Daily Archives: July 22, 2023

Feast Day of Mary Magdalene

Yes dear friends the long awaited Feast Day of Mary Magdalene has arrived! Did you receive the Video The Sanctifier? She who Anoints the Anointed One ~Lyrics by hag – Music by Velsum – Originally performed as part of our Easter Festival on Holy Saturday 2023. This deeply moving video was lovingly crafted as a surprise gifting from Velsum to me on my recent Natal Return – Premiering TODAY for all to witness. (see the lyrics below)

22 July 2023 “Speaking with the Stars”: From Astrosopher Jonathan Hilton: “the Moon leaves Leo and steps into the stars of Virgo. If we hold the imagination of Virgo as the great Isis/Sophia with a crown of stars around her head, the Sun in her heart, and the Moon under her feet, then the Moon TODAY will enter the crown of stars around the head of Virgo.

The Sanctifier ~hag
He is the eternal flame of love. She is the oil that burns for light.
She who anoints ‘The Anointed One’ (1)
Hers is the path of the Sacred Union, consummated within the soul.
She of ‘The Three Marys’ (15) =
“Rebellious, bitter, & beloved.” (16)
“There were three
who always walked with The Lord:
Mary His mother;
Mary His sister;
And Mary Magdalene, His companion. (17)
Three Marys: Virgin, Sister, Companion
He is the eternal flame of love. She is the oil that burns for light.
She who anoints ‘The Anointed One’ (1)
Hers is the path of the Sacred Union, consummated within the soul.
She is the Magdala – The Tower ascending
In Christened Catharsis
She is freed from the 7 demons –
“A design was erased by virtue of a higher design” (2)
“Then Mary Arose”(3)
And Anthropos Sophia entered in
He is the eternal flame of love. She is the oil that burns for light.
She who anoints ‘The Anointed One’ (1)
Hers is the path of the Sacred Union, consummated within the soul.
She offers Tears of Repentance –
His feet, her hair.
Thru “her Greater Love” (4)
She breaks open
The “alabaster jar” (5)
Spilling out
The Unction
A Precious Perfume
Confirming the balm of Faith
Then – when it was His Time
At the ‘Turning Point of Time’
She prepares the Lamb for sacrifice
She offers the Golden Chrism
She Anoints His head for burial
“Truly I tell you, wherever in the whole world this Gospel is proclaimed,
what she has done will be told and her memory will be honored.” (6)
He is the eternal flame of love. She is the oil that burns for light.
She who anoints ‘The Anointed One’ (1)
Hers is the path of the Sacred Union, consummated within the soul.
She sits at the feet of the Master
She stands with the Twelve
She walks with the women who sustained the mission
“By their own means” (7)
She kneels
At the foot of the Cross (11)
With the Virgin Sophia
And her risen brother
Death Doula –
Myrrhbearer (12)
Sacred Witness
At the tomb (13)
Holding Space
Turning Time
Harrowing Hell (14)
He is the eternal flame of love. She is the oil that burns for light.
She who anoints ‘The Anointed One’ (1)
Hers is the path of the Sacred Union, consummated within the soul.
The Priestess of Isis Becomes
The “Apostle of the apostles”
So says the ‘Angelic Doctor’. (2a)
She is the Mercy Seat (20)
The Shekinah
In the Holy of Holies – Revealed –
When “The veil of the Temple was rent in twain.” (21)
She is
The first to See
The first to Be
The Holy Grail
She leads us to the Gardener (22)
Of the New Jerusalem
He is the eternal flame of love. She is the oil that burns for light.
She who anoints ‘The Anointed One’ (1)
Hers is the path of the Sacred Union, consummated within the soul.
She holds the Red Egg (19)
In The Golden Legend
Cherubim lift her
Out of the cave
Contemplative in her hair-shirt
Soul of Wisdom
Messenger of Christ
“The compassionate Christ said to Mary his companion:
You are the blessed one in whom I will perfect all Mysteries” (18)
He is the eternal flame of love. She is the oil that burns for light.
She who anoints ‘The Anointed One’ (1)
Hers is the path of the Sacred Union, consummated within the soul.
MMMMMMM…MMMary MMMagdalene is:
“Beloved of Christ and greatly loved by Christ” (8)
“Chosen because you are beloved, beloved because you have been chosen” (9)
“The Lord loved her more than He loved all other disciples
and often kissed her on her mouth.” (10)
He is the eternal flame of love. She is the oil that burns for light.
She who anoints ‘The Anointed One’ (1)
Hers is the path of the Sacred Union, consummated within the soul.
“The Gospel according to MMMary MMMagdalene

~Hazel Archer-Ginsberg – Lyrics for a Velsum song, for our Easter Festival on Holy Saturday 2023
(1) Christ comes from the Greek word χριστός (chrīstós), meaning “anointed one”. In the Greek Septuagint, χριστός was used to translate the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ (Mašíaḥ, messiah), meaning “⁠[one who is] anointed”.
(2) ‘The Gospel of Mary Magdalene’ page 17 verse 2-5 (2a) Saint Thomas Aquinas
(3) ‘The Gospel of Mary Magdalene’ page 9 verse 12
(4) Luke 7:36-50
(5) Matthew 26:7 & Mark 14:3
(6) Matthew 26: 6-10
(7) Mark 15: 40-47
(8) Vatican City announcement on 3 July 2016 elevating Mary Magdalene – quoting Rabanus Maurus from “dilectrix Christi et a Christo plurimum dilecta”: De vita Mariae Magdalenae, Prologus
(9) Saint Anselm of Canterbury (“electa dilectrix et dilecta electrix Dei”: Oratio LXXIII ad sanctam Mariam Magdalenam).
(10) Gospel of Philip see Verses 55 -125
(11) John 19:25-27
(12) The Myrrhophores are an ancient , secret group of women who work with sacred threshold oils
Mark 15:44-16:8 – 27:56 – Mark 15:40 – John 19:39
(13) Matt 12:14 – 27:66 – 28:1-8 – Mark 6:29 – 15:46 – 16:1-8 – Luke 23:53-55 – 24:1-24 – John 19:41-42 – 20:1-11
(14) referred to in the Apostles’ Creed & the Athanasian Creed (Quicumque vult) – Ephesians 4:9 – Ephesians 4:9 – Acts 2:24 – 1 Peter 4:6
(15) John 19:24
(16) I see the name Mary, like the name John, as an honorific title of initiation. Miriam or Mary originated from the Egyptian language; derivative of the root mr “beloved of Yahweh; derivation from Hebrew, either from marah “to be rebellious”, or from mara “bitter” (cf. myrrh), or mry “rebellious”. St. Jerome (writing c. 390), following Eusebius of Caesarea, translates the name as “drop of the sea” (stilla maris in Latin), from Hebrew מר mar “drop” (cf. Isaiah 40:15) and ים yam “sea”. This translation was subsequently rendered stella maris (“star of the sea”) whence comes the Virgin Mary’s title Star of the Sea.
(17) The apocryphal Gospel of Philip – Verse 32
(18) The Pistis Sophia
(19) The Golden Legend ~ Jacobus de Voragine
(20) Attended by two Cherubim- Exodus 25:17-22 – 26:34 – 30:6 — Hebrews 9:5 – Leviticus 16:2 – Numbers 7:89
(21) Matt. 27 – Mark 15:38 – Luke 23:45
(22) John 20:15