Daily Archives: January 9, 2021


Here is an expanded version of Columbia: The Spirit of America on the ‘I Think Speech’ podcast

Dear friends, Today I am feeling tired. I will be laying low, dedicating my work for the next few days to the soul of Gene Gollogly, who crossed the Threshold on 7 January 2021. I woke up this morning from a dream of Gene wearing a giant book as a coat – His arms cut into the pages, the binder at his spine, walking around in a pale landscape, although he had no legs, it was just his book torso & his big crooked grin. Gene was a champion of my work, encouraging me to start this blog & to use my creative voice to enliven Spiritual Science, which he always believed needed to be lived into. We spent some good time together at the Fellowship of the Prep-makers Conference at Michael Fields, where he was a board member for many years. He was such a social being, flying here or there for this or that meeting; a hilarious storyteller, & I found out, a grand folk dancer. That weekend he was goading me on saying I needed to write a book. Well Gene maybe with your help from the other-side I can take that on this year.

Gene was a long time Anthroposopher, & friend to all; former director of Steiner Books, Anthroposophic Press, co-founder of Lantern Books, New York City Branch President, VP of  AMHF, board member to many organizations…The list goes on – Gene was a connector & helper to so many. Over the years, he brought his wit & wisdom to our Branch life in Chicago. 

Reading to him and holding him in your heart would be a blessing for all.

Aliant Alliance - Home | Facebook

ALIANT Alliance would like to invite the world wide community to join together to share in the life stories and also to do a reading together. Co-led with Daniel Collett, Sundeep Kamath, Frank Agrama and others.

TODAY 9 January 2021 Saturday 1 pm – 3 pm

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Meeting ID: 629 721 9642

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for more info. contact circlesforarenewalofculture@gmail.com