Tune into the Ascsension – thru these video recordings:
~Vitae Sophia~ A Whitsun Festival of United Soul Endeavor (New Hampshire)
As Above So Below (Boston)
The Sacred Geometry of Ascension (Infinity Foundation)

Greetings freinds – Well we made it – to the 2nd phase in the 3-fold Festival of Easter-tide. Our journey began with the spiritual reality that from death comes new life – fulfilling the human longing for Resurrection – & this gives an opportunity for the dawning of the New Sun. The deed of Christ takes the ancient mysteries further, to meet us where we are now, & to lead us into a glorious future.
Yes, the Easter-Tide flows on, it goes further – 40 days after the mysteries of death & resurrection we receive the second aspect – a new archetype thru the Festival of Ascension. There is an esoteric significance of the 40 days – 1st of all, the symbolism of the # 40, which BTW: is mentioned 149 times in the Bible, is important to contemplate, it represents an initiation process, some sort of trial, a period of testing, which we must endure to become more spiritually aware, to achieve a triumph of the spirit – a chance for advancement.
Friends, we can all tune into together, & even though the date changes from year to year due to the nature of the ‘Moveable Feast’ aspect, it’s always a Thursday – Now isn’t that interesting. Thor’s day – representing the planet Jupiter, the archetype of growth & expansion – model of the beneficent Ruler, an impulse we can take advantage of & tune into.
Then 10 days later comes the 3rd aspect – the Festival of Pentecost – which means 50 days after the Resurrection, when the inspiration of the Holy Spirit pours in.

10:10 Testament: Since the original Ascension, thru the effects of the expansion of the Christ light, the possibility exists in the etheric body of human beings for something new to appear, something that breathes in life eternal. And these ultimate formative forces which do not participate in death, & which humanity will gradually attain thru the influence of the Christ Impulse, is ever streaming back to us – a contraction & expansion into-&-out-of cosmic & earthly space.

It generates a force that will in turn create a sphere around our Earth that is in the process of becoming a Sun – A spiritual sphere – a Corona – is forming around the Earth composed of the etheric forces that have come alive with the essence of Love & Light. Just as the Christ Love issues from the Earth, & the light of the New Isis-Mary-Sophia radiates from cosmic space, there is also a kind of reflection of it that encircles the Earth thru us – embodied as the enlivening fire of the Holy Spirit. And so it is & ever shall be that the Earth thru our purified soul forces begins to be creative, surrounding itself with this Spiritual Corona which will ripen the seed into a Sun…

18 May 2023 – “Speaking with the Stars”: After nightfall and in the early evening, you’ll see Arcturus fairly high in the east, noticeable for its brightness and yellow-orange color. Next, look for Vega rather low in the northeast. It’s a bright blue-white star. Then look for the Northern Crown between these 2 bright stars – closer to Arcturus.

Anthroposophia & the Redemption of Lucifer – A Pentecost Festival for 2023
with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, & Velsum Voices Lucien Dante Lazar & Ultra-Violet Archer
1 – 2:30 pm Central Time Saturday 27 May 2023 on zoom
Hazel Archer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Pentecost Festival
Time: May 27, 2023 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 705 017 4041
Passcode: Whitsun

50 Days after The Resurrection = Our Community Pentecost Gathering – Community Bonfire, Pot-Luck, & Prep Stir
Whitsunday 28 May 2023
5 – 7 pm at the home of Hazel & Chuck Ginsberg
Please bring food & drink to share –
RSVP to Hazel@ReverseRitual.com

Find a collection of the many RECORDINGS of Presentations, Programs & Festivals HERE