10:10 Thought-Seed Meditation as antidote to the madness
Clear your mind of what fills it now & live into the Word…Make yourself comfortable, as we share the air…taking a deep breath…filling your belly…Thrilling your lungs…Let your body sink deep & Relax…Set the rhythm with your breath…& as your awareness is internalized, fully connected with the Breath of Life, gently moving through you…Make all your senses alert to this life force…Enjoy its power & perfect simplicity…feel the sustaining energy behind every molecule of oxygen in every breath… Feel the life force coursing through your cells & thoughts…& when you are ready, become a channel open to the abundant potency pouring into this planet from the Heart of the Sun that we all share…feel the honey-gold radiance of the Sun infusing your will with the power to manifest Love…Reach out with your Heart-Self & let your thoughts attract & connect with the radiant-golden healing energy of our Day Star, as its power merges with your ripening heart…
Feeling balanced in this loving energy, let your feet sprout thick limber roots that pull this pure illuminated Love deep into the core of this planet, infusing all life with the brilliance of connective intelligence, healing all hate…oxidizing all dis-ease in the root rays of the solar power harmonizing with our planet made sacred…
Remember that you are unique in the light that fuels your gifts…& when we all add our divine sparks together, we fuel the fires of transformation to create positive change…as we find ourselves intertwined in this circle of life, forming the wholeness in the Sun-Heart beating in rhythm with the pulse of our Mother Earth…we know we are all beacons of this vivid starburst of evolution…Look around this amazing world with your mind’s eye, & see the fields, ripe with the end of summer’s abundance…
Find yourself in the center of this abundance holding a large willow basket, eager to begin your autumn harvest…Step first into an expanse of sweet corn…See the tall, regal, green stalks…
Observe a ripe golden ear which seems to be reaching out to you…Under its wispy silk, kernels sparkle like precious gold shining through…Let it remind you of your own riches, both tangible & intangible…Reach out & pick this ear of corn & put it into your basket…
Leave the corn field, & enter an apple orchard…See the beauty of these trees…these majestic symbols of the Great Goddess Herself…Feel the fullness of her boughs…the ripeness of her ruby red apples, the fruit of knowledge…Reach up, way up, & pick two…Put one in your basket & eat the other…Taste & enjoy this perfect fruit…For in this gracious garden, tasting the fruit of knowledge is never forbidden…
Now move toward an onion field, which beckons to you…Once green, now browning spikes, point up to you, tempting you to dig below…Pull gently & the ground gives birth to an iridescent, opal bulb, full of body & character & strength…A vegetable with the power to make you feel the beauty of your tears of joy…Add this to your growing harvest…
Notice ahead thick bushes of ripened raspberries, Sharp brambles protecting their precious, succulent garnets…The juicy nectar of these berries reminds you of your own sensuality, your own ability to feel, express, extend all that is sweet & loving & honest to others…Take your time here, & pick plenty of these supple jewels for your basket…
Step away now & look around you, Find a patch of fruit or vegetables that appeals to you…Enter it, admire its offerings, select a precious jewel of your own to harvest…Choose a resource that will sustain you in the upcoming time of cold & darkness…glean some warmth & light & savor its presence…
With your arms now laden with this basket of bountiful treasures, it is time to rest…Take your harvest to a clover covered knoll in the still warm sun, just beyond, to sit & bask in the glory of its healing heat…Rest in contentment knowing you have gathered in all that you need, to give you strength & balance, peace & nourishment in the winter days to come…
Put yourself back in the sky now…Become the Sun once again…Shine down upon yourself & your hardy harvest…Absorb the energy of the fruits of your labors, bless the seeds you planted in the Spring & nurtured to fruition through the Summer…

Become One with the Spiritual Sun…Shine down upon all that is good & giving…spread the light of hope & peace, love & understanding, to all you shine upon…Everything you have touched with your luminous rays is vibrating in harmony, in the eternal truth of our authentic self…
Begin to integrate & cultivate these blessings received…opening to the vision of our Divine-Self, in the wholeness of our heart soul, we can Resolve to act on our own unique life-purpose & make it ever more real…ever more whole…
Gradually bring your experience to the present once again, to the here & now…Feel your body refreshed & renewed, here & now, in your room, in your sacred space…know you are sacred…know you are here for a reason…
& Gently, joyfully, when you are ready, open your senses…to see the unity of your community… know in your heart of hearts that the journey we have taken together, whether near or far, in the flesh, or thru the net, is full of effulgent effective power which we manifest for ourselves & for the planet, a healing harvest of love’s light…
Blessed be…

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translated (with added titles) by Roy Sadler
Michaelic Firepower
Natura, in the being of my will
I bear thy soul of motherhood
and in my will enkindled firepower
my spirit impulses are tempered, steeled,
that feeling of the selfhood formed from them
bear I in me
The Michaemas movement from v26 to 27 is the Soul Calendar’s second mirror point.
Soul Springtime
To fathom
my depths of being
arouses longing, ardently divining,
that I, Self-contemplating, find myself
as gift the summer sun’s bequeathed
my autumn mood as warming seed
of germinating soul force.
Here are some notes edited from Eloise Krivosheia (Calendar-of-the-Soul-Verse-27-2020.pdf (anthroposophyla.org).
At Easter the soul turned to outer nature and the cosmos. Turning inwardly now it longs to know itself in its spiritual depths, arousing “Ahnung” (that I always translate with an “ah”, sound for the future, felt as a presience of the divine). In warm attentiveness to the summer’s sun-gift the soul is able to recognize the summer’s secrets, which as a seed will germinate will forces. Now with the powerful gift of the summer sun the spiritual sun can consciously expand within my inner being all through the autumn.
Karl König descibes how the spirit-germ of the self is a reflection of the Michael being, which illumined by the Sun of Christ begins to develop and grow in Christ light. “The more conscious this seed is of itself, the more graciously will the Sun of Christ shine upon it. For it is in the growing darkness of autumn and winter that the dawning of His Spirit-Sun begins. The self of man, which has now arisen, has to find it.”

3 October 2020 – “Speaking with the Stars”

Rudolf Steiner’s Lectures on this day
508 BC – Deathday of Lucretia an ancient Roman woman whose fate played a vital role in the transition of Roman government from the Roman Kingdom to the Roman Republic. She committed suicide after being raped by an Etruscan king’s son was the immediate cause of the anti-monarchist rebellion that overthrew the monarchy. As a result of its sheer impact, the rape itself became a major theme in European art & literature

Deathay of Jarius. The record of the daughter of Jairus is a combination of miracles of Jesus in the Gospels (Mark 5:21–43, Matthew 9:18–26, Luke 8:40–56) The story immediately follows the exorcism at Gerasa. Jairus, a patron or ruler of a Galilee synagogue, had asked Jesus to heal his 12-year-old daughter. As they were traveling to Jairus’ house, a sick woman in the crowd touched Jesus’ cloak & was healed of her sickness. Jesus turned round to the woman & says: “Take heart, daughter,” your faith has healed you. Go in peace.” Moments later, a messenger arrived with the news that Jairus’ daughter had died, & he was advised not to trouble Jesus any further. However, Jesus responded: Be not afraid, only believe. (Mark 5:36) Jesus continued to the house, where he informed all those present that the girl was not dead but asleep. He then went upstairs & restored the little girl to life. In Mark’s account, the Aramaic phrase “Talitha Koum” (transliterated into Greek as ταλιθα κουμ meaning, “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”) is attributed to Jesus

Deathday of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, a Syrian Christian theologian & philosopher of the late 5th to early 6th century, the author of the set of works commonly referred to as the Corpus Areopagiticum or Corpus Dionysiacum, portraying himself as the Athenian convert of Paul of Tarsus mentioned in Acts 17:34 (Some of the people became followers of Paul and believed. Among them was Dionysius, a member of the Areopagus) This attribution to the earliest decades of Christianity resulted in the work being given great authority in subsequent theological writing in both East & West. His works are mystical & show strong Neoplatonic influence. For example he uses Plotinus’ well-known analogy of a sculptor cutting away that which does not enhance the desired image.
In a letter addressed to Polycarp, pseudo-Dionysius asks “What have you to say about the solar eclipse which occurred when the Savior was put on the Cross? At the time the two of us were in Heliopolis and we both witnessed the extraordinary phenomenon of the moon hiding the sun at the time that was out of season for their coming together…. We saw the moon begin to hide the sun from the east, travel across to the other side of the sun, and return on its path so that the hiding and the restoration of the light did not take place in the same direction but rather in diametrically opposite directions.…” This is illustrated in an astronomical fresco in the main gallery of the Escorial Library, near Madrid, Spain, which shows Dionysius the Areopagite observing an eclipse at the time of Christ’s crucifixion.
Luke, 23-45 (It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over all the land until the ninth hour. 45The sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn down the middle) We can notice a quadrant & an astrolabe in the hands of the amazed men!

287 AD – Deathday of Saint Candidus. The Golden Legend states that he was a commander of the Theban Legion, which was composed of Christians from Upper Egypt. He opposed Maximian, who had ordered them to harass the local Christians in his name, stating that “we are your soldiers, but we are also servants of the true God. We cannot renounce Him who is our Creator and Master, and also yours even though you reject Him.” Candidus, along with St. Maurice, the other staff officers & 6,600 soldiers, were martyred at the Swiss town of Saint Maurice-en-Valais

1226 – Deathday of Francis of Assisi, Italian friar & saint. Based on a study of the life of Francis of Assisi, Rudolf Steiner shows how the development of morality is based on the belief in the Divine at the bottom of every human soul, on the boundless love that springs from this belief, and on the hope for each human soul that it can find its way back to the Divine. Anthroposophical Ethics…St. Francis, Lecture III

1250 – Deathday of Gilbertus Anglicus. His major work, the Compendium Medicinae, written in Latin, running to seven books, is an attempt to provide a comprehensive encyclopedia of medical & surgical knowledge as it existed in his day. He quotes extensively from Roger of Palma, & acknowledges that his work is indebted to Greek physicians including Galen, Hippocrates & Theophilus Protospatharius, & Arab physicians such as Averroes & Avicenna.

1884 – Birthday of, Paul Foster Case, an American occultist, founder of Builders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A.), original member of Alpha et Omega, an organization that inherited the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

Paul Foster Case played the organ in the Congregational Church, where his father was a deacon. In childhood, he started working to have lucid dreams. Rudyard Kipling, spurred his interest in their correspondence, confirming that such a phenomenon is possible, & can be developed.
Case became a member of the Order of Alpha et Omega, but he was distrustful of Enochian Magic. He explored certain practical ceremonial magic, with his sometime partner Moina Mathers.
Case was fascinated by the “New Thought” movement, he met William Walker Atkinson, & co-authored the modern literary mystification “The Kybalion”, as one of the anonymous “three wise men”.

Case studied various yoga’s & the karma of past lives, & was said to have worked with “the healer Dr. Fludd” who claimed that the Count Saint-Germain had sent him to be his teacher.
1942 – Spaceflight: The first successful launch of a V-2 /A4-rocket from Test Stand VII at Peenemünde, Germany. It is the first man-made object to reach space.
1952 – The United Kingdom successfully tests a nuclear weapon to become the world’s third nuclear power.
1962 – Project Mercury: Sigma 7 is launched from Cape Canaveral, with astronaut Wally Schirra aboard, for a six-orbit, nine-hour flight.
1963 – A violent coup in Honduras pre-empts the October 13 election, ends a period of reform, & begins two decades of military rule.
1981 – The hunger strike by Provisional Irish Republican Army & Irish National Liberation Army prisoners at the Maze Prison in Northern Ireland ends after 7months & 10 deaths.
1985 – The Space Shuttle Atlantis makes its maiden flight. (Mission STS-51-J)
1986 – TASCC, a superconducting cyclotron at the Chalk River Laboratories, is officially opened
1990 – German reunification: The German Democratic Republic ceases to exist & its territory becomes part of the Federal Republic of Germany. East German citizens became part of the European Community, which later became the European Union. Now celebrated as German Unity Day

1995 – O. J. Simpson is acquitted of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson & Ronald Goldman
2008 – The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act is signed by President George W. Bush – commonly referred to as a bailout of the U.S. financial system, is a law enacted in response to the subprime mortgage crisis authorizing the United States Secretary of the Treasury to spend up to $700 billion to purchase distressed assets, especially mortgage-backed securities, & supply cash directly to banks

POD (Poem Of the Day)
~have you seen it…?
how the fist of order tries to hold back chaos
how chaos oozes between the grasp of fingers held without purpose
how the sun is born & dies 12 hours later
how the weights swing in the scale
balanced on the fingertip of a god…?

Greetings friends – It is a true esoteric deed to be an active participant
at a spiritual convocation, & a rare honor to host such an historic hybrid event
at the Rudolf Steiner Branch in Chicago. (see this link to find a hybrid Host Center in your neck of the woods)
Don’t miss this opportunity to be counted as a foundational member
of the construction team ‘Building the Temple of the Heart’.
Monday October 4this the Deadline for Registering
for this ASA Annual Conference and Members Meeting
7-10 October 2021 online and in-person
- 1st make sure you are registered at https://www.anthroposophy.org/fallconference and have indicated that you will be attending in person at the RSBranch Chicago.
- Then Register with the Chicago Branch using PayPal.
- For more info. contact Jenny Doty
(Meal plan in Chicago consists of 3 lunches, 3 dinners, coffee, tea. AND snacks will include some veggies from Angelic Organics – Sign up now so we know how much food we need!!!)
*Special in-person activities – (*Vendor load in 9 am – 3 pm
For those in the pageant: Tech rehearsal – 3 pm)
*5 pm Dinner in the RS Branch ‘Schreinerei’
6:30- 8:00 PM Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Members Meeting
(Note: This portion is free and open to all members)
*9:30 AM In the Upper Room our Class Reader Clark Remington
will give Lesson XI for the School of Spiritual Science
(Note: There will be no online gathering for the Class Lesson)
11:15 AM Snack Break in the RS Branch ‘Schreinerei’
11:30 AM What is the School of Spiritual Science?
A conversation led by Helen-Ann Ireland, open to all
12 Noon LUNCH in the RS Branch ‘Schreinerei’
1:00 PM Conference Opening
2:00 PM The Stairway of Surprise: Rudolf Steiner’s 6 Basic
Exercises with Michael Lipson
3:00 PM 30-minute Snack Break in the RS Branch ‘Schreinerei’
3:30 PM Thinking / Clear Thinking with the New Orleans Hub
Doing / Right Action with the Austin Hub
Musical Interludes by Morgan Vallat
4:30 PM Biography with Janey Newton
5:00 PM 60-minute Break *DINNER in the RS Branch ‘Schreinerei’
6:00 PM Singing with Dennis Dietzel and the Twin Cities group
6:15 – 7:15 PM Building the Temple through Spiritual Research: Sections
of the School of Spiritual Science as Columns of the Temple
8:00 PM Optional opportunity to attend a ‘Close of Day Serve’ at our local
Christian Community Church 2135 W. Wilson Ave. (Walkable)

(*For those in the pageant: Breakfast at 8 am – Tech rehearsal – 9 am)
11:00 AM Eurythmy with Mary Ruud
11:15 AM The Life of the Heart in Space, Time and Eternity with
Michaela Glöckler
12:30 PM Biography with Janey Newton
1:00 PM 60-minute Break *LUNCH in the RS Branch ‘Schreinerei’
2:00 PM Eurythmy with Mary Ruud
2:15 PM Feeling / Equanimity with the Twin Cities Hub
Loving / Positivity with the Northern Michigan Hub
Opening / Open-mindedness with the Ann Arbor Hub
Musical Interludes by Morgan Vallat
3:30 PM 60-minute Snack Break in the RS Branch ‘Schreinerei’
4:30 PM Exploring the Heart Connections between Chartres
Cathedral and Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival with
Brian Gray
5:45 PM Biography with Janey Newton
6:15 PM 60-minute Break *DINNER in the RS Branch ‘Schreinerei’
7:15-8:30 PM Thanking / Inner Harmony / Wholeness with the Chicago /
Youth Section Hub
~Everyone is invited to wear white and black for this capstone offering~ (*For those in the Pageant- Breakfast at 8 am – Run Through – 9 am)
11:00 AM Singing with Dennis Dietzel and the Twin Cities group
Experiential Pageant: ‘Building the Temple of the Heart- The Royal Art: A Social Pilgrimage of the Soul’ by Hazel Archer featuring the 6 HUBS, Friends and Hosts, Dennis Dietzel, Mary Ruud, Katherine Thivierge & YOU
12:15 PM ART ACT with Lisa Dalton- Break – (Timing Subject to change)
1:00-2:00 PM Conversation and Conference Closing
LUNCH in the RS Branch ‘Schreinerei’
For Questions about registration contact Jenny Dotty
For more info. about the Conference Contact
Cultural Events Coordinator Hazel Archer
official RSBranch Calendar

For those who are longing for a deep dive: The Applied Anthroposophy Course (AAC) brings transformative online content into the alchemy of individual and group inner work. The mission is to explore the urgent issues of our time through the lens of spiritual philosophy, awakening meaning, inner reflection, and outer action.
I will be facilitating one of the Chrysalis Groups: ‘The Cycle of the Year as a Path of Initiation into the New Mysteries’ –
The Royal Art of community awaits your participation.
See you there