these connections into our inner experience, Spiritual Science tells us that the true ‘St. John’s Imagination’ will come to meet us.

In our time together on Sunday we will behold the working together of Spirit-Father, with Earth-Mother, to beget – thru the Holy Spirit – The Son in the Center. This is The Trinity revealed in the St. John’s Imagination available to us now.

Musical Performances by Lucien Dante Lazar
Speech – Geoffrey Norris
Eurythmy- Elizabeth Carlson
Practicum – Lisa Dalton
Leading Thoughts – Hazel Archer

Hazel Archer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: St. John’s
Time: Jun 27, 2021 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 705 293 1041
Passcode: Uriel

Find your local number:

For more info. contact Cultural Events & Festivals Coordinator
Hazel Archer


William Wolff

Who is this John of St. John’s-Tide?

Studying Rudolf Steiner’s work on the Gospels, we gain profound insights that have the power to touch deep truths buried in the unconscious regions of our soul, regarding one of the most powerful personalities in the history of humankind. In the Gospel of St. John the Evangelist, right after the mighty description of the evolution of the cosmos, we read: “There came a man, send from God, his name was John.” (John 1.6.)

In the original Greek, Johannes, is made up of the vowels “E – O – Ah“, 3 very powerful Eurythmy gestures. The “E” represents the upright human being – one arm pointing toward heaven, the other left to rest, grounding toward the earth; an admonition to be here now. The “O” is a round gesture of “inclusive inwardness”, an embracing of the soul. The “Ah” is an opening to heavenly revelation; both arms raised in a V, becoming a vessel that opens to heaven, a gesture of “vision, reverence &revelation”.

The Gospel of St. Luke describes the birth of John; how an angel appeared to the priest Zechariah, telling him, “your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, & you shall call him John.” (Luke 1.13.) The angel also foretells the task of this being John: “… even from his mother’s womb will he be filled with the Holy Spirit. And he will turn many sons of Israel to the Lord their God again. He will be his forerunner and will pave his way, bearing within him the spirit and power of Elijah, to change men’s hearts so that fathers shall rediscover the meaning of childhood, and those who have become alienated from God shall find the meaning of Good again. So shall he make a well-prepared people ready for the Lord “(Luke 1.15-17.)

The birth of John takes place just after the height of Summer, on June 24th, framed by the births of the two Jesus children. On the one hand, the birth of the Matthew Jesus child on January 6th, with the visitation of the ‘three wise men from the East’, taking place in Bethlehem. And months later, we hear of the other birth, of the Luke Jesus child, on December 24th, with the heavenly revelation to the shepherds.

In another mystery, we see the spiritual body or angel of Gautama Buddha, which appears in the etheric-astral realm, first, in the meeting between Elizabeth, (just before John the Baptist is born), with Mary, the mother of Jesus (Luke 1.39-56.) & then also at the revelation to the shepherds (Luke 11.8-15.).

Rudolf Steiner tells us that the Gospel of St. Luke brings us a new form of Christ-centered Buddhism, expressing the kind of love & compassion that can be understood by even the simplest souls. The interplay between the 2 polarities of the Buddha to John the Baptist is interesting to contemplate.

John the Baptist’s sermon at the river Jordan shows how the teachings of Buddha come forward in a new form. – Just like the Buddha declared certain truths & warnings in his famous sermon at Benares some five hundred years before, so too did JB speak in a similar way. Buddha says: “Do not think, because you are a Brahman, you are able to advance …“, John changes this admonition to fit his time, saying: “Do not think, because you are children of Abraham … Buddha gave the teaching of love & compassion – JB gave the parable of the man who has two coats, how we must share with those that have none. And just as the monks came to Buddha with questions; now the tax collectors & soldiers come to John the Baptist.

After his life as an ascetic, JB begins publicly preaching & baptizing. In the 5th Gospel, Steiner describes how JB was close to the community of the Essenes.

Yep there’s more (Remember, the Festival of St. John’s-Tide lasts 4 weeks)

Until soon


4 positions of moon, plus Jupiter, and Saturn, with locations of Neptune and Pluto marked.

26 June 2021 – “Speaking with the Stars”: On the last nights of June 2021, watch for three worlds in space: Bella Luna, Jupiter, Saturn. The waning gibbous moon is past full on these nights. It’s rising later in the evening or after midnight. On June 25, Saturn follows the moon into the sky by roughly an hour. Jupiter follows an hour or so after Saturn. But the moon is moving, always, toward the east in orbit around Earth. As a result, the moon rises an average of 50 minutes later each night. So the moon catches up to Saturn and then Jupiter. On the night of June 26 (morning of June 27), the moon is near Saturn in the sky. By the night of June 27, the moon rises between Jupiter and Saturn. And so it goes, as the evenings pass, with the moon shifting constantly toward the east.

Emperor Julian and the Jews of Late Antiquity – UC Press Blog

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day(RSarchives) 

ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY (Rudolf Steiner’s original Calendar of the Soul)

Lot-Art | Samuel Johnson: a leather bound copy of 'Julian the Apostate...

363 – Julian the Apostate murdered. Rudolf Steiner speaks a lot about him as Tycho Brahe, astronomer, astrologer & alchemist & Herzeloyde, Percival’s mother, in Karmic Relationships Vol. 4 Lec. 5

“…One of the outstanding figures in world history is Julian the Apostate (a successor of Constantine) who fell by the hand of an assassin in the campaign against the Persians in the year A.D. 363. Julian occupies a special place in the history of the West. His life and career show how the course of world history is determined by the clash of contending forces

Now from earliest childhood Julian was held in low esteem by the Imperial family and their adherents. In the age with which we are dealing it was the custom to anticipate the future of an individual such as Julian by resorting to prenatal prophecies. The Imperial family had been obliged to conclude from the predictions of the Sibylline oracles that Julian would actively oppose the policy pursued by the Emperor Constantine. From the first, therefore, they tried to prevent Julian from being raised to the purple. It was decided that he should be murdered while still a child and preparations were made to have him butchered along with his brother. There was a strange aura attaching to Julian which inspired terror in those around him and countless stories relating to his personality testify to the fact that there was something uncanny about him. On one occasion during his campaign in Gaul a somnambulist cried out as the army passed by: “There is the man who will restore the old Gods and their images.”

The appearance of Julian at this moment in history must be seen as something predestined, something deeply significant. As often happens in such cases his life was spared lest his murder should bring greater disaster in its train. People persuaded themselves that whatever steps he might take against the policies of Constantine could be quickly nullified. And precautionary measures were taken to neutralize the dangerous tendencies of Julian’s make-up and his leanings towards Paganism. In the first place it was decided to give him a sound Christian education which accorded with the ideas of Constantine. It was wasted effort and met with no response. Anything which had survived from the ancient Hellenic traditions fascinated him. Where powerful forces are at work in such a personality they ultimately prevail. And so, because his mentors sought to protect him from dangerous associations he was driven into the arms of Hellenic tutors and was introduced to Hellenic culture and civilization. When he grew older Julian learned how the neo-Platonic philosophers were imbued with the spirit of Hellenism and in consequence he was finally initiated into the Mysteries of Eleusis. Thus at a time when the Roman Emperors had already dispensed with the principle of initiation, an initiate in the person of Julian once again sat on the throne of the Caesars.

Everything that Julian undertook must be judged in the light of his initiation into the Eleusinian Mysteries (and history has been at great pains to misrepresent his actions in every possible way). Through direct spiritual perception he learned the secrets of cosmic and world evolution, the spiritual origin of the world and how spiritual forces operate in the planetary and solar systems.

Through complicated psychological processes which are difficult to describe in detail he lighted upon the idea of utilizing the last surviving remnants of initiation in order to ensure continuity in evolution. In reality he was not an opponent of Christianity; he simply favoured the continuity of Hellenism. He was more interested in promoting Hellenism than in opposing Christianity. With passionate enthusiasm he strove to arrest the decline of Hellenism and to transmit its traditions to posterity. He was opposed to any sudden break in continuity, any radical change.

The thought occurred to him: “I have already been initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries. Perhaps it is possible to have myself initiated into the Persian Mysteries and into the Mysteries which are in accordance with the doctrine of the Manichaeans. By this means perhaps I may be able to achieve my aim — the continuity of the pagan Mysteries.” This was a momentous thought. Just as Alexander’s campaign had deeper motives than the mere conquest of Asia, so Julian’s expedition had other motives than the conquest of Persia. He wished to find out whether he could further his objective with the help of the Persian Mysteries.

The Manichaeans did not cultivate abstract ideas which divorced the world of thought from the world of reality. The Manichaeans and the initiates of the Eleusinian Mysteries were alike incapable of abstract thinking. In earlier lectures I attempted to show the difference between logical concepts and concepts in conformity with reality. The basic principle of Manichaeism was to cultivate only those ideas which are consistent with reality. Not that unreal ideas do not play a part in life; unfortunately they play a large part in life, especially at the present day, and the part they play is disastrous

The aim of Manichaeism was the conquest of evil and of matter by thought. Julian was brought face to face with the deeper implications of the problem of evil and the relation of Christ Jesus to this problem. He hoped to find an answer through initiation into the Persian Mysteries and to return to Europe with the solution. But unfortunately he fell by an assassin’s hand during the Persian campaign. It can be proved historically that this was the work of an adherent of Constantine. Thus we see that in the course of history the attempt to establish the “principle of continuity” was fraught with tragedy and that in the case of Julian it led into a blind alley.” Rudolf Steiner, Building Stones for an Understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha, lecture 7

The Forerunner & and the Archangel of Summer, Uriel
An Experiential online Festival 
Sunday 27 June 2021 on Zoom:

Noon – 1:30 pm PT / 1 – 2:30 pm MT / 2 pm – 3:30 pm CT / 3 – 4:30 pm ET /
8 – 9:30 pm London Time / 9 – 10:30 pm CET

If we strive to understand the connection of human morality with the crystalline element in the depths of the Earth; and of human virtues living in the shining beauty above in the Sun imbued sky; and if we take these connections into our inner experience, Spiritual Science tells us that the true ‘St. John’s Imagination’ will come to meet us.

In our time together on Sunday we will behold the working together of Spirit-Father, with Earth-Mother, to beget – thru the Holy Spirit – The Son in the Center. This is The Trinity revealed in the St. John’s Imagination available to us now.

Musical Performances by Lucien Dante Lazar
Speech – Geoffrey Norris
Eurythmy- Elizabeth Carlson
Practicum – Lisa Dalton
Leading Thoughts – Hazel Archer

Hazel Archer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: St. John’s
Time: Jun 27, 2021 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 705 293 1041
Passcode: Uriel

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For more info. contact Cultural Events & Festivals Coordinator
Hazel Archer