Daily Archives: July 4, 2023

Love American Style

~Mine is
A heart of ruby-red –
A Crimson hot
dark as murder on a Holy Day
pulsing sense organ.
Mine is a fist of emerald & gold –
the gnarled roots
of a rosewood bursting
with thorns
& bright blossoms
in the Sun…


Image result for america the beautiful

THE “AMERICAN” or “THREEFOLD” VERSE by Rudolf Steiner given to Ralph Courtney, a pioneer of Anthroposophy in North America for the Threefold Group in New York City, which later established the Threefold Community in Spring Valley (now Chestnut Ridge). This verse for the American spirit speaks of the inner unity of human beings and of support from the spiritual world for our efforts. We spoke it for many years when I was in the Central Regional Council & It is the go-to verse for AAP.

May our feeling penetrate to the center of our hearts –
And seek, in love, to unite with those who share our goals,
And with the spirits who look down benevolently
On our hearts earnest strivings.
Sending us strength from realms of light,
As they illuminate our love.”

Listen to “I think Speech’

Greetings Friends – May a Global Interdependent Independence reverberate in our collective consciousness – as we work towards a mutual dependency upon the independence of every nation & its people – not imposed by the corporate elite, but out of the inner Freedom & love of the human being for humanity – Imagine everyone celebrating our differences with great admiration & respect…

Let’s remember the meaning of ‘Independence Day’ celebrated on the ‘4th of July’ – It’s about freedom from oppression… ‘No taxation without representation’…& all that…the center point being the Declaration of Independence.

When was the last time you read this important document of our countries origin? You can print it off the net. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…”

Have we gained independence from one tyranny all those years ago, only to allow it to happen again on a world scale? Maybe it’s time to open our eyes & read the fine print of our birthright – Reclaim our rights & go forward as a united community of World people, in peaceful justice, in equity, in reason – with compassion, having come through so much pain – to really start to, not just declare our independence, but to really live it – As individuals, as well as with the united community of the whole planet…

It’s interesting to look at what Spiritual Science has to say about America.

In ‘The Mystery of the Double: Geographic Medicine’, Rudolf Steiner tells us that when we are born we not only acquire a physical body we become permeated by an Ahrimanic double a being with ‘a Mephistophelian intelligence’, & ‘a very strong will’. Thru them we carry electrical streams in us.

‘These beings of purely Mephistophelian intelligence, want to conquer the earth, and to do this they need bodies; they do not have bodies of their own’. But they are afraid of death & have to leave us when we die.

Had the Mystery of Golgotha not occurred, conditions on earth would have been such that these beings would long ago have attained the possibility of remaining within the human being when he is karmically predestined for death. Then they would have completely triumphed over human evolution on earth, they would have become masters of human evolution on earth.’

This has long been known to certain occult brotherhoods. They withheld this from humanity. ‘These egotistically minded occult brotherhoods make it a power issue, intending thereby to enhance their own power.’

But the human being must learn about the double within ‘if the human race is not to experience endless hindrances, really endless horrors’.

This double is the creator of all physical illnesses that emerge spontaneously from within the human being; coming not through outer injuries, and not from the human soul; they come from this being. He is the creator of all organic illnesses.

And Lucifer, Ahriman’s brother‘is the creator of all neurasthenic and neurotic illnesses’.

Thus medicine must become spiritual in two directions’

The Earth as a living organism streams out ‘different forces, among them magnetism and electricity, as well as life-giving forces.  ‘All these forces come up out of the earth and influence people in the most varied ways at different points on the earth. They influence the human being in various ways according to the geographical formation. This is a very important fact – The double uses these forces that stream up out of the earth.’

‘Some of these beings are especially pleased with the Eastern hemisphere: Europe, Asia, Africa. They choose to make use of the bodies of human beings born there. Others choose bodies born in the Western hemisphere, in America.

So…one of the most important tasks of the future will be to foster again something that has been interrupted: geographic medicine, medical geography…the connection of the illness-producing being in man with earthly geography, with all the fusions, with all the outward radiations that emerge from the earth in the various regions. It is very important for the human being to become acquainted with these things, for his life depends on it.’

For this reason spiritual science must now spread, the present time calls upon the human being to reach an understanding of these things in a conscious way in order to find a relationship to these things. The human being must become strong in this epoch in order to adapt his existence to these beings’.

But before the 5th post Atlantean epoch the human being had to be protected from encountering the Ahrimanic double which is especially strong in America.

A really significant arrangement was required: Beginning in the ninth century and especially from the twelfth century on, the entire shipping exchange with America with the kind of ships there were at that time, was abolished’. This may sound very strange to you. You will say, “We have never heard anything like this in history.”

In many respects, history is just a fable convenue a legend; for in earlier centuries of European development, ships continually sailed from the Norway of that time to America.

Of course it was not called America it had a different name at that time. America was known to be the region where the magnetic forces particularly arose that brought the human being into relation with this double. For the clearest relations to the double proceed from that region of the earth that comprises the American continent. And in the earlier centuries people sailed over to America in Norwegian ships and studied illnesses there. The illnesses in America brought about under the influence of earthly magnetism were studied by Europe.

Then it was necessary for the connection with America to be gradually forgotten, and this was essentially brought about by the Roman Catholic Church through its edicts.

And only after the beginning of the fifth post-Atlantean epoch was America ‘rediscovered’ in a physical, sense-perceptible way.

Europe had to be protected for a long time from all these influences; and it could not have been protected if the European world had not been completely shut off from America in the centuries before the fifteenth century..”

And so dear friends how does this picture add to the history of our Country?

Something to contemplate on this anniversary to re-member our ‘Independence’.


4th of July 2023 – “Speaking with the Stars”

1054 – A supernova, is seen by Chinese Song dynasty, Arab, & Amerindian observers near the star Zeta Tauri. For several months it remains bright enough to be seen during the day. Its remnants form the Crab Nebula

1744 – The Iroquois are forced to cede lands between the Allegheny Mountains & the Ohio River to the British colonies

1776 – American Revolution: The United States Declaration of Independence is adopted by the Second Continental Congress

Connie Landro

1826 – Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States, dies the same day as John Adams, second president of the United States, on the fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of the United States Declaration of Independence.

1827 – Slavery is abolished in New York State

Library of Congress

1855 – In Brooklyn, New York City, the first edition of Walt Whitman‘s book of poems, Leaves of Grass, is published

1862 – Lewis Carroll tells Alice Liddell a story that would grow into Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

1863 – American Civil War: Siege of Vicksburg: Confederate Army surrenders to Ulysses S. Grant after 47 days of siege

1863 – American Civil War: The Army of Northern Virginia withdraws from the battlefield after losing the Battle of Gettysburg, signaling an end to the Southern invasion of the North

1886 – The people of France offer the Statue of Liberty to the people of the United States

1914 – The funeral of Archduke Franz Ferdinand & his wife Sophie takes place in Vienna, six days after their assassinations in Sarajevo

1918 – Bolsheviks kill Tsar Nicholas II of Russia & his family

1934 – Leo Szilard patents the chain-reaction design for the atomic bomb

1934 – Deathday of Marie Curie, French-Polish physicist & chemist, Nobel Prize laureate

1941 – Nazi troops massacre Polish scientists & writers in the captured Ukrainian city of Lviv

1941 – World War II: The Burning of the Riga synagogues with 300 Jews locked in the basement

1943 – World War II: The Battle of Kursk, the largest full-scale battle in history & the world’s largest tank battle, begins in Prokhorovka village

1950 – Radio Free Europe first broadcasts

1966 – U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Freedom of Information Act

This speaks to the best of America: FREEDOM by Jon Batiste

My Summer Conference schedule:

I will be heading out for our next training 1-7 August 2023

Here is a newsletter with an article I wrote about my expereince working with Steiner’s Inner Realities of Evoultion