Tag Archives: poetry

The Central Regional Council – Festive Resounding

Dear Friends of the Central Regional Council –

Join a variety of folks from all parts of the Heart-Land in an Experiential Celebration: Speaking with the Stars ~Festive Resounding~


At the Central Regional Council’s Annual Meeting, Before the National Society’s AGM in St. Louis, MO. October 7-8, 2015, At the Sisters of Carondelet MotherHouse: https://www.csjsl.org/motherhouse-services/take-a-tour.php

Register Here: http://www.anthroposophy.org/fileadmin/regions/central/registration-SWTS_2015.pdf

Speaking with the Stars ~ Festive Resounding ~ Wednesday October 7th 2015



6:30pmVerse for America, Singing, Overview of the Celebration

Check-in Introductions: Share a highlight from YOUR Speaking with the Stars

Eurythmy with Raven Garland “Now freedom and strong brotherhood prevail amongst us. And the soul of these be blown world far! America!”

9pmStars Verse

Thursday October 8th 2015

7:30am- 8:30amBreakfast, Singing

9am – 9:45am Thoughts from the night

9:45am – 10amEurythmy Preview with Raven Garland


10:15 -11:45amEurythmy with Raven Garland

11:45am- 12:30pmStorytelling: The Descent of Innana

12:30pm – 1:30pm Lunch

2pmFestive Resounding: A Journey through the Planetary Spheres

Artistic Exploration – Circle Sharing


4:00 – 5pmCRC AGM

5pm  – Eurythmy with Raven Garland


7pmEvening Program: MC Marian Leon

CRC Eurythmy with Raven Garland Wasapedan from the Masque of St. Louis: “Harken the law of the stars: -Out of the formless void, Beauty and order are born, One for the all, all in one, We wheel in the joy of our dance. Brother with brother, Sharing our light, Build we new worlds, With ancient fire, Only together, Lovers are free: Love is our labor, So labor is joy.”

Laurie Portocarrero will perform a one-woman play about Christie Barnes.

Offering from the Youth Initiative Group

Eurythmy Performance – Raven Garland 2nd movement Beethoven Sonata Op. 79 – Marianne Dietzel, piano

9pm – “Stars once spoke to Man, It is World destiny that they are silent now. To be aware of the silence, Can become pain for earthly Man. But in the deepening silence, There grows and ripens, What Man speaks to the Stars, To be aware of the speaking, Can be strength for Spirit-Man” ~Give to Marie Steiner by Rudolf Steiner on Christmas Day 1922

Friday October 9th 2015 

7:30am- 8:30amBreakfast

8:30am – 9:15amSinging, Closing Circle, Eurythmy ‘Now Freedom’

Off to the AGM!

The Central Regional Council: Marianne Fieber, Dennis Dietzel, Mary Louise Hershberger, Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, Alberto Loya, with Raven Garland

For info. on the AGM http://www.anthroposophy.org/calendar/event-details/engage-meeting-the-events-of-our-time-1752/

“…Can we help one another find our way in anthroposophy, and together create the space within the Society to welcome everyone working within the anthroposophical movement?” ~Hazel Archer Ginsberg on behalf of the CRC


Festival – Weltenwärme – Summer Solstice 2015

Happy Father’s Day and Greetings on this the longest day –

Summer Solstice 2015

In radiant heights
Where, glistening in the sun,
The friendly dragonflies are
Flitting out rays of warmth
Which blend into the space around,
There, tarry thou, my soul;
For, thinking of me, they weave
From sadness, strength.
Already I can feel
How they are sensing me;
How warmth streams from them,
Permeating me.
The spirit dissolves
In cosmic interweaving,
The earthly heaviness
Into light of the future.
~Rudolf Steiner

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Eurythmy with Alison

Friday June 26th (with the possibility of more sessions if there is interest?)

11am – 12:30pm

We will work with seasonal poetry, and some forms and indications from the ‘Calendar of the Soul’ as given by Steiner.

$12.00 for individual classes, but no one who has the will to do eurythmy will be turned away for lack of funds.

For more information contact Alison Biagi (312) 543-6136

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Tuesday June 23rd – St. John’s Eve –7:30pm – 10pm

Bon-Fire Social Gathering

Pot-luck Dinner at the Home of Hazel & Chuck Ginsberg

Please Bring Food & Drink to Share in Community

RSVP by June 22 to reserve the required parking permit.


~   ~   ~

We can seek to experience the ego development of humankind by following the earnest gaze of the Archangel Uriel into the earth,  guiding the union of the sun’s inner radiance with the being of the earth.

Like the call of conscience from John the Baptist, the need arises to let the light of the higher ego shine into our being, knowing that the union of creator and created is affected by the disharmony from the imperfect deeds of humanity.

We respond to the summertime call for a yearly ‘metanoia’ by reviewing our deeds of the past year, (like we do at the time of the Winter Solstice) while the ‘eye of heaven’ gazes down upon us.

We seek to know the will forces, that through our deeds, become part of the earth’s being.

Friday June 26th 2015, 7:30pm – 9:30pm A Special St. John’s Open House at the Branch

 Featuring: A legacy bestowed by Magda Lissau and Don Smith:

A treasure trove of Books from their personal library.

All donations to benefit Arcturus and The Rudolf Steiner Branch


Improvisational Music with Debbie Barford and friends

Group Eurythmy with Alison,

Sun Wheel Crafting


Chicago Event – Whitsun Sunday – Watercolor Painting at the World Festival of Knowledge


Dear friends –

Come join us this Sunday. Together we will create an Ecclesia, a vessel, a chalice

for the Spirit, by rising in our thinking, feeling & willing.

Then the spirit flame can spread out to become what Steiner called a “World Whitsun”,

which began in earnest at the Christmas conference, where the inverted Whitsun was born.

Our work is to take our individual Inner Whitsun & expand it,

into what Steiner calls the “World Festival of Knowledge”

a path leading from ‘Sprit Recollection’, to ‘Sprit Sensing’, to ‘Sprit Beholding.’


Whitsun Sunday 2pm – 4pm May 24th  2015

A Festival of United Soul-Endeavor


Warmth calls the light

The spirit to ignite

Gifts I will give

Together we will live

One for all & all for one

One for all & all for one


The ‘We in Me’: a Watercolor Exploration of ‘The Other’ with Nancy Melvin. We will work with the “Painting out of the Color” technique taught by Ted Mahle, from Rudolf Steiner College, one of Nancy’s teachers.



Group Eurythmy with Alison Biagi

Also the Friday Eurythmy class will present a short work in progress

With Christa Macbeth speaking the Spring Poem:


In May I go a-walking

To hear the robins sing.

The blackbirds and the thrushes

A-praising God the king.


It cheers the heart to hear them,

To see the leaves unfold.

The meadow covered over

With buttercups of gold.


To Gather in the Upper Room: Tone of the Day by Hazel Archer Ginsberg 

Human hearts, once warmed, can rise up to meet the source of wisdom, like flowers turning toward the sun.


Beeswax Sculpting –

Building the Hive: What are my gifts – What are my tools?

How can I place them in right relationship within the social realm?

How can I hone them to strengthen and enhance the world?


On a Mission: Enter the Labyrinth of Vitae Sophia

We will to heighten our individual soul forces to collectively open the portal into the Spirit worlds. 


$10 for supplies & Snacks to Share Encouraged,

(But no one will be turned away for lack of Cake or Cash!)


The tradition is to wear white on Whitsun-day, 

Join us if it is your will.


For more info. Contact Festivals Coordinator Hazel ArcherGinsberg


Festival – Whitsun

Many are called, few are chosen…

Dear Sisters & Brothers –

As seekers on the path, have you ever felt utterly alone, overwhelmed, or even a bit lost?

Perhaps when you 1st began to know anthroposophy?

Steiner speaks of this in ‘How to Know Higher Worlds’ & in the 5th Gospel.

We have an opportunity on Whitsun to recognize & acknowledge the isolation that can come from our striving, a mirroring of the experience of the apostles those 10 days between Ascension & Whitsun.

That uncomfortable feeling when waiting feels like wrestling.

During our time together, we will work with the Whitsun imagination to creatively explore how we may engage in the lifting out of the ‘Me’ into the ‘We’, out of opinion into wisdom; warming the I, to open the heart, in support of healthy community.

We will endeavor to strengthen our individual soul forces to collectively open the portal into the Spirit worlds.


As Steiner’s Whitsun verse states:

“This portal’s key the Soul may fashion

If she herself grow strong within the strife”


A Festival of United Soul-Endeavor

2pm – 4pm Whitsun-day May 24th 2015


$10 for supplies + Snacks to Share Encouraged.

(but no one will be turned away for lack of cake or cash!!!)


Eurythmy with Alison

The ‘We in Me’: a wet-on-wet Watercolor Exploration of “The Other” with Nancy Melvin

Tone of the Day: a ‘Hero’s Journey’ from Head to Heart by  Hazel Archer Ginsberg 

Beeswax Sculpting – Building the Hive: What are my gifts – What are my tools?

On a Mission: Enter the Labyrinth of Vitae Sophia


For more info. Contact Hazel Archer Ginsberg


“May our feeling penetrate

To the center of our hearts –

And seek, in love, to unite with those who share our goals

And with the spirits who look down benevolently

on our hearts earnest strivings

Sending us strength from realms of light

to illuminate our love.”

 ~Steiner’s Verse for America


~   ~   ~


Spring into Eurythmy with Alison


Friday May 22, May 29

11am – 12:30pm

We will work with seasonal poetry, and some forms and indications from the ‘Calendar of the Soul’ as given by Steiner.

$12.00 for individual classes, but no one who has the will to do eurythmy will be turned away for lack of funds.

For more information contact Alison (312) 543-6136


A Festival of the Higher Self

Dear friends –

The Ascension picture tells us that the deed of Golgotha was fulfilled for the physical & etheric body in the universal human sense.

Whitsun tells us that each single human being must make this deed bear fruit by willing our thinking to rise up to meet the Spirit of Wisdom – A challenge to strive towards spiritual knowledge –

A challenge to stay awake during the out-breath –

So that the ‘tongues of fire’ don’t get replaced with cold electric light.


Whitsun Sunday 2pm – 4pm May 24th  2015

A Festival of United Soul-Endeavor


We Gather in the Upper Room: Tone of the Day by Hazel Archer Ginsberg 

Human hearts, once warmed, can rise up to meet the source of wisdom, like flowers turning toward the sun.


Building the Hive: What are my gifts – What are my tools?

How can I place them in right relationship within the social realm?

How can I hone them to strengthen and enhance the world?


On a Mission: Enter the Labyrinth of Vitae Sophia

We will to heighten our individual soul forces to collectively open the portal into the

Spirit worlds.

                          Warmth calls the light

                          The spirit to ignite

                          Gifts I will give

                          Together we will live

                          One for all & all for one

                          One for all & all for one

The ‘We in Me’: a Watercolor Exploration of ‘The Other’

with Nancy Melvin. Through Art, the bridge between science & spirit, we warm the ‘I’, to open the heart, in support of healthy community.


Eurythmy with Alison

$10 for supplies & Snacks to Share Encouraged,

(But now one will be turned away for lack of cake or cash!)

For more info. Contact Hazel Archer Ginsberg


~   ~   ~


Spring into Eurythmy with Alison

Friday May 22, May 29

11am – 12:30pm

We will work with seasonal poetry, and some forms and indications from the ‘Calendar of the Soul’ as given by Steiner.

$12.00 for individual classes, but no one who has the will to do eurythmy will be turned away for lack of funds.

For more information contact Alison  (312) 543-6136